Anil Bilgihan
- PhD (2012) Education/Hospitality Education Track, University of Central Florida
- MS (2009) Hospitality Information Management, University of Delaware
- BS (2007) Computer Technology and Information Systems, Bilkent University
- The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
- Revenue Management
- 2310: Developing ASP.NET Web (Microsoft)
- 2555: Developing Microsoft .NET (Microsoft)
Research Interests
- Use of AI in Decision Making, Online Marketing, Services Marketing, Hospitality Information Systems, Multivariate Statistics, Branding, Customer Experience, Online Social Interactions
Intellectual Contributions
- Sukhu, A; Bilgihan, Anil. Service Recovery Strategies: Mitigating Negative Word-of-Mouth in the Hotel Industry through Enhanced Customer Engagement (forthcoming), International Hospitality Review
- Bilgihan, Anil; Et Al, Et Al - 29 other authors. (2025). Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Developing a Framework for Future Research, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 49(2), 235-253
- Bilgihan, Anil; Hanks, L; Line, N.; Mody, M.. (2024). Rethinking the Role of Hospitality in Society: The HOST Model, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(7), 2256-2272
- Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2024). The New Era of Hotel Marketing: Integrating Cutting-Edge Technologies with Core Marketing Principles, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 15(1), 123-137
- Bilgihan, Anil; Et Al, Et Al - 16 other authors. (2024). The implications of generative artificial intelligence in academic research and higher education in tourism and hospitality, Tourism Economics, 30(5), 1083-1094
- Manthe, Elodie; Bilgihan, Anil. (2024). The unexpected consequences of engaging tourists in destination social responsibility through check-out-charity: the case of ski resorts in the French alps, Current Issues in Tourism, 27(15), 2482-2498
- Fu, Shixuan; Cheng, Xusen; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, Fevzi. (2024). Hue, brightness, saturation, and caption description: which attributes impact listing preferences on digital accommodation platforms?, Internet Research, 34(2), 495-518
- Demirciftci, Tevfik; Bilgihan, Anil; Erdem, Mehmet; Baloglu, Seyhmus. (2024). Examining the role of personality traits in guestroom technologies, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(1), 352-370
- Genc, Volkan; Bilgihan, Anil; Genc, Seray; Okumus, Fevzi. (2023). Seeing history come to life with augmented reality: the museum experience of generation Z in Göbeklitepe, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 21(6), 657-676
- Kandampully, J; Bilgihan, Anil; Van Riel, A.C.; Sharma, A. (2023). Toward Holistic Experience-Oriented Service Innovation: Co-Creating Sustainable Value With Customers and Society, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 64(2), 161-183
- Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2023). The New Era of Hotel Marketing: Integrating Cutting-Edge Technologies with Core Marketing Principles, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
- Gomez-Rico, Mar; Santos-Vijande, Maria; Molina-Collado, Arturo; Bilgihan, Anil. (2023). Unlocking the flow experience in apps: Fostering long-term adoption for sustainable healthcare systems, Psychology and Marketing (special section: food marketing communications and consumer behavior), 40(8), 1556-1578
- Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2023). Re-Imagining Hotel Marketing: Unlocking New Revenue Streams with Next Gen Technologies, Hotel Executive
- Rahimi, Roya; Akgunduz, Yilmaz; Bilgihan, Anil. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on mental health and career anxiety of hospitality and tourism students in the UK, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 6(2), 892-911
- Kandampully, J; Bilgihan, Anil; Amer, S. (2023). Linking servicescape and experiencescape: creating a collective focus for the service industry, Journal of Service Management, 34(2), 316-340
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, Jie; Bilgihan, Anil; Lorenz, Melanie. (2023). A Holistic Assessment of eWOM Management Effectiveness with Agent-based Modeling, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 785-827
- He, Z; Huang, H; Choi, H; Bilgihan, Anil. (2023). Building organizational resilience with digital transformation, Journal of Service Management, 34(1), 147-171
- Talwar, Shalini; Kaur, Puneet; Ahmed, Umair; Bilgihan, Anil; Dhir, Amandeep. (2023). The dark side of convenience: how to reduce food waste induced by food delivery apps, British Food Journal, 125(1), 205-225
- Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Li, D.K.. (2022). Unifying technology and people: revisiting service, The Service Industries Journal, 42(1-2), 21-41
- Menidjel, Choukri; Bilgihan, Anil. (2022). The determinants of retail customers' purchase intent, Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(6), 2503-2520
- Malodia, S; Dhir, A; Bilgihan, Anil; Sinha, P; Tikoo, T. (2022). Meme marketing: How can marketers drive better engagement using viral memes?, Psychology and Marketing, 39(9), 1775-1801
- Huang, A; de la Mora Velasco, E; Farhangi, A; Bilgihan, Anil; Jahromi, M. (2022). Leveraging data analytics to understand the relationship between restaurants' safety violations and COVID-19 transmission, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 104, Article: 103241
