Dennis Palkon
Areas of Expertise: Health Care Program Evaluation, Equity Financing, and Investments
Dr. Dennis Palkon is the only FAU professor to earn Distinguished Teacher of the Year
honors from the College of Business and College of Social Science.
Dr. Palkon is also the first and only professor in charge of Barron’s Weekly Research
Reviews. Dr. Palkon was selected from a nationwide invitation to be the Weekly Review
Research Writer for Barron’s, published by Dow Jones. Dr. Palkon researched and reviewed
five articles per week, summarizing the articles, developing questions and creating
class assignments. Professors throughout the country can access and use his work for
class assignments, further research projects, and exams.
From 2012 - present, Dr. Palkon researched and published work regarding over 1000
Dr. Palkon has mentored five undergraduate students who were national winners in the
American College of Healthcare Executives management essay contest.
- (1979) Post Doctoral Work: Advanced Statistics and Methodology (1978-1979), University of Pittsburgh
- PhD (1977) Social Work (Program Evaluation), University of Pittsburgh
- (1976) M.P.H. - Public Health (Health Services Administration), University of Pittsburgh
- (1973) M.S.W. - Social Work (Group Work / Social Planning), Virginia Commonwealth University
- BS (1971) Business Administration, Villanova University
Intellectual Contributions
- Palkon, Dennis. (2023). An Interview with Cheryl Dalton-Norman: President and Co-Founder of Conduit Health Partners, Hospital Topics, 1-5
- Palkon, Dennis. (2017). An Interview with Joe Randolph, President and CEO, Inonovation Institute, La Palma, CA, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 94(5), 106-109
- Palkon, Dennis. (2016). An Interview with Christine Kovner, Mathy Mezey Professor of Geriatric Nursing, Rory Meyers College of Nursing, New York, NY, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 94(3-4), 56-61
- Palkon, Dennis. (2016). An Interview with Kimberly Danebrock, Senior Risk Management and Patient Safety Specialist, Cooperative of American Physicians, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 94(2), 39-41
- Palkon, Dennis. (2008). Harvard Business Review on Managing Health Care, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 86, 38-39
- Palkon, Dennis. (2008). Military Medicine: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 86(52)
- Palkon, Dennis. (2007). Fundamentals of Statistics in Health Administration, Hopital Topics, U.S.A., 85(40)
- Palkon, Dennis. (2007). The End of Medicine: How Silicon Valley (and Naked Mice) will Reboot Your Doctor, Hospital Topics, U.S.A., 85(40)
- Palkon, Dennis. (2006). Leading a Patient-Safe Organization, Hospital Topics(84), 40
- Palkon, Dennis. (2005). Futurescan: Health Trends and Implications 2004-2008, Hospital Topics(83), 38-39
- Palkon, Dennis. (2005). Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job, Hospital Topics(83), 37-38
- Palkon, Dennis. (2005). Writing for the Health Professions, Hospital Topics(83), 40
- Whiteman, Alan; Hermanson, ; Palkon, Dennis. (2005). Cutting Costs in the Physician Practice, Greenbranch Publishing, Phoenix, Maryland, USA(2nd)
- Palkon, Dennis. (2002). Hospital Topics - 80 Years in the Health Services Field, Hospital topics, 80, 5-6
- Whiteman, Alan; Hermanson, ; Palkon, Dennis. (2001). Cutting Costs in the Physician Practice, American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Palkon, Dennis. (1999). An Analysis of 1997 Health Care Initial Public Offerings, Hospital Topics(77), 22-27
- Palkon, Dennis. (1999). The Summer Enrichment Program: Addressing Diversity in Health Administration, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 9, 12-13
- Palkon, Dennis. (1994). Health Care Reform: Identifying Some Cost Culprits, American Journal of Surgery(167), 223-226
- Palkon, Dennis. (1994). Summary Proceedings and Consensus Conference, Discussions, American Journal of Surgery(167), 244-245
- Palkon, Dennis. (1992). Health Managers' Attitudes Toward Robotics and Artificial Computer Intelligence: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Medical Systems, 197-204
- Palkon, Dennis. (1991). Equity Financing of Healthcare Companies, 1989, Health Care Bottom Line(7), 3-5
- Palkon, Dennis. (1990). Letter to the Editor, Health Care Management Review(15), 8
- Palkon, Dennis. (1989). Author View of Health Care, Barron's, 26
- Palkon, Dennis. (1987). Franchising: Newest Megatrend for Hospitals, Health Care Bottom Line(12), 71-80
- Palkon, Dennis; Wiatrowski, Michael. (1987). Performance Appraisal Systems in Health Care Administration, Health Care Management Review, 12(1), 71-80
- Palkon, Dennis. (1987). Pre-Employment Screenings: Building in Theft Deterrents, Contemporary Long-Term Care(11), 40-42, 88
- Palkon, Dennis. (1987). The Medical Device and Laboratory Product Problem Reporting Program, Hospital Topics(65), 35-38
- Palkon, Dennis; Greenfield, W.L.. (1987). Using the Work Environment Scale for Social Work Consultation in Long-Term Care Facilities, Journal of Long Term Care Administration, 15(1), 13-16
- Palkon, Dennis. (1986). Equity Financing for Long Term Health Care Companies, Contemporary Long Term Care(9), 46-64
- Palkon, Dennis. (1986). Facing the Future with Business Plans, Contemporary Long Term-Care(10), 28-30, 66
- Palkon, Dennis. (1986). Going Public: Transforming Non-Profit Hospitals into Investor-Owned Corporations, Hospital Topics(64), 10-13
- Palkon, Dennis. (1986). Merger, Merger: Woh's Got American Hospital Supply?, Hospital Topics(64), 20-24
- Palkon, Dennis. (1985). Study of Colorado Medical Underwriting Intriguing: Selectively Key to Pennies, The National OTC Journal, 5, 7, 20, 22
- Palkon, Dennis. (1984). Health Care Environmental Assessments: For and By Supervisors, Health Care Supervisor(2), 24-29
- Palkon, Dennis. (1984). Recognizing Depressive Symptomatology: A Rapid Self-Assessment Technique for Medical Laboratory Technologists, Electrolyte(1), 3-5
- Palkon, Dennis. (1984). Robotic Technology in Health Care Settings: The Goal-Increased Productivity Applications Already in Use, Hospital Topics(62), 31, 45
- Palkon, Dennis. (1984). Staying Alive: Fitness Programs for Hospital Staff and a Marketable Service for the Community, Hospital Topics(62), 31, 45
- Palkon, Dennis. (1983). Identifying Depressive Symptomology in Family Practice, Berks County Medical Record(74), 268-289
- Palkon, Dennis. (1982). GGTS: Goal Orientation or Psychotherapy, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health Newsletter(5), 8
- Palkon, Dennis. (1981). Evaluation in Therapy, Evaluation Research Review(5), 19-20
- Palkon, Dennis. (1981). The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption, Liver Enzymes and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Circulation(64), 67-72
- Palkon, Dennis. (1979). Conjoint Alcohol Family Therapy Services of Occupational Alcoholism Programs, Labor-Management Alcoholism Journal(9), 55-67
- Palkon, Dennis. (1978). The Global Goal Treatment Sheet: An Instrument for Human Service Programs, Resources Journal(2), 1-6