Derrick Huang
Areas of Expertise: Digital Transformation, Technology Strategy, Data Analytics, Healthcare Information Systems, Risk Management
- PhD (1994) Computer Science, Harvard University
- MS (1989) Applied Physics, Harvard University
- BS (1985) Physics, National Taiwan University
- Quality Matters Certification for ISM 6508 Web-Based Business Development, 2016-2021
- Quality Matters Certification for ISM 6026 MIS and Technology, 2013-2018 (First FAU graduate-level and first College of Business course to be recognized by the national QM program)
Intellectual Contributions
- Baghersad, Milad; Gumus, Gulcin; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2024). Regional Policy Coordination of Pandemic Responses Using an Iterative Mobility-Driven Algorithm, Regional Studies, 58(2), 393-408
- Baghersad, Milad; Emadikhiav, Mohsen; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2023). Modularity Maximization to Design Contiguous Policy Zones for Pandemic Response, European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 99-112
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Yoo, Chul Woo; Koo, C.. (2022). Smart Tourism Technologies' Ambidexterity: Balancing Tourist's Worries and Novelty Seeking for Travel Satisfaction, Information Systems Frontiers, 24(6), 2139-2158
- Huang, Derrick; Baghersad, Milad; Behara, Ravi; Zobel, C.W.. (2022). Optimal Investment in Prevention and Recovery for Mitigating Epidemic Risks, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 42(1), 206-220
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2020). Clinical Decision Support System for Managing COPD-Related Readmission Risk, Information Systems Frontiers, 22, 735-747
- Yoo, Chul Woo; Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2020). Task Support of Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) System in Emergency Medical Services: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Lens, Information & Management, 57(6), Article 103336
- Greenberg, H.; Bogaard, D.; Huang, Derrick; Preuss, T.; Tang, C.. (2020). Panel: What COVID-19 is Teaching Professors: Pandemic-Level Changes in our Classrooms, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on IT Education of the ACM Special Interest Group for IT Education (SIGITE), Virtual, USA
- Baechle, C.; Huang, Derrick; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2020). Latent Topic Ensemble Learning for Hospital Readmission Cost Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 281(3), 517-531
- Jain, P.; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2019). Improving Model Performance in Healthcare Predictive Analytics, Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), New Orleans, LA, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2018). Evaluation of UAV Technology for Search-and-Rescue of Persons with Autism: A Case Study, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Chicago, IL, USA
- Behara, E.; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2018). Understanding Population Health Disparities: An Analysis of Social Determinants of Health, Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Chicago, IL, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun; Nam, K.; Yoo, Chul Woo. (2017). Smart Tourism Technologies in Travel Planning: The Role of Exploration and Exploitation, Information and Management, 54(6), 757-770
- Yoo, Chul Woo; Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Nam, K.; Woo, M.. (2017). Improving Travel Decision Support Satisfaction with Smart Tourism Technologies: A Framework of Tourist Elaboration Likelihood and Self-efficacy, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 123, 330-341
- Yoo, Chul Woo; Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2017). Explaining Task Support Satisfaction on Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) in Emergency Medical Services (EMS): An Elaboration Likelihood Model Lens, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun; Nam, K.; Yoo, Chul Woo. (2016). Explorative and Exploitative Use of Smart Technology in Travel Planning, Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Austin, Texas
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Huang, P.. (2015). A Social Network Analysis of NFL Coaches, Decision Sciences Institute and Pearson/FT Press, 28-35
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Koo, C.. (2015). Learning for Healthy Outcome: Exploration and Exploitation with Electronic Medical Records, Information and Management, 52, 550-562
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2015). Rethinking Security in the World of Internet of Things, Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2014). Optimal Information Security Investment in a Healthcare Information Exchange: An Economic Analysis, Decision Support Systems, 61, 1-11
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, P.; Huang, Derrick. (2014). Analysis of NFL Quarterback Draft Outcome with NCAA Data, Proceedings of the 45th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, P.; Huang, Derrick. (2014). Exploring Leadership in Services: A Social Network Analysis of NFL Coaches, Proceedings of the 45th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2014). The Evolving Regulatory Framework for Health Information Technology in the U.S., Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Savannah, GA, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2013). Economics of Information Security Investment in the Case of Concurrent Heterogeneous Attacks with Budget Constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 141(1), 255-268
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2013). The Emerging Healthcare Service Platform, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, USA, 153-169
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Koo, C. (2013). Exploration and Exploitation with Electronic Medical Record: Information Technology Enabled Organizational Learning in Healthcare, Proceedings of the Post-ICIS LG CNS/KrAIS Workshop, Milan, Italy
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick. (2011). Securing Electronic Health Records in a Health Information Exchange Environment , Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, 4611-4616
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2010). A System Dynamics Model of Information Security Investments, Journal of Information Systems Security, 6(2), 30-44