- Rahimi, R; Thelwall, M; Okumus, F; Bilgihan, Anil. (2022). Know your guests’ preferences before they arrive at your hotel: evidence from TripAdvisor, Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 17(1), 89-106
- Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M.R.; Diaz-Fernandez, M.C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Shi, F. (2022). The impact of eWOM source credibility on destination visit intention and online involvement: a case of Chinese tourists, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13(5), 855-874
- Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2022). Marketing your hotel as clean and safe: Emerging from COVID, Hotel Business Review's Hotel Executive
- Talwar, S; Kaur, P; Ahmed, U; Bilgihan, Anil; Dhir, A. (2022). The dark side of convenience: how to reduce food waste induced by food delivery apps, British Food Journal
- Gomez-Rico, M.; Molina-Collado, A.; Santos-Vijande, M.L.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2022). Motivations, self-congruity and restaurant innovativeness as antecedents of a creative-food tourism experience: the moderating effect of first-time and repeat tourists, British Food Journal, 124(2), 406-429
- Shuping, C.; Han, X.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2021). Customer engagement research in hospitality and tourism: a systematic review, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(7)
- Menidjel, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Benhabib, A.. (2021). Exploring the impact of personality traits on perceived relationship investment, relationship quality, and loyalty in the retail industry, The International Journal of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 31(1), 106-129
- Korgaonkar, Pradeep; Becerra, E.; Mangleburg, Tamara; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). Retail Employee Theft: When Retail Security Alone Is Not Enough, Psychology & Marketing, 38(5), 721-734
- Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M.; Kaplan, M.; Jarvis, Cheryl; Shukla, Y.S.. (2021). Service transformation: How can it be achieved?, Journal of Business Research, 136, 219-228
- Remar, D.; Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). The effects of environmental consciousness and menu information on the perception of restaurant image, British Food Journal
- Talwar, S.; Kaur, P.; Yadav, R.; Bilgihan, Anil; Dhir, A.. (2021). What drives diners' eco-friendly behaviour? The moderating role of planning routine, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63(5), Article: 102678
- Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). The Impact of Hedonic Dining Experiences on Word of Mouth, Switching Intentions and Willingness to Pay, British Food Journal, 123(12), 3954-3969
- Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2021). Hotel revenue management: The roller coaster ride of COVID-19, Hotel Executive
- Ran, Li; Luo, Z.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, Fevzi. (2021). Marketing China to U.S. Travelers through Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Destination Image: Taking Beijing as an Example, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(2), 267-286
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2021). Using Agent-based Modeling to Guide eWOM-related Hospitality Business Strategies (forthcoming), International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Virtual
- Huang, A.; Chao, Y.; de la Morea Velasco, E.; Bilgihan, Anil; Wei, W.. (2021). When artificial intelligence meets the hospitality and tourism industry: an assessment framework to inform theory and management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). Generation Z’s character-strength applications in tourism (forthcoming), Travel & Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference, Fort Worth, Texas
- Okumus, B.; Ozturk, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). Generation Ys Dining Out Behavior, International Hospitality Review, 35(1), 41-56
- Dedeoğlu, Bekir; Bilgihan, Anil; Ye, Ben; Wang, Yajun; Okumus, Fevzi. (2021). The role of elaboration likelihood routes in relationships between user-generated content and willingness to pay more, Tourism Review, 76(3), 614-638
- Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M.R.; Diaz-Fernandez, M.C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Shi, F.; Okumus, F.. (2021). UGC involvement, motivation and personality: Comparison between China and Spain, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, Article: 100543
- Menidjel, C.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). How perceptions of relationship investment influence customer loyalty: the mediating role of perceived value and the moderating role of relationship proneness, Journal of Strategic Marketing, doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2021.1900342
- Erraijaa, K.; Legoherel, P.; Dauce, B.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). Scent Marketing: Linking the Scent Congruence with Brand Image, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), 402-427
- Viteri, D.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2021). How Effective is Social Media for Conversions and Bookings?, Hotel Executive's Hotel Business Review
