Gary Castrogiovanni
Desantis Distinguished Professor of Management/Entrepreneurship & Program Director,
Areas of Expertise: Business Startup Processes, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Franchising
- PhD (1987) Business Administration, Texas Tech University
- MBA (1982) Human Resource Management, De Paul University
- BBA (1979) Operations Management, Loyola University Chicago
Research Interests
- Venture Creation, Franchising
Intellectual Contributions
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. Value co-creation among startups: Lean Startup and Effectuation approaches (forthcoming), World Scientific, Singapore
- Lortie, Jason; Cox, Kevin; Castro, Stephanie; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2024). Measuring social entrepreneurship: Identifying and assessing the performance of social entrepreneurial ventures, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 15(2), 429-457
- Dheer, Ratan; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2023). Cognitive Adaptability’s Impact on Entrepreneurial Intent: The Mediating Roles of Entrepreneurial Passion and Efficacy, Journal of Business Research, 160, Article: 113798
- Boyi, Victor; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2021). Serial Entrepreneur Identity: Understanding the Role of Identity in Serial Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- Haim Faridian, Parisa; Cox, Kevin; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2019). Dream Teams: Strategic Implications of Entrepreneurial Founding Team Role Composition In New Ventures, USASBE Conference
- Haim Faridian, Parisa; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Cox, Kevin. (2019). Role complementarity in entrepreneurial founding team compositions and new venture strategies, Academy of Management Conference
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Kizildag, M.. (2019). Franchising and Firm Risk among Restaurants, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 236-246; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.10.021
- Cox, Kevin; Lortie, Jason; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2018). An integrated model of intentional entrepreneurial action, Springer International Publishing AG, Basel, Switzerland, 3-15
- Haim Faridian, Parisa; Cox, Kevin; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2018). Composition of Explorative and Exploitative Roles in New Venture Founding Teams, USASBE Conference
- Kloepfer, Kathryn; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2018). Entrepreneurship: Venture Creation Subprocess, Subdomains, and Interfaces, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference
- Kloepfer, Kathryn; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2018). Entrepreneurship: Venture Creation Subprocesses, Subdomains, and Interfaces, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14, 681-696
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2018). Franchising Proportion and Network Failure, Small Business Economics, 50(4), 697-715
- Lortie, Jason; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Cox, Kevin. (2017). Gender, Social Salience, and Social Performance: How Women Pursue and Perform in Social Ventures, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 29(1-2), 155-173
- Haim Faridian, Parisa; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2017). Reconceptualizing Logics of Entrepreneurial Approaches: A Continuum of Theoretical Perspectives, Academy of Management Proceedings
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2017). International Franchising: Influences of Environmental Uncertainty and Munificence on Market Entry Timing, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA
- Stewart, Steven; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Hudson, Bryant. (2016). A Foot in Both Camps: Role Identity and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Professional Service Firms, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 22(5), 718-744
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2016). Exploring Key Service Quality Dimensions at a Winery from an Emerging Market's Perspective, British Food Journal, 118(12), 2981-2996
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Ribeiro, Domingo; Mas-Tur, Alicia. (2016). Where to Aquire Knowledge: Adapting Knowledge Management to Financial Institutions, Journal of Business Research, 69, 1812-1816
- Lortie, Jason; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2015). The Theory of Planned Behavior in Entrepreneurship Research: What We Know and Future Directions, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(4), 935-957; DOI: 10.1007/s11365-015-0358-3
- Knoche, Harry; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2015). The Effects of Informal Social Structres: A Cognition-Structure-Action Approach, Organization Management Journal, 12(3), 139-152
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2015). Consequenses of Franchising Maximization Versus Optimization on Firm Performance, Proceedings of the International Society of Franchising Annual Meeting, Oviedo, Spain
- Madanoglu, Melih; Lee, K.; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2013). Does Franchising Pay? Evidence from Restaurant Industry, The Service Industries Journal, 33(11), 1003-1025
- Madanoglu, Melih; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2013). Organizational Misalignment and Firm Failure: The Case of Franchising Firms, Proceedings of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- Fanimokun, A; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Peterson, Mark. (2012). Developing high-tech ventures: Entrepreneurs, advisros and the use of non-disclosure agreeements (NDAs)., Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, U.S.A., 25(1), 103-120
- Gillis, William; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2012). The Franchising Business Model: An Entrepreneurial Growth Alternative, International Entrepreneurship and Management(8), 75-98
- Soriano, Domingo; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2012). The impact of education, experience, and inner circle advisors on SME performance: Insights from a study in public development centers, Small Business Economics(38), 333-349
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Domenech, Josep; Mas-Verdu, Francisco. (2012). Variations in SME characteristics and the use of service intermediaries for R&D., Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Canada, 29, 154-164
