Robert Cerveny
Professor Emeritus
(561) 297-3191
- PhD (1976) Major: Information Systems, University of Texas at Austin
- MBA (1971) Major: Management Science, Southern Methodist University
- BS (1964) Major: Chemistry, Southern Methodist University
Intellectual Contributions
- Yoo, Chul Woo; Sanders, G.L.; Cerveny, Robert. (2018). Exploring the influence of flow and psychological ownership on security education, training and awareness effectiveness and security compliance, Decision Support Systems, 109, 107-118
- Cerveny, Robert. (2016). A Content Analysis Approach to Understanding Academic Research, Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 47th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA
- Bagchi, K.; Kirs, P.; Udo, G.; Cerveny, Robert. (2015). Characteristics and Determinants of Insourced and Offshored Projects: A Comparative Analysis, Journal of World Business, 50(1), 108-121
- Behara, Ravi; Cerveny, Robert. (2015). A Design Thing Approach to Developing Academically Impactful MIS Research, Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 46th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Cerveny, Janice; Cerveny, Robert. (2015). Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM): Contrasting a TOC Solution to Ensure the Successful Completion of Projects with Traditional PERT/CPM, Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 46th Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, WA, USA
- Cerveny, Janice; Cerveny, Robert. (2014). A Generically-Applicable Evaluation Rubric and Feedback Loop Processto Assess MBA Learning Outcomes, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Tampa, FL, USA
- Cerveny, Janice; Cerveny, Robert. (2014). Integrating Games and Interactive Exercises to Improve Learning Outcomes in Distance Learning Courses, Abstract published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, Cocoa Beach, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Cerveny, Robert. (2012). An Analysis of Leadership Networks in MIS Research, Proceedings of the 43rd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 9001-9008
- Cerveny, Robert; Behara, Ravi. (2011). An Analysis of the Invisible College in MIS Research, Proceedings of the 42nd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 4621-4625
- Bagchi, K.; Kirs, P.; Cerveny, Robert. (2007). The Influence of Trust and Other National-level Indicators on Global Information and Communication Technology Diffusion: Some Empirical Results, Procs. of DSI 2007, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1581-1586
- Bagchi, K.; Galup, Stuart; Cerveny, Robert. (2006). An Empirical Study on E-Government Readiness: The Roles of Institutional Efficiency and Interpersonal Trust, Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 371-372
- Bagchi, K.; Kris, P.; Cerveny, Robert. (2006). Global Software Piracy: Can Economic Factors Alone Explain the Trend?, Communications of the ACM, 49(6), 70-75
- Bagchi, K.; Galup, Stuart; Cerveny, Robert. (2006). An Empirical Study on E-Government Readiness: The Roles of Institutional Efficiency and Interpersonal Trust, Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, San Diego, California, USA
- Dinev, Tamara; Cerveny, Robert; Hart, Paul; Peterson, Mark. (2003). The influence of national culture in information technology production adoption, Americas Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Tampa, FL, USA, 957-965
- Bagchi, K; Hart, Paul; Cerveny, Robert. (2002). An empirical testing of the theory of planned behavior in explaining IT adoption, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Diego, CA, USA, 1174-1179
- Bagchi, K; Hart, Paul; Cerveny, Robert. (2002). Information technology diffusion in Latin America: Some empirical results, Americas Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, Dallas, TX, 1519-1523
- Cerveny, Robert. (2001). The Influence of National Culture in IT Adoption, Procs. of SSGRR, Italy(77)
- Bagchi, K.; Cerveny, Robert. (2000). The Role of National Level Factors in the PC Adoption, IEEE Press
- Bagchi, K.; Cerveny, Robert; Kris, P.. (1999). Data Warehouse, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 6 pages
- Galup, Stuart; Sanders, C.; Nelson, R.; Cerveny, Robert. (1997). The Use of Temporary Staff and Managers in a Local Government Environment, Communication Research, 24(6), 698-730
- Joseph, D.; Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.. (1997). Do Structured Development Methods Improve Productivity on Software Maintenance Projects?, Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Meeting, Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California
- Lynch, B.; Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.; Krzstofiak, F.; Dansereau, F.. (1996). Modeling Information Technology Impacts in Clerical Work Environments, Journal of International Information Management, 5(1), 87-103
