David Fang
Associate Professor
Office: Barry Kaye Hall - Room 110 (Boca Raton)
- PhD (2010) Accounting, University of Toronto
- MBA (2004) Finance, McGill University
- BA (1998) Economics, Shanghai University, International College of Business
- Chartered Financial Analyst
Research Interests
- Information disclosure and stock return distribution in capital market, corporate social responsibility, social norms, auditing, debt contracting, regulation and corporate governance
Intellectual Contributions
- Chen, W.; Dai, L.; Fang, X.; Zhang, W.. Labor Protection and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from International Equity Markets (forthcoming), British Accounting Review, Article: 101274
- Fisar, M.; Greiner, B.; Huber, C.; Katok, E.; Ozkes, A.; Fang, X.; The Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration, . (2024). Reproducibility in Management Science, Management Science, 70(3), 1343-2022
- Fang, X.; Rao, X.; Zhang, W.. (2024). Social Networks and Managerial Rent-seeking: Evidence from Executive Trading Profitability, European Financial Management, 30(1), 602-633
- Fang, X.; Pittman, J.; Zhao, Y.. (2021). The Importance of Director External Social Networks to Stock Price Crash Risk, Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(2), 903-941
- Bauer, A.; Fang, X.; Pittman, J.. (2021). The Importance of IRS Enforcement to Stock Price Crash Risk: The role of CEO power and incentives, The Accounting Review, 96(4), 81-109
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.; Zhang, W.. (2020). Protection of Proprietary Information and Financial Reporting Opacity: Evidence from a natural experiment, Journal of Corporate Finance, 64, 1-24; Article: 101641
- Callen, J.; Fang, David. (2020). Local Gambling Norms and Audit Pricing, Journal of Business Ethics, 164(1), 151-173
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.; Xin, B.; Zhang, W.. (2020). Captial Market Consequence of Audit Office Size: Evidence from the Stock Price Crash Risk (previously titled as Knowledge Advantage and Crash Risk: Evidence from Engagement Auditor Office Size, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 39(2), 1-26
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.. (2017). Crash Risk and the Auditor-Client Relationship, Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(3), 1715-1750
- Fang, X.; Li, Y.; Xin, B.; Zhang, W.. (2016). Financial Statement Comparability and Debt Contracting: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market, Accounting Horizons, 30(2), 277-303
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.. (2015). Religion and Stock Price Crash Risk, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 50(1-2), 169-195
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.. (2015). Short Interest and Stock Price Crash Risk, Journal of Banking and Finance, 60, 181-194
- Callen, J.; Fang, X.. (2013). Institutional Investors Stability and Crash Risk: Monitoring or Short-termism?, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(8), 3047-3063
- Clarkson, P.; Fang, X.; Li, Y.; Richardson, G.. (2013). The Relevance of Environmental Disclosures: Are Such Disclosures Incrementally Informative?, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32(5), 410-431