- Huang, G.; Chang, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2020). Helpful or harmful? A double-edged sword of emoticons in online review helpfulness, Tourism Management, 81, Article: 104135
- Liu, J.; Zhang, H.; Sun, J.; Li, N.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2020). How to prevent negative online customer reviews: the moderating roles of monetary compensation and psychological compensation, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(10), 3115-3134
- Mithas, S.; Hofacker, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Dogru, T.; Bogicevic, V.; Sharma, A.. (2020). Information Technology and Baumol’s Cost Disease in Healthcare Services: A Research Agenda, Journal of Service Management, 31(5), 911-937
- Fu, S.; Cheng, X.; Bao, Y.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2020). Staying in a hotel or peer-to-peer accommodation sharing? A discrete choice experiment with online reviews and discount strategies, Internet Research, 31(2), 654-676
- Fu, S.; Cheng, X.; Su, L.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2020). Designing Collaboration Process Facilitation in Hotel Management Teams to Improve Collaboration Performance, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88, Article: 102527
- Chen, Huei-Ju; Wong, Soke; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, Fevzi. (2020). Capsule hotels: Offering Experiential Value or perceived as risky by tourists? An optimum stimulation level model, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86, 102434
- Chen, Xianglan; Ren, Hulin; Liu, Yamin; Okumus, Bendegul; Bilgihan, Anil. (2020). Attention to Chinese menus with metaphorical or metonymic names: An eye movement lab experiment, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 84, 102305
- Barreda, Albert; Nusair, Khaldoon; Wang, Youcheng; Okumus, Fevzi; Bilgihan, Anil. (2020). The impact of social media activities on brand image and emotional attachment: A case in the travel context, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(2), 109-135
- Cheng, X.; Fu, S.; Sun, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2019). An investigation on online reviews in sharing economy driven hospitality platforms: A viewpoint of trust, Tourism Management, 71, 366-377
- Sashi, C.M.; Brynildsen, Gina; Bilgihan, Anil. (2019). Social Media, Customer Engagement, and Advocacy: An Empirical Investigation using Twitter Data for Quick Service Restaurants, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), 1247-1272
- Menidjel, Choukri; Benhabib, Abderrezzak; Bilgihan, Anil; Madanoglu, Melih. (2019). Assessing the role of product category involvement and relationship proneness in the satisfaction–loyalty link in retailing, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(2), 207-226
- Sürücü, Özlem; Öztürk, Yüksel; Okumus, Fevzi; Bilgihan, Anil. (2019). Brand awareness, image, physical quality and employee behavior as building blocks of customer-based brand equity: Consequences in the hotel context, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 40, 114-124
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2019). Informing the Recruitment and Retention of Millenial/Post-millennial Employees with Character-Strength-based Explorations, International Conference on Hotel, Restraurant, and Institutional Education, New Orleans, LA
- Sukhu, A.; Choi, H.; Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2019). Satisfaction and positive emotions: A comparison of the influence of hotel guests' beliefs and attitudes on their satisfaction and emotions, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 51-63
- Okumus, F.; Ozturk, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Jia, C.. (2018). Analyzing Online Reviews on Hotels by Humans Vs. Artificial Intelligence, Global Conference on Business and Economics
- Ammari, N.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Customer retention to mobile telecommunication service providers: the roles of perceived justice and customer loyalty program, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 17(1), 82-107
- Menidjel, C.; Benhabib, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Examining the moderating role of personality traits in the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(6), 631-649
- Bilgihan, Anil; Seo, S.; Choi, J.. (2018). Identifying restaurant satisfiers and dissatisfiers: Suggestions from online reviews, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 27(5), 601-625
- Okumus, F.; van Niekerk, M.; Koseoglu, M.A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Interdisciplinary research in tourism, Tourism Management, 69, 540-549
- Okumus, B.; Ali, F.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ozturk, A.B.. (2018). Psychological factors influencing customers' acceptance of smartphone diet apps when ordering food at restaurants, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 67-77
- Dedeoglu, B.B.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ye, B.H.; Buonincontri, P.; Okumus, F.. (2018). The impact of servicescape on hedonic value and behavioral intentions: The importance of previous experience, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 10-20
- Zhang, Ye; Madanoglu, Melih; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). The Palm Beach Tourism Marketing Effectiveness Evaluation based on Real-time Tracked Exposure Data, Global Conference on Business and Economics
