Dennis  Battistella

Dennis Battistella

Adjunct Faculty
Office: Fleming Hall - Room 403 (Boca Raton)


  • MBA (1993) New York Institute of Technology
  • BS (1972) Management, Indiana University of Pennsylvania


  • Nationally Certified by NIMS in three skill areas
  • Nationally Certified - Production and Inventory Control (CPIM)
  • Recertified in "Certified Production and Inventory Management" by APICS: The Association for Operations Management to be recognized as a qualified instructor for CPIM. APICS has a 5-year recertification maintenance process requiring 75 points through Continuing Education, Presentations, Publications, and Educational Development, Service in the Operations Managment Profession, and Professional Membership. I earn most of my points through providing training through the SFMA and Teaching at FAU.
  • Nationally Certified - Certified Production Technician
  • Certified Facilitator - SFMA
  • Nationally Certified - Purchasing Management (CPM)