"Online classes through FAU allow me to work towards my bachelors in an area of study that is not available in a close proximity. The online flexibility also allows me to stay committed to my academics and maintain involvement with my family life.... more"
"Online classes are allowing me the flexibility to take classes while being a full time parent of two and a full time state employee. Florida Atlantic University is one of the few Universities that allow me to get my Accounting degree purely online.... more"
"Due to a family emergency, I was unable to take traditional classes on campus, so I was relieved to find out they were offered online. I was able to learn the material when it was convenient for my schedule..... more
"The online classes are an incredible way to take classes and fit them around a full time work schedule..... more
"My goals are to make my family proud by obtaining my Bachelor's degree, following that I will pursue my Master's degree. I love FAU and all of the people who attend it. The diverse culture has molded me into a person I never thought I would be."
"The leadership skills I have acquired while serving as Vice President of The Investors Association, coupled with the hands-on experience provided by my internship at Banyan Global Investment Advisors, has deeply enriched my academic experience at Florida Atlantic University. I look forward to further developing myself into a dynamic professional while contributing to the College of Business community."
"I am the President of the Student Health Advisory Council, and the Active Minds FAU Chapter. I serve as a representative at the Student Government Boca Raton House of Representatives, and as the Vice President of the International Friends Program, mentoring for international students. I am one of the few undergraduate researchers in the College of Business, working with Dr. Monica Escaleras in the Business Economics Polling Initiative."
Lucia DeSanto will receive her Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Accounting with Italian and Human Resources Leadership minors this semester. Lucia is part of the Accounting Scholars Program and is currently serving in the FAU Presidential Administrative Cabinet as the Chief Financial Officer.
“My internship at the Alzheimer’s Association of SE Florida Chapter has been the highlight of my college career. As I approach graduation, I have experienced hands-on health administration skills that I am excited to use towards my future career path!”
Michael De Bock graduated in 2014 with his MBA from the College of Business Executive Programs. Michael has returned to FAU many times to help guide current business communication students through his demonstration of a persuasive business argument.
After graduating with her Bachelors in Marketing and her Executive Masters of Business Administration, Ana began NENANI Mentoring for Latina students. Through her mentoring program, Ana shares personal branding, leadership, and networking skills to prepare mentees for a successful future.
Anil Bilgihan has been named to the editorial board of Psychology & Marketing as a special section editor.... more
Joseph Rakestraw, Assistant Professor, and Julia Higgs, Professor, both in the School of Accounting, with co-authors, Elizabeth Almer (Portland State University) and Mary Harris (Washington State University), have had their paper titled, “Gender Representation among the Partnership at Large CPA Firms: An Examination of Public Filers and Governmental Entities,” chosen for the Best Paper Award at the Western Region Meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA). This paper had previously been awarded the Best Paper Award at the AAA Diversity Section Midyear Meeting held in 2017.... more
Eric H. Shaw with co-author Justin R. Hall (former FAU Ph.D. student) of Jacksonville University, have had their article: “An Empirical Test of a Theoretical Model of Problem Solving” published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2017, Vol 16, No. 4, pp. 371-393. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1362/147539217X15144729108162.... more
Pradeep Korgaonkar, Professor, Department of Marketing, with co-author John Gironda, have had their paper, “iSpy? Tailored vs. Invasive Ads and Consumers' Perceptions of Personalized Advertising,” accepted for publication in Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.... more