- Lortie, Jason; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2012). The Theory of Planned Behavior in Entrepreneurship Research: What We Know and Future Directions, Proceedings of the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Justis, Robert. (2011). Resources and Transaction Costs: Can Theory Predict the Continued Use of Franchising in Multi-Unit Networks?, New Orleans, LA
- Madanoglu, Melih; Lee, K.; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2011). Franchising and Firm Financial Performance Among U.S. Restaurants., Journal of Retailing, 87(3), 406-417
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2011). The role of human capital factors in small business performance and success, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA, 71-92
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Garrigos-Simon, Fernando; Peris-Ortiz, Marta. (2011). Human Resource Management Practices and the Importance of Managers' Perceptions, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, U.S.A., 28(2), 122-133
- Madanoglu, Melih; Lee, K.; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2011). Franchising and Firm Financial Performance Among U.S. Restaurants, Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Houston, TX
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Urbano, D.; Camos, J.. (2011). Linking Corporate Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management in SMEs: An Exploratory Study in Spain., International Journal of Manpower, U.S.A., 32(1), 34-47
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Kidwell, Roland. (2010). Human resource management practices affecting unit managers in franchise networks., Human Resource Management, 49(2), 227-241
- Combs, James; Michael, Steven; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2009). Institutional influences on the choice of organizational form: The case of franchising., Journal of Management, U.S.A., 35, 1268-1290
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George; Mescon, Timothy. (2007). Endowed Chairs in Entrepreneurship: Deans' Preferences Versus Chair Holders' Experiences, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 3, 205-215
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert. (2007). Franchise failure: A reassessment of the Bates (1995) results., Service Business, U.S.A., 1, 247-256
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Kidwell, Roland . (2007). Franchising: A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective, Nashville, TN
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Wolfe, Joseph. (2006). Business games as strategic management laboratories., Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, U.S.A., 33, 31-40
- Audretsch, David; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Ribeiro, Domingo; Roig, Salvador. (2006). On the development and use of theory: Editors' introduction to volume 2, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal(22 ), 5-8
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Justis, Robert. (2006). Resource scarcity and agency theory predictions concerning the continued use of franchising in multi-outlet networks., Journal of Small Business Management, U.S.A., 44(1), 27-44
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George; Timothy, Mescon. (2006). Roles of Chairs in Entrepreneurship: What Deans Expect, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2, 9-20
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Justis, Robert . (2006). Shifting imperatives: An integrative view of resource scarcity and agency reasons for franchising., Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice., U.S.A., 30(1), 23-40
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George; Mescon, Timothy . (2005). Endowed Chairs in Entrepreneurship: A Survey of Dean’s Preferences
- Audretsch, David; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Ribeiro, Domingo; Roig, Salvador. (2005). Linking entrepreneurship and management: Welcome to the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal(1), 5-8
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Yang, Jixia; Justis, Robert. (2005). Structuring corporate headquarters: An investigation of franchising, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal(1), 9-26
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2004). Alternative strategy-making approaches: Critical contingencies and moderating factors, Journal of Strategic Management Education(1), 343-367
- Bowen, Michael; Burke, Ronald; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Dulebohn, James; Mingfang, Li; Svyantek, Daniel. (2004). Developments and new directions at Organizational Analysis, Organizational Analysis(12), 1-3
- Combs, James; Michael, Steven; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2004). Franchising: A review and avenues to greater theoretical diversity, Journal of Management, 30, 907-931
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Justis, Robert. (2004). Toward a Reconciliation of Resource and Agency Views on Franchising, New Orleans, LA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George. (2003). Foreign franchisor entry into developing countries: Influences on entry choices and economic growth, Thomson, Stamford, CT
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Justis, Robert. (2003). Shifting Imperatives Over the Organizational Lifecycle: Evidence from the Franchising Arena, Clearwater Beach, FL
- Justis, Robert; Tunnanen, Mika; Ye-Sho, Chen; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2003). Disclosing the Activities of Franchisors, San Antonio, TX
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2002). Organization task environments: Have they changed fundamentally over time?, Journal of Management(28), 129-150
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert. (2002). Strategic and contextual influences on firm growth: An empirical study of franchisors, Journal of Small Business Management(40(2)), 98-108
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Bruton, Garry. (2000). Business turnaround processes following acquisitions: Reconsidering the role of retrenchment, Journal of Business Research(48), 25-34
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George. (2000). Foreign franchisor entry into developing countries: Influences on entry choices and economic growth, Journal of Entrepreneurship(3 (2)), 9-19
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2000). Universal Business Brokers, South-Western, Cincinnati, OH(11), 586-589
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (2000). Universal Business Brokers: Teaching Note, Small Business Management, South-Western(11)
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert. (2000). Strategic and contextual influences on firm growth: An empirical study of franchisors, San Diego, CA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1999). Universal Business Brokers, Dame Publications, Houston, TX, C28-1 – C28-16