- Zhang, T.; Bilgihan, Anil; Kandampully, J.; Lu, C.. (2018). Building stronger hospitality brands through online communities, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 9(2), 158-171
- Fan, A.; Shen, H.; Wu, L.; Mattila, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Whom do we trust? Cultural differences in consumer responses to online recommendations, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(7), 1508-1525
- Bujisic, M.; Bogicevic, V.; Yang, W.; Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). "Hobson's Choice" servicescape: consumer anxiety and enjoyment, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34(7), 577-590
- Kim, S.; Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). The influence of eWOM Communications: An Application of Online Social Network Framework, Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 243-254
- Bogicevic, V.; Yang, W.; Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Visual Data Mining: Analysis of Airline Service Quality Attributes, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 18(4), 509-530
- Zhang, Ye; Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). The Palm Beach Tourism Marketing Effectiveness Evaluation based on Real-time Tracked Exposure Data, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA
- Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). Time to Arrival to a Destination and Online Search Activity: An S-shape Model, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Inner- versus Social-driven Travel Motivations among People with Mobility Challenges: Extending the Travel Motivation Interpretation with a New Horizon, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Miami/Coral Gables, FL, USA
- Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). Online Search Activity and Time to Arrival to a Destination, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Guangzhou, China
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter; Chen, Ya-Ling. (2018). The Interactive Effects of Social Media Channels on International Arrivals: An Exploration with Agent-based Simulation, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Guangzhou, China
- Demirciftci, T.; Cetin, G.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). Coping with RM challenges in hospitality education, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 16(5), 499-512
- Collins, G.; Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Berezina, K.. (2017). Hospitality Information Technology: Learning How to Use It, Kendall Hunt Publishing(8th Edition)
- Okumus, F.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ozturk, A.; Zhao, X.. (2017). Identifying and overcoming barriers to deployment of information technology projects in hotels, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(5), 744-766
- Ozturk, A.; Esfahani, S.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). Social Media and Destination Marketing, Taylor & Francis
- Bogicevic, V.; Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil; Yang, W.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2017). The impact of traveler-focused airport technology on traveler satisfaction, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 351-361
- Ozturk, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Esfahani, S.; Hua, N.. (2017). Understanding the Mobile Payment Technology Acceptance Based on Valence Theory: A Case of Restaurant Transactions, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(8), 2027-2049
- Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Seo, S.. (2017). Willingness to pay in negative restaurant service encounters, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 65, 11-19
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Hirt, E.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). Self-determined travel facilitation with mental construal priming, Tourism Management, 61, 472-483
- Bahri-Ammari, N.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). The effects of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice on customer retention: An empirical investigation in the mobile telecom industry in Tunisia, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 37, 89-100
- Khalilzadeh, J.; Ozturk, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). Security-related factors in extended UTAUT model for NFC-based Mobile Payment in the Restaurant, Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 460-474
- Chuah, S.H.W.; Marimuthu, M.; Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). What drives Gen Y loyalty? Understanding the mediated moderating roles of switching costs and alternative attractiveness in the value-satisfaction-loyalty chain, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 36, 124-136
- Cetin, G.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). Components of Cultural Tourists' Experiences in Destinations, Current Issues in Tourism, 19(2), 137-154
- Bilgihan, Anil; Barreda, A.; Okumus, F.; Nusair, K.. (2016). Consumer perception of knowledge-sharing in travel-related Online Social Networks, Tourism Management, 52, 287-296
- Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Zhang, T.C.. (2016). Developing a people-technology hybrids model to unleash innovation and creativity: The new hospitality frontier, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 29, 154-164
