Ann  Root

Ann Root

Senior Instructor
Office: FL 319


Ann Root currently teaches Marketing Management, Global Marketing, Strategic Brand Management and Digital Marketing. She taught at the University of Michigan and Notre Dame prior to FAU.


  • PhD (1989) Marketing, University of Michigan
  • MBA (1986) Marketing, University of Michigan
  • BS (1981) Political Economy, University of California, Berkeley


  • Google Adworks
  • Google Analytics
  • Hootsuite
  • Hubspot Inbound
  • Certificate in Digital Marketing
  • ACUE badge: Motivating Students Online
  • ACUE badge: Providing Clear Directions and Explanations in Online Courses
  • ACUE badge: Developing Effective Modules and Micro-lectures
  • ACUE badge: Facilitating Engaging Online Discussions
  • ACUE badge: Planning Effective Online Discussions
  • ACUE badge: Promoting Active Learning Online
  • ACUE badge: Teaching Powerful Note-Taking Online
  • ACUE badge: Using Groups to Ensure Active Online Learning
  • ACUE badge: Using the Active Learning Cycle in Online Courses
  • e-Learning Course Design Certification

Research Interests

  • managerial decision making; use of simulation games in marketing education; assessment.

Intellectual Contributions

  • Korgaonkar, Pradeep; Petrescu, Maria; Mangleburg, Tamara; Root, Ann. (2012). Viral advertising and ad appeals, The AMS World Marketing Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Petrescu, Maria; Korgaonkar, Pradheep; Mangleburg, Tamara; Root, Ann. (2012). Viral Advertising and Its Place in the Advertising Framework, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL, USA, 23, 94
  • Devender, G.; Cipolla, J.; Root, Ann. (2011). Balanced Scorecard for a Global Enterprise, Nashville, TN: Intellectbase International Consortium, Nashville, TN, 15
  • Kinnear, Thomas; Root, Ann. (1994). 1993 Survey of Marketing Research, American Marketing Association, Chicago
  • Gundlach, G; Root, Ann; Murphy, P. (1992). Corporate Political Action: The Erosion of the Political Speech Doctrine, Journal of Business Research, Chicago, 25, 1-16
  • Root, Ann; Gundlach, G; Murphy, P. (1991). A Framework for Analyzing the Marketing Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions, 1991 Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, American Marketing Asscociation, Chicago
  • Kinnear, T; Root, Ann. (1990). The FTC and Deceptive Advertising: A Performance Assessment, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 278-285
  • Kinnear, T; Root, Ann. (1989). 1988 Survey of Marketing Research: Organization, Functions, Budget, and Compensation, American Marketing Association, Chicago
  • Root, Ann; Kinnear, T. (1988). The FTC and Deceptive Advertising in the 1980s: Are Consumers Being Adequately Protected?, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 7, 40-48
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