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1999). Universal Business Brokers: Teaching Note, Houston, TX(5)
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Vozikis, George. (1999). Franchising and Economic Development in Eastern Europe, Athens, Greece
- Perrier, Kathy; Claude, Negre; Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1999). Franchising in France, Miami, FL
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert. (1998). Franchising configurations and transitions, Journal of Consumer Marketing(15), 170-190
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1998). Universal Business Brokers, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice(22 (3)), 75-86
- Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Valuzzo, Charles. (1998). Co-branding: A franchise growth strategy, Las Vegas, NV
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1996). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In D. W. Grigsby & M. J. Stahl, Cases in Strategic Management, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA, 283-292
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1996). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn, The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 887-893
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1996). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying D. W. Grigsby & M. J. Stahl, Cases in Strategic Management, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1996). Pre-startup planning and the survival of new small businesses: Theoretical linkages, Journal of Management(22), 801-822
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1996). The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ(3), 887-893
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Business turnaround processes: Reconsidering the role of retrenchment
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying H. Mintzberg, J. B. Quinn, & J. Voyer, The Strategy Process, Collegiate ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- Julian, Scott; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Franchisor geographic expansion, Journal of Small Business Management(33 (2)), 1-11
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Bennett, Nathan; Combs, James. (1995). Franchisor types: Reexamination and clarification, Journal of Small Business Management(33 (1)), 45-55
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). H. Mintzberg, J. B. Quinn, & J. Voyer, The Strategy Process Collegiate ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 555-561
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Lockheed Corporation. In the Irwin Case Database, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Glenview, IL
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Microsoft Corporation. In H. Mintzberg, J. B. Quinn, & J. Voyer, The Strategy Process, Collegiate ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 534-542
- Danforth, George; McGrath , Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Microsoft Corporation. In the Irwin Case Database, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Glenview, IL
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying H. Mintzberg, J. B. Quinn, & J. Voyer, The Strategy Process, Collegiate ed, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). The Irwin Case Database, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Glenview, IL
- Kidwell, Roland; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1995). Times-World Corporation. In the Irwin Case Database, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Glenview, IL
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4), 676-686
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In D. Marcic & S. Pfuffer, Management International, West, St. Paul, MN, 379-387
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5), 579-588
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In P. Wright, C. Pringle, & M. Kroll, Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA(2), 823-834
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, 4th ed., Addison Wesley, Reading, MA
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying D. Marcic & S. Pfuffer, Management International, West, St. Paul, MN
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5)
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying P. Wright, C. Pringle, & M. Kroll, Strategic Management,, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA(2)
- Baliga, B.R.; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Configurations for international competitiveness in the high-technology arena: Ideological concerns and implications, Advances in Global High-Technology Management(4 (B)), 43-60
- Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Franchisor strategy: A proposed model and empirical test of franchise versus company ownership, Journal of Small Business Management(31 (2)), 37-48
- Nielson, Charles; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Great Lakes Chemical Corporation. In A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4), 773-784
- Nielson, Charles; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Great Lakes Chemical Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4)
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation. In A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management(4), 883-898
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation. In J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5), 610-623
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation. In J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation. In P. Wright, C. Pringle, & M. Kroll, Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA(2), 473-487
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4)
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5)
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Lockheed Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying P. Wright, C. Pringle, & M. Kroll, Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA(2)
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation. In A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4), 928-939
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation. In J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5), 903-911
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation. In J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN, 624-634
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4)