- Okumus, B.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ozturk, A.. (2016). Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Smartphone Diet Applications, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 25(6), 726-747
- Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). Gen Y Customer Loyalty in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model of Trust, User Experience and Branding, Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 103-113
- Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2016). Get ready: Our guests expect your home to be their home, Florida Restaurant & Lodging Magazine, Page 21
- Bilgihan, Anil; Smith, S.; Ricci, Peter; Bujisic, M.. (2016). Hotel guest preferences of in-room technology amenities, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(2), 118-134
- Cetin, G.; Demirciftci, T.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). Meeting Revenue Management Challanges: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 57, 132-142
- Barreda, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K.; Okumus, F.. (2016). Online Branding: Development of Hotel Branding through Interactivity Theory, Tourism Management, 57, 180-192
- Barreda, A.; Okumus, F.; Nusair, K.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). The Mediating Effect of Virtual Interactivity in Travel-Related Online Social Network Websites, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 17(2), 147-178
- Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil; Parsa, H.. (2016). The Role of Simulation Software in Enhancing Students' Academic Performance: A Restaurant Management Case, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(1), 77-83
- Bilgihan, Anil; Kandampully, J.; Zhang, T.. (2016). Towards a Unified Customer Experience in Online Shopping Environments: Antecedents and Outcomes, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8(1), 102-119
- Bogicevic, V.; Yang, W.; Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M.. (2016). Traveler Anxiety and Enjoyment: The Effect of Airport Environment on Traveler's Emotions, Journal of Air Transport Management, 57, 122-129
- Berezina, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.; Okumus, F.. (2016). Understanding Satisfied and Dissatisified Hotel Customers: Text Mining of Online Hotel Reviews, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(1), 1-24
- Ozturk, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K.; Okumus, F.. (2016). What Keeps the Mobile Hotel Booking Users Loyal? Investigating the Roles of Self-efficacy, Compatibility, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Convenience, International Journal of Information Management, 36(6), 1350-1359
- Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter; Chen, Y.. (2016). Memory and Hospitality Service Decision Making, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Dallas, TX *** Won Best Paper Award ***, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Madanoglu, Melih; Ricci, Peter. (2016). Service attributes as drivers of behavioral loyalty in casinos: The mediating effect of attitudinal loyalty, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 14-21, doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.03.001
- Zhang, Ye; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). The Agent-based Modeling of Destination-tourist Interactions, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Vail, Colorado, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Wang, Youcheng. (2016). Technology induced competitive advantage: a case of US lodging industry, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(1), 37-59
- Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K.; Okumus, F.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2015). Applying flow theory to booking experiences: An integrated model in an online service context, Information & Management, 52(6), 668-678
- Kandampully, J.; Zhang, T; Bilgihan, Anil. (2015). Customer Loyalty: A Review and Future Directions with a Special Focus on the Hospitality Industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 379-414
- Sukhu, A.; Zhang, T.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2015). Factors Influencing Information Sharing Behaviors in Social Networking Sites, Services Marketing Quarterly, 36(4), 317-334
- Barreda, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K.; Okumus, F.. (2015). Generating Brand Awareness in Online Social Networks, Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 600-609
- Peng, C; Bilgihan, Anil; Kandampully, J. (2015). How Do Diners Make Decisions Among Casual Dining Restaurants? An Exploratory Study of College Students, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 16(1), 1-15
- Zhang, T.; Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2015). Motivations for Customer Engagement in Online Co-innovation Communities (OCCs): A Conceptual Framework, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 6(3), 311-328
- Bae, S.; Rudd, N.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2015). Offensive Advertising in the Fashion Industry: Sexual Objectification and Ethical Judgments of Consumers, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6(3), 236-249
- Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil; Smith, S.. (2015). Relationship between Guest Experience, Personality Characteristics, and Satisfaction: Moderating Effect of Extraversion and Openness to Experience, Tourism Analysis, 20(1), 25-38
- Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M.. (2015). The Effect Website Features on Online Relationship Marketing: A Case of Online Hotel Booking, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14(4), 222-232
- Barreda, A.; Okumus, F.; Nusair, K.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2015). The Influence of Website Interactivity on Brand Experience, Brand equity, Brand Choice, and Brand Associations: A Behavioral Intention Approach in Hotel Websites, iHITA 2015 Annual Conference
- Barreda, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Kageyama, Y.. (2015). The Role of Trust in Creating Positive Word of Mouth and Behavioral Intentions: The Case of Online Social Networks, Journal of Relationship Marketing, 14(1), 16-36
- Murphy, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Kubickova, M.; Bosco, M.. (2015). There is No "I" in Recovery: Managements' Perspective of Service Recovery, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(3), 303-322
- Bilgihan, Anil; Nejad, Mohammad. (2015). Innovation in hospitality and tourism industries, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 6(3)
- Collins, G; Cobanoglu, C; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). , Kendall Hunt Publishing(7th Edition)
- Bae, S.; Rudd, N.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). American Apparel, Swearing or Sweatshop-Free? Sexual Objectification and Ethical Judgment of Consumers, 2014 Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK
- Bogicevic, V.; Yang, W.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Analysis of Airline Service Quality Attributes, 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, USA
- Bogicevic, V.; Cavusoglu, M.; Ciftci, C.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Augmented Reality Applications in Tourism, 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M. (2014). E-commerce Experience Optimization for Service Companies, Kendall Hunt Publishing(1st Edition)
- Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M.. (2014). E-Commerce Experience Optimization for Service Companies, Kendall Hunt
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, B.; Ozturk, A.. (2014). Factors Affecting Consumers' Intention to Use Smartphone Diet Apps as Tools to Promote Healthy Eating Behavior, iHITA 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Peng, C.; Kandampully, J.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Generation Y's Dining Information Seeking and Sharing Behavior on Social Networking Sites: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(3), 349-366
- Collins, G.; Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Hospitality Information Technology: Learning How to Use It, Kendall Hunt Publishing(7th Edition)
- Bujisic, M; Wu, L; Matilla, A; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Not All Smiles Are Created Equal: Investigating the Effects of Display Authenticity and Service Relationship on Customer Tipping Behavior, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 293-306
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.; Nusair, K.; Bujisic, M.. (2014). Online Experiences: Flow Theory, Measuring Online Customer Experience in e-Commerce and Managerial Implications for the Lodging Industry, Information Technology & Tourism, 14(1), 49-71
- Okumus, B.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Proposing a Model to Test Smartphone Users' Intention to Use Smart Applications When Ordering Food in Restaurants, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 5(1), 31-49
- Bujisic, M.; Parsa, H.; Bilgihan, Anil; Gallowey, J.; Hern, L.. (2014). Service Failure, Tipping Behavior and the Effect of Service Industry Experience, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 15(3), 253-268
- Bujisic, M; Hutchinson, J; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). The Application of Revenue Management in Beverage Operations, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(4), 336-352
- Bujisic, M.; Olgun, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.. (2014). The Effect of Hedonic and Utilitarian Website Features on Commitment and E-Loyalty to Hotel Booking Websites, 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, USA
- Bujisic, M.; Bilgihan, Anil; Hutchinson, J.. (2014). The Effect of the Type-pricing Strategy on Perceived Price Fairness and Behavioral Outcomes in Beverage Establishments, Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, 13(1), 35-60
- Bilgihan, Anil; Berezina, K.; Cobanoglu, C.; Okumus, F.. (2014). The Information Technology (IT) Skills of Hospitality School Graduates as Perceived by Hospitality Professionals, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 14(1), 321-342
- Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Why Travellers Share Information Online: A Model of Trust, Innovativeness and Loyalty in Generation Y Travellers, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 6(2), 115-131
- Barreda, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Gomez, L.. (2014). Developing Online Trust through Social Network Websites: A Mediating Model of Information Quality, Management Studies International Conference, TMS Algarve
- Kandampully, J.; Zhang, T.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2014). Unveil "Secrets" to Engaging Gen-Y Customers: The Fusion of Technology and Innovation, 3rd Cornell Hospitality Research Summit