- Garrity, E.; Sanders, G.; Cerveny, Robert. (1995). User Participation and Problem Solving in Systems Development, Journal of Management Systems, 7(2), 61-78
- Miranda, S.; Cerveny, J.; Cerveny, Robert. (1995). TQM Process Tools to Improve and Accelerate Redesign and Administration of Effective Accounting Curricula, Proceedings of the 1995 Southeast Regional American Accounting Association, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- Cerveny, Robert; Scott, Lawrence. (1994). Research Challenges of Generic Information Systems, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Hawaii, 196-198
- Cerveny, Robert; Knight, K.. (1993). Grosch's Law, Van Nostrand Reinhold & Co., New York(3rd), 588
- Cerveny, Robert; Garrity, E.. (1993). Performance of Computers, Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Van Nostrand Reinhold & Co., New York(2nd), 1048-1052
- Cerveny, Robert; Pegels, C.; Sanders, G.. (1993). Strategic Information Systems for Strategic, Manufacturing, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Financial and Human Resources Management, JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut, 300-300
- Kaparthi, S.; Suresh, N.; Cerveny, Robert. (1993). An Improved Neural Network Leader Algorithm for Part-Machine Grouping in Group Technology, European Journal of Operational Research, 69(3), 342-356
- Cerveny, Robert. (1993). Impact of Adenine on Blood Banking, NIH Contract Number NO1-HB-9-2911, 80
- Cumming, P.; Wallace, E.; Cerveny, Robert; Pegels, C.. (1993). Impact of Adenine on Blood Banking – Final Report
- Cerveny, J.; Cerveny, Robert. (1992). Capturing Managers’ Mental Models Using Kelley’s Repertory Grid, Proceeding of the Twenty Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science
- Lofti, V.; Cerveny, Robert. (1991). A Final-exam Scheduling Package, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 42(3), 205-216
- Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.; Wang, C.. (1991). A Descriptive Framework for Research in Group Decision Support Systems, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, IEEE Computer Society Press, IV, 45-55
- Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.; Wang, C.. (1990). A Framework for Research in Group Decision Support Systems, Proceedings of the 1990 Annual Meeting, Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California, 255-257
- Cerveny, Robert; Garrity, E.; Saunders, G.. (1990). A Problem-solving Perspective on Systems Developement, Journal of Management Information Systems, 6(4), 103-122
- Lin, F.; Cerveny, Robert; Sethi, V.. (1990). The Orientation of Information Systems Planning: Development of the Theoretical Construct, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, Saratoga Springs, New York, 148-150
- Rao, H.; Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.; Sridhar, R.; Garrity, E.. (1990). Intelligent Control and Resolution of a Network of Learning and Problem Solving Processors, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, IV, 316-323
- Cerveny, Robert; Joseph, D.; Sanders, G.. (1989). A Study of the Efficiency of Structured Software Development Techniques, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, LA
- Cerveny, Robert; Scott, L.. (1989). A Survey of MRP Implementation, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 30(3), 31-34
- Kris, P.; Sanders, G.; Cerveny, Robert; Robey, D.. (1989). An Experimental Validation of the Gorry and Scott Morton Framework, MIS Quarterly, 13(2), 183-194
- Cerveny, Robert; Lofti, V.. (1989). On Implementing a Multi-Phasic Exam Scheduling Package, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 160-162
- Cerveny, Robert; Joseph, D.. (1988). A Study of the Effects of Three Commonly Used Software Engineering Strategies on Software Enhancement Productivity, Information & Management, 14, 243-251
- Cerveny, Robert; Garrity, E.; Hunt, R.; Kris, P.; Sanders, G.; Sipior, J.. (1987). The Map is Not the Territory, Why Software Prototyping Works, Datamation, 33(16), 97-103
- Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.. (1986). Implementation and Structural Variables, Information and Management, 11(4), 191-198
- Cerveny, Robert; Garrity, E.; Sanders, G.. (1986). The Application of Prototyping to Systems Development: A Rationale and Model, Journal of Management Information Systems, III(2), 52-62
- Cerveny, Robert; Joseph, D.. (1986). Large Business Organizations' Use of Personal Computer Technology, Journal of Systems Management, 37(6), 14-17
- Cerveny, Robert; Joseph, D.. (1985). An Investigation Into the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Personal Computer Technology, Proceedings at the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, 334-336