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. A. Pearce II & R. B. Robinson, Jr., Strategic Management, Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL(5)
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. Harrison & C. St. John, Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders, West, St. Paul, MN
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4), 676-686
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). The Strategy Process, Collegiate ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- Kidwell, Roland; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1994). Times-World Corporation. In J. A. Parnell & L. M. Kittrell, Case Analysis and Review Guide, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; , . (1994). Times-World Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason, K. E. Dickel, R. B. Mann, & R. J. Mockler, Strategic Management, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA(4)
- Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Chan, Peng. (1994). Franchisor quick-start, Las Vegas, NV
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn, The Strategy Process: Contexts and Cases, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 588-596
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC. In P. Wright, J. Parnell, & M. Kroll, Cases in Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA, 169-180
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn, The Strategy Process: Contexts and Cases, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- Lohrke, Franz; Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Cadbury Schweppes, PLC: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying P. Wright, J. Parnell, & M. Kroll, Cases in Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert; Julian, Scott. (1993). Franchise failure rates: An assessment of magnitude and influencing factors, Journal of Small Business Management(31 (2)), 105-114
- Combs, James; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Franchising strategy: A proposed model and empirical test of franchise versus company ownership in franchisor systems
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Bennett, Nathan; Combs, James. (1993). Franchisor types: A re-examination and clarification
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Lockheed Corporation. In P. Wright, J. Parnell, & M. Kroll, Cases in Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA, 197-211
- McGrath, Robert; Lohrke, Franz; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Lockheed Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying P. Wright, J. Parnell, & M. Kroll, Cases in Strategic Management, Allyn and Bacon, Boston: MA
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Microsoft Corporation. In H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn, The Strategy Process: Contexts and Cases, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 279-289
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Microsoft Corporation. In J. M. Higgins & J. W. Vincze, Strategic Management(5), 931-945
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn, The Strategy Process: Contexts and Cases, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- Danforth, George; McGrath, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). Microsoft Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying J. M. Higgins & J. W. Vincze, Strategic Management(5)
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Justis, Robert. (1993). The chain advantage: An empirical study of video rental stores, Southwest Business Review(3 (1)), 93-112
- Combs, James; Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1993). An investigation of franchisor growth rates by industry, San Francisco, CA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.; Kidwell, Roland. (1992). Curing sick businesses: Changing CEOs in turnaround efforts, Academy of Management Executive, 6(3), 26-41
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Combs, James; Julian, Scott. (1992). Franchisor geographic expansion
- Kidwell, Roland; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1992). Times-World Corporation. In A. Thompson & A. Strickland III, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Irwin, Homewood, IL(6), 391-404
- Kidwell, Roland; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1992). Times-World Corporation: Teaching Note. In instructor’s manual accompanying A. Thompson & A. Strickland III, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Irwin, Homewood, IL(6)
- Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Chan, Peng. (1992). Examination of franchise failure rates, Palm Springs, CA
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1991). Environmental influences on change in organizational population size, International Journal of Management(8), 527-536
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1991). Environmental munificence: A theoretical assessment, Academy of Management Review(16), 542-565
- Justis, Robert; Castrogiovanni, Gary; Chan, Peng. (1991). Franchising: An educational development
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.. (1991). Turnaround success: An assessment of top-management change effects, Southwest Business Review(1 (2)), 13-27
- Baliga, B.R.; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1990). Configurations for international competitiveness in the high technology arena: Ideological concerns and implications
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.; Whitehead, Carlton. (1990). Environmental structures and variation in capital intensity levels, International Journal of Management(7), 319-326
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Macy, Barry. (1990). Organizational information processing and degree of employee participation: A longitudinal field experiment, Group and Organization Studies(15), 313-336
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.. (1989). Does management change really affect turnaround success?
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1989). Effects of environments on change in industry population size
- Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1989). Environmental munificence: Prospects for future research
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.. (1989). Prescriptions for top management change in turnaround efforts
- Baliga, B.R.; Jaeger, Alfred; Castrogiovanni, Gary. (1989). Recipe behavior and its implications for strategic management
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Baliga, B.R.. (1986). Environmental structures as forces which constrain strategic group participation
- Castrogiovanni, Gary; Whitehead , Carlton. (1986). The search for environmental gestalts