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C; Nusair, K; Okumus, F; Bujisic, M. (2013). A Quantitative Study Exploring the Difference between Gaming Genre Preferences, The Computer Games Journal, 2(1), 19-40
- Bogicevic, V; Yang, W; Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, M. (2013). Airport service quality drivers of passenger satisfaction, Tourism Review, 68(4), 3-18
- Barreda, A; Bilgihan, Anil. (2013). An analysis of user-generated content for hotel experiences, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 4(3), 263-280
- Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2013). Antecedents and Consequences of Information Exchange in Generation Y Travelers, The 4th International Research Symposium in Service Management, Kerala, India
- Bilgihan, Anil; Karadag, E; Cobanoglu, C; Okumus, F. (2013). Biometric Technology Applications and Trends in Hotels, FIU Hosptiality Review, 31(2)
- Barreda, A.; Nusair, K.; Wang, Y.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2013). Brand Emotional Attachment in Travel Social Network Websites: The Long-Term Goal for Travel Organizations, 18th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Seattle, WA, USA
- Sukhu, A; Bilgihan, Anil; Kandampully, J.. (2013). Consumer Behavioral Intention and Social Networking Sites: Antecedents in a Technology Acceptance Model, 3rd Annual Student Research Forum, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Barreda, A; Nusair, K; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F. (2013). Developing a brand structure pyramid model for travel-related online social networks, Tourism Review, 68(4), 49-70
- Nusair, K; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Cobanoglu, C. (2013). Generation Y Travelers' Commitment to Online Social Network Websites, Tourism Management, 35, 13-22
- Bilgihan, Anil; Bujisic, B.; Smith, S.. (2013). Importance-Performance Analysis of Theme Parks in the Chinese Market, Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference International, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- Berezina, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.. (2013). Online Shopping: To Buy or Not to Buy?, iHITA Annual Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Bujisic, B.; Bogicevic, V.; Shatskikh, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.. (2013). The Qualitative Analysis of Pricing Strategies in Beverage Operations, 18th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Seattle, WA, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Sukhu, A.; Kandampully, J.. (2013). The Role of Hedonic and Utilitarian Website Features in Predicting E-loyallty, International Hospitality Information Technology Association (IHITA) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Nusair, K; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F. (2013). The Role of Online Social Networks Travel Websites in Creating Social Interaction for Gen Y Travelers, International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(5), 458-472
- Bilgihan, Anil; Sukhu, A; Kandampully, J. (2013). The Role of Website Features in Creating Loyalty: The Mediating Effect of Commitment, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 4(3), 37-50
- Bilgihan, Anil; Servert, D; Kandampully, J. (2013). Using Word Trees, Word Networks, and Tag Clouds to Provide Meaningful Insights: A Case Study of Electronic Word of Mouth for Service Delivery, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 4(4), 19-42
- Sukhu, A.; Bilgihan, Anil; Kandampully, J.. (2013). What Matters in Social Networking: Trust, Usefulness, Service Quality and Enjoyment?, Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference International, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- Barreda, A.; Kageyama, Y; Bilgihan, Anil. (2013). Factors Influencing Travelers' Behavioral Intentions and WOM Through the Use of Travel-Related OSN Websites, APac CHRIE - Asia Pacific CHRIE
- Bilgihan, Anil. (2012). A Study of Accepted Pricing Points for In-room Entertainment Technology Amenities by Guests, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 3(1), 24-31
- Bujisic, B.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2012). Entertainment Venue Revenue Management, I-CHRIE Florida/Caribbean Chapter Spring 2012 Conference
- Bujisic, B.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2012). Relationship between Guest Experience, Personality Characteristics and Satisfaction: Moderating Effect of Extraversion and Openness to Experience, I-CHRIE Florida/Caribbean Chapter Spring 2012 Conference
- Cobanoglu, C; Bilgihan, Anil; Berezina, K; Nusair, K. (2012). The Impact of Wi-Fi Service in Restaurants on Customers' Likelihood of Return to a Restaurant, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 15(3), 285-299
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Nusair, K.. (2012). The Role of Committment Dimensions in Creating Online Brand Image and e-Loyalty: The Case of Online Hotel Booking Websites, 17th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Auburn, AL, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Nusair, K. (2012). The Role of Demographics in Predicting e-Loyalty in Social Network Websites, 17th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference
- Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K; Okumus, F; Bujisic, M. (2012). The Role of Demographics in Predicting e-Loyalty in Social Network Websites, Journal of Information Science and Technology, 9(2), 18-34
