Craig  Rinne

Craig Rinne

Senior Instructor
Office: Fleming Hall - Room 342 (Boca Raton)


  • PhD (2012) English, University of Florida
  • MA (1996) Communication Studies (Film Studies), University of Iowa
  • BA (1993) English, Carleton College

Intellectual Contributions

  • Rinne, Craig. (2022). The continued ethic of expediency: The Minneapolis Police's press release for the George Floyd murder, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly - "My favorite assignment answering Aretha’s question: “Who’s zooming who?", 85(1), 124-125
  • Rinne, Craig. (2018). Manufactured in America: Clint Eastwood, Chrysler's "Halftime in America", and the Republican National Convention, University of New Mexico P, 83-97
  • Rinne, Craig. (2012). The End of History and America First: How the 1990's Revitalized Clint Eastwood, New Essays on Clint Eastwood, Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 130-147
  • Rinne, Craig. (2001). White Romance and American Indian Action in Hollywood's The Last of the Mohicans (1992), Studies in American Indian Literatures, 13(1), 3-22