- Huang, Derrick. (2010). Optimal Investment in Information Security: A Business Value Approach, Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei, Taiwan
- Huang, Derrick. (2010). Investment Decision on Information System Security: A Scenario Approach, Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 9-12
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2009). Rescuing IT Outsourcing with Service Level Agreements, IEEE IT Professional, 11(1), 50-58
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick. (2009). Assimilation of Outsourced IT Capabilities: Gearing Their Strategic Capabilities, Proceedings of the 2009 Americas Conference on Information, San Francisco, California, USA, available online at http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2009/552
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2009). Investment Decision on Information System Security: A Scenario Approach, Proceedings of the 2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, California, USA, available online at http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2009/571
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Hart, Paul. (2008). A path to successful IT outsourcing: Interaction between service-level agreements and commitment, Decision Sciences, Atlanta, GA, USA, 39(3), 496-506
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2008). An Economic Analysis of the Optimal Information Security Investment in the Case of a Risk-Averse Firm, International Journal of Production Economics, 114(2), 793-804
- Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick. (2008). Facilitating Relational Governance through Service Level Agreements in IT Outsourcing: An Application of the Commitment-Trust Theory, Decision Support Systems, 46(1), 216-232
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing. (2008). Managing Risk Propagation in Extended Enterprise Networks, IEEE IT Professional, 10(4), 14-19
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2007). Achieving IT-Business Strategic Alignment via Enterprise-Wide Implementation of Balanced Scorecards, Information Systems Management, 24(2), 173-184
- Huang, Derrick. (2007). Business-Plan Anchored E-Commerce Courses at the MBA-Level, Idea Group, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2, 156-166
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing. (2007). Economics of Information Security Investment, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 53-69
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2007). Outcome-Driven experiential learning MIS courses in web 2.0 environment, Proceedings of the 2007 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2007). A System Dynamics Model of Information Security Investments, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Galon, Switzerland, 1572-1583
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2006). Economics of Information Security Investment in the Case of Simultaneous Attacks, The Fifth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Cambridge, England, available online at http://weis2006.econinfosec.org/docs/15.pdf
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2006). Risk Propagation in Information Supply Chains, Fourth Annual Security Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Hu, Qing; Huang, Derrick. (2006). The Rise and Fall of the Competitive Local Exchange Carriers in the U.S.: An Institutional Perspective, Information Systems Frontier, 8(3), 225-239
- Huang, Derrick. (2006). Using Business Plans to Anchor MBA-Level E-Commerce Courses, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 2(3), 88-99
- Hu, Qing; Huang, Derrick. (2006). Using the Balanced Scorecard to Achieve Sustained IT-Business Alignment: A Case Study, Communications of the AIS, 17(8), 181-204
- Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing; Huang, Derrick. (2006). Decision Support for Information Systems Security Investments: A System Dynamics Model, Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop on Information Security and Assurance, AIS Special Interest Group on Network and Internet Security (SIG-SEC), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2006). A Process Approach to Information Security: Lessons from Quality Management, Proceedings of the 2006 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, 1269-1276
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2005). Investment in Information Security by a Risk-Averse Firm, 1st Software International Conference Proceedings
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2005). In Search for Optimal Level of Information Security Investment in Risk-Averse Firms, 3rd Annual Security Symposium
- Huang, Derrick. (2005). Aligning IT with Firm Business Strategies Using the Balanced Scorecard System, 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
- Huang, Derrick; Hart, Paul; Wiley, Marilyn. (2004). Factors characterizing IT use in SMEs: An exploratory study, Proceedings of the 15th Information Resources Management Association International Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1229-1230
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2004). Integrating Web Services with Competitive Strategies: A Balanced Scorecard Approach, Communications of the AIS, 17(8), 57-80
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2003). Institutional Influences of Organizational Structure and Behavior: Evaluation of Business Models of the Telecom Industry, Americas Conference on Information systems, 2908-2918
- Huang, Derrick. (1999). Size, Growth, and Trends of the Information Industries, 347-361
- Huang, Derrick. (1995). Residential Shared Tenant Services: The Door to Full-fledged Cable Telephony, Communications Engineering and Design Magazine, 52-54
- Huang, Derrick; Swan, D.. (1994). Entering the Voice Telephony Market: Dialing for Dollars, Communications Engineering and Design Magazine, 50-53
- Huang, Derrick. (1993). Managing the Spectrum: Win, Lose, or Share, Harvard University
- Huang, Derrick. (1992). Size, Growth, and Trends of the Information Industries, Harvard University
- Huang, Derrick. (1992). Up in the Air - New Wireless Communications, Harvard University
- Huang, Derrick. (1990). Size and Growth Trends of the Information Industry, Harvard University