- Nusair, K.; Erdem, M.; Okumus, F; Bilgihan, Anil. (2012). User's Attitudes Toward Online Social Networks in Travel, Ashgate Publishing Group
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Nusair, K.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2011). Barriers to Information Technology Change Project in Hotels, 16th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Houston, Texas, USA
- Xu, L.; Bilgihan, Anil; Wang, Y. (2011). Evaluation of Website Functionality in US Lodging Industry, The International Sounds and Tastes of Tourism Education Annual Conference, Miami, Florida
- Bilgihan, Anil; Wang, Y.. (2011). How Can Hospitality Organizations Create IT Induced Competitive Advantage? A Theoretical Framework., 16th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Houston, Texas, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Nusair, K; Kwan, D. (2011). Information Technology Applications and Competitive Advantage in Hotel Companies, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 2(2), 139-153
- Bilgihan, Anil; Nusair, K.; Okumus, F. (2011). Social Networking Websites: Do Generation Y Use Them Before Making Decisions for Hotels and Restaurants?, 16th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Houston, Texas, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F; Nusair, K.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2011). The Information Technology (IT) Skills of Hospitality School Graduates as Perceived by Hospitality Professionals, Proceedings of 16th Annual Graduate Student Education and Graduate Student Research Conference, Houston, Texas, USA
- Nusair, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.. (2011). The Role of Social Media in Creating Social Interactions, iHITA Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, USA
- Nusair, K.; Erdem, M.; Okumus, F.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2011). Users’ Attitudes toward Online Social Networks in Travel, Ashgate Publishing Group
- Berezina, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.; Okumus, F.. (2011). What Makes Satisfied Customers Happy? Text Mining of Hotel Reviews, iHITA Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C; Karadag, E; Okumus, F. (2011). Biometric Technology Applications and Trends in Hotels, Proceedings of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference, San Juan, PR
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.; Karadag, E.; Okumus, F.. (2010). Biometric Technology Applications and Trends in Hotels, Proceedings of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Bilgihan, Anil; Okumus, F.; Nusair, K.; Kwun, D.. (2010). Can Information Technology Applications Provide Hotels a Competitive Advantage?, iHITA 17th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA
- Holcomb, J; Okumus, F; Bilgihan, Anil. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility: What the Top Three Theme Parks in Orlando Reporting?, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Theme, 2(3), 316-337
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C; Miller, B. (2010). Importance-Performance Analysis of Guest Entertainment Technology Amenities in the Lodging Industry, FIU Hospitality Review, 28(3), 84-108
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.; Grubbs, R.; Berezina, E.. (2009). A Study of Accepting Pricing Points for In-Room Entertainment Technology Amenities by Guests, Fordham Pricing Conference, Orlando, FL, USA
- Cobanoglu, C; Bilgihan, Anil; Erdam, M.; Hancer, M.. (2009). Is Wi-Fi Service in a Restaurant a Determinant of Customers' Revisit Intention?, Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute 40th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil; erdem, M.; Hancer, M.. (2009). Is Wi-Fi Service in a Restaurant a Determinant of Customers' Revisit Intention?, Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute 40th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Beldona, S.; Cobanoglu, C. (2009). The adoption of fingerprint payment technology mechanisms at the customer end, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Bilgihan, Anil; Beldona, S.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2009). The Adoption of Fingerprint Payment Technology Mechanisms at the Customer End, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.; Miller, B.. (2009). The Impact of Wi-Fi Service in Restaurant on Customers' Frequency of Visit, The Thirteenth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Bilgihan, Anil; Kalkan, K.; Cobanoglu, C.. (2008). An Analysis of Fingerprint Applications and Trends in Hotels, The Twelth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Orlando, FL, USA
- Kalkan, K.; Bilgihan, Anil; Cobanoglu, C.. (2008). An Analysis of Wi-Fi Access in Restaurants, National Restaurant Association Management Information Systems Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Cobanoglu, C; Bilgihan, Anil. (2008). An analysis of Wi-Fi access in restaurants from customers' perspective, Proceedings of the Hospitality Information Technology Association Conference, Austin, Texas
- Cobanoglu, C.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2008). An Analysis of Wi-Fi Access in Restaurants from Customers' Perspective, Proceedings of the Hospitality Information Technology Association Conference, Austin, Texas, USA