David Menachof
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise: Global Supply Chain Management with a focus on Supply Chain Security and Risk, Logistics and Transportation, Liner Shipping and Containerization, Business Process Improvement
- MS (1993) International Shipping, University of Plymouth
- PhD (1993) Business Administration, University of Tennessee
- MBA (1984) Transportation and Logistics, University of Tennessee
- BA (1982) Economics, University of Cincinnati
Research Interests
- Current research interests include: global supply chain issues, supply chain security, risk and visibility, sustainable supply chain and logistics, financial techniques applicable to logistics, liner shipping and containerisation.
Intellectual Contributions
- Ahmed, N.; Menachof, David; Baghersad, Milad; Yoo, Chul Woo. (2023). Evaluation Of Charging Station Locations: Infrastructure for Fully Electric Semi-Trucks in the U.S.A., Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport, Cambridge, UK
- Grant, David; Menachof, David; Bovis, C.. (2021). “The ‘Deglobalisation’ Of Logistics And Supply Chains In An Increasingly Nationalistic And Risky World, Kogan Page(8th Edition)
- Valenzuela, R.; Menachof, David; Espinosa, A.. (2020). Collaborative Innovation Capabilities Critical to SMEs Striving to Join the Automotive Supply Chain: The Case of Aguascalientes, Mexico, Proceedings of the 2020 CSCMP's Academic Research Symposium, Virtual
- Vu, Thao; Grant, David; Menachof, David. (2020). Exploring logistics service quality in Hai Phong, Vietnam, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 36(2), 54-64
- Aljizani, A.; Menachof, David; Creazza, A.; Trotter, S.. (2019). Dynamic Optimisation of Total Cost of Commodity Procurement in Global Supply Chains by Considering the Volatility of Commodity Prices and Maritime Freight Rates, Proceedings of the 2019 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- Colicchia, C.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David. (2019). Managing Cyber and Information Risks in Supply Chains: Insights From an Exploratory Analysis, Supply Chain Management, 24(2), 215-240
- Vu, T.P.; Grant, D.B.; Menachof, David. (2019). Exploring Logistics Service Quality in Hai Phong, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logisitcs, Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam
- Kwesi-Buor, J.; Menachof, David; Talas, R.. (2019). Scenario Analysis and Disaster Preparedness for Port and Maritime Logistics Risk Management, Accident Analyisis and Prevention, 123, 433-447
- Irawan, Chandra; Akbari, Negar; Jones, Dylan; Menachof, David. (2018). A Combined Supply Chain Optimization Model for the Installation Phase of Offshore Wind Projects, International Journal of Production Research, 56(3), 1189-1207
- Kim, S.; Colicchia, C.; Menachof, David. (2018). Ethical Sourcing: An Analysis of the Literature and Implications for Future Research, Journal of Business Ethics, 152(4), 1033-1052
- Aljizani, A.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David; Trotter, S.. (2018). Studying the Relationship Between Commodity Markets and Maritime Freight Rates to Optimize the Total Logisitcs Cost in Global Supply Chains, Proceedings of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals - 2018 - Academic Research Symposium
- Aljizani, A.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David; Trotter, S.. (2018). Optimising the total logistics cost of commodity procurement in global supply chain management, Proceedings of the 23rd Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Plymouth, UK
- Akbari, Negar; Irawan, C.; Jones, D.; Menachof, David. (2017). A multi-criteria port suitability assessment for developments in the offshore wind industry, Renewable Energy, 102(Part A), 118-133
- Akbari, Negar; Irawan, C.; Jones, D.; Menachof, David. (2017). The Role of Ports in the Offshore Wind Industry, Kogan Page
- Grant, D.B.; Menachof, David; Bovis, C.. (2017). Supply Chain Deglobalization in an Increasingly Nationalistic World, Proceedings of the 22nd Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Southampton, UK
- Menachof, David; Grant, D.B.; Talas, R.. (2016). Does the Concept of 'Nearporting' Provide a Pathway to Better Logistics Sustainability?, Journal of Supply Chain Management Research & Practice, 10(1), 1-11
- Danilova, J.; Grant, D.B.; Menachof, David. (2016). Investigating SME Participation in the UK Offshore Wind Supply Chain, Proceedings of the 21st Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK
- Danilova, J.; Menachof, David; Talas, R.. (2016). Offshore Wind Supply Chain Integration: Soft Systems Methodology Approach, Proceedings of the 21st Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK
- Aljizani, A.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David. (2016). Optimising the total logistics cost of commodity procurement in global supply chain management, Proceedings of the 23rd Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Hull, UK
- Akbari, N.; Irawan, C.; Jones, D.; Menachof, David. (2016). A Port Suitability Assessment Model for the Operations and Management Phase of the Offshore Wind Industry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Green Supply Chain, London, UK
- Aljizani, A.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David. (2016). Optimising the total logistics cost of commodity procurement in global supply chain management, Proceedings of the 23rd EurOMA Annual Conference, Trondheim, Norway
- Colicchia, C.; Creazza, A.; Menachof, David. (2015). Managing Cyber Risk in Massively Connected Supply Chains: An Empirical Investigation, Proceedings of the 20th Logistics Reseach Network Annual Conference, Derby, UK
- Aljizani, A.; Menachof, David; Creazza, A.. (2015). Studying the Relationship between Agricultural Commodity Prices and Freight Rates in Global Supply Chains, Proceedings of the 20th Logistics Reseach Network Annual Conference, Derby, UK
- Ahmed, A.; Menachof, David; Talas, R.. (2015). The role of logisitics capabilities to achieve supply chain resilience: a conceptual framework, Proceedings of the 20th Logistics Reseach Network Annual Conference, Derby, UK
- Talas, R.; Menachof, David. (2014). Using Portfolio Optimization to Calculate the Efficient Relationship Between Maritime Port Security Residual Risk and Security Investment, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 6(3), 314-338
- Hong, E.; Son, B.G.; Menachof, David. (2010). A Study of the Effect of e-commerce on the Outsourcing of Logistics Functions in Korean Manufacturing Firms, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 13(1), 41-57
- Ferris, M.; Menachof, David; Crum, M.. (2010). Global Opportunities Via the Fullbrightr Scholar Program, Transportation Journal, 49(2), 66-78
- Menachof, David; Gibson, B.; Hanna, J.; Whiteing, A.. (2009). An Analysis of the Value of Supply Chain Management Periodicals, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 39(2), 145-166
- Menachof, David; Russell, G.. (2009). Shocks and Longer Term Effects of 100% Air Cargo Screening, Distribution Business Management Journal, 8(1), 77-79
- Talas, R.; Menachof, David. (2009). The Efficient Trade Off between Security and Cost for Sea Ports: A Conceptual Model, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Managment, 13(1), 46-59
- Menachof, David; Bourlakis, M.; Makios, T.. (2009). The Order Lead-Time Concept and the Grocery Retailers in the UK and Greek Markets, Supply Chain Managment: An International Journal, 14(5), 349-358