- Cerveny, Robert; Garrity, Edward; Sanders, G.. (1985). Model for Determining When and How to Use Prototyping in Systems Development, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, 390-392
- Kasper, G.; Cerveny, Robert. (1985). A Laboratory Study of User Characteristics and Decision-Making Performance in End-User Computing, Information and Management, 9(2), 87-96
- Cerveny, Robert; Sanders, G.. (1985). The Impact of New Technologies on Office Management, Health Care Financial Management, 39(6), 60-64
- Cerveny, Robert; Pegels, C.. (1985). (abstract only) - Balancing the Costs of Holding Blood Inventory and Obsolescence, Proceedings of the Northeast American Institute for Decision
- Cerveny, Robert; Cumming, P.; Pegels, C.; Wallace, E.. (1984). Impact of Adenine on Blood Banking, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, 16th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
- Rhodes, E.; Cerveny, Robert. (1984). Interactive Video as an Economic Teaching Supplement, The Journal of Economic Education, Heldref Publications, New York, 15(4), 325-328
- Knight, K.; Cerveny, Robert. (1983). Benchmark, Van Nostrand Reinhold & Co., New York(2nd), 167
- Cerveny, Robert; Knight, K.. (1983). Grosch's Law, Van Nostrand Reinhold & Co., New York(2nd), 668
- Cerveny, Robert; Knight, K.. (1983). Performance of Computers, Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Van Nostrand Reinhold & Co., New York(2), 1127-1131
- Cerveny, Robert; Joseph, D.. (1983). The Relationship Between Computer-Based Information Systems Support Efforts and the Hostility Dimension of the External Environments of Organizations: A Proposed Study, Proceedings at the American Institute for Decision Sciences, 15th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
- Joseph, D.; Cerveny, Robert; Rhodes, E.. (1983). Application Architecture and Technologic Efficiency: A Comparative Study of Computerized Bank Transaction Processing Systems, Proceedings of the Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 84-86
- Cerveny, Robert; Clark, Jr, T.. (1981). Conversations on 'Why Information Systems Fail - And What Can Be Done About It, Systems, Objectives, Solutions, 1, 149-154
- Cerveny, Robert. (1980). An Application of Warehouse Location Techniques to Bloodmobile Operations, Interface, 10(6), 88-96
- Cerveny, Robert. (1979). Financial Management, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Medicine, Texas Tech University, 4-4
- Cerveny, Robert. (1979). How Risk Managers Use Information, Risk Management, 26(7), 10-20
- Cerveny, Robert; Gutteridge, T.. (1979). Policy Capturing and the Distribution of CETA Title VI Project Grant Monies, Urban Systems, An Inter- National Journal, 4, 233-241
- Cerveny, Robert; Mahajan, V.; Ludwig, R.. (1978). Management Information Systems for Health Systems Agencies, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 12(5), 229-236
- Cerveny, Robert. (1978). An Evolutionary View of Management Information Systems, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, 10th Annual Meeting, 155-157
- Cerveny, Robert. (1978). Information Systems: Can They Benefit Risk Managers?, Risk Management, 25(8), 32-35
- Cerveny, Robert; Brower, G.; Ghoudri, A.. (1978). Management Information Systems and Voluntary Agencies: A Case Study, Proceedings of the 1978 Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences, 26-28
- Cerveny, Robert. (1978). Management Information Systems in the Public Sector, A Human Resource Management Course Monograph, #4 in a series, Human Resources Institute, School of Management, SUNY at Buffalo
- Ludwig, R.; Cerveny, Robert. (1978). Time Reporting Within a Health Systems Agency, American Journal of Health Planning, 3(1), 7-13
- Cerveny, Robert. (1977). Some Experiences With the Introduction of Computer Use Into an Undergraduate Business School Environment, Proceedings of American Institute for Decision Sciences, 9th Annual Meeting, 120-122
- Cerveny, Robert. (1977). Are There Any 'Risk Managers' Out There?, Proceedings of the 1977 Northeast American Insitiute for Decision Sciences, 291-294
- Knight, K.; Cerveny, Robert. (1976). Benchmark, Petrocelli/Charter, New York, New York(1st), 164
- Cerveny, Robert; Knight, K.. (1976). Grosch's Law, Petrocelli/Charter, New York(1st), 599
- Knight, K.; Cerveny, Robert. (1976). The Performance of Computers, Petrocelli, Charter, New York, 1065-1070
- Cerveny, Robert. (1975). Commentary of 'Control of the Computer Resource: A Field Study, Proceedings of 1975 Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences, 61-61
- Cerveny, Robert; Knight, K.. (1973). Performance of Minicomputers, Proceedings of the Second Texas Conference on Computer Systems, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 28-1 to 28-7