Gia  Nardini

Gia Nardini

Assistant Professor


  • PhD (2016) Marketing, University of Florida
  • BS (2010) Marketing, University of Florida

Intellectual Contributions

  • Besharat, Ali; Nardini, Gia; Mesler, Rhiannon. (2024). Bringing ethical consumption to the forefront in emerging markets: The role of product categorization, Journal of Business Ethics, 191(4), 777-792
  • Lteif, Lama; Nardini, Gia; Rank-Christman, Tracy; Block, Lauren; Bublitz, Melissa; Catlin, Jesse; Cross, Samantha; Hamby, Anne; Peracchio, Laura. (2024). Climate action now: How to fuel a social movement, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34(1), 119-139
  • Bublitz, Melissa; Cross, Samantha; Lteif, Lama; Nardini, Gia; Rank-Christman, Tracy; Peracchio, Laura. (2024). We will rise: How stories unite social movements, Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 9(1)
  • Cozac, M.; Nardini, Gia; Song, C.E.; Lutz, R.; Bee, C.; Faber, A.; Onel, N.; Girju, M.; Rossi, A.. (2023). Smartphone Incorporated: Intentional smartphone breaks improve smartphone experiences, Association for Consumer Research, Seattle, WA
  • Cozac, M.; Nardini, Gia; Song, C.E.; Lutz, R.; Bee, C.; Faber, A.; Onel, N.; Girju, M.; Rossi, A.. (2023). Smartphone Incorporated: Intentional smartphone breaks improve smartphone experiences, American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN
  • Faber, Aida; Rossi, AnneMarie; Bee, Collen; Girju, Marina; Onel, Naz; Cozac, Marina; Lutz, Richard; Nardini, Gia; Song, Camilla. (2022). Modern paradoxes of human-smartphone relationships, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(3), 1260-1283
  • Nardini, Gia; Bublitz, Melissa; Butler, Caitlin; Croom-Raley, Staci; Escalas, Jennifer; Hansen, Jonathan; Peracchio, Laura. (2022). Scaling social impact: Marketing to grow nonprofit solutions, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 41(3), 254-276
  • Besharat, Ali; Nardini, Gia; Roggeveen, Anne. (2021). Online daily coupons: Understanding how prepayment impacts spending at redemption, Journal of Business Research, 127, 364-372
  • Nardini, Gia; Song, C.E.; Cozac, M.; Lutz, R.; Bee, C.; Faber, A.; Onel, N.; Girju, M.; Rossi, A.. (2021). Smartphone Incorporated: Intentional smartphone breaks improve consumers’ smartphone experiences, Society of Consumer Psychology, Gainesville, FL
  • Cozac, M.; Nardini, Gia; Song, C.E.; Lutz, R.; Bee, C.; Faber, A.; Onel, N.; Girju, M.; Rossi, A.. (2021). Smartphone Incorporated: Intentional smartphone breaks improve smartphone experiences, Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Austin, TX
  • Nardini, Gia; Rank-Christman, Tracy; Bublitz, Melissa; Cross, Samantha; Peracchio, Laura. (2021). Together we rise: How social movements succeed, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31(1), 112-145
  • Bublitz, Melissa; Peracchio, Laura; Dadzie, Charlene; Escalas, Jennifer; Hansen, Jonathan; Hutton, Martina; Nardini, Gia; Absher, Carrie; Tangari, Andrea. (2019). Food access for all: Empowering innovative local infrastructure, Journal of Business Research, 100, 354-365
  • Nardini, Gia; Lutz, Richard; LeBoeuf, Robyn. (2019). How and when taking pictures undermines the enjoyment of experiences, Psychology and Marketing, 36(5), 520-529
  • Nardini, Gia; Sela, Aner. (2019). When self-customization backfires: The role of a maximizing mindset, Psychology and Marketing, 36(7), 730-741
  • Nardini, Gia; Lutz, Richard. (2018). How mental simulation evokes negative affective misforecasting of hedonic experiences, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(6), 633-643
  • Besharat, Ali; Nardini, Gia. (2018). When indulgence gets the best of you: The unexpected consequences of prepayment, Journal of Business Research, 92, 321-328
  • Besharat, Ali; Nardini, Gia. (2018). The role of prepayment on loss of self-control, Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Science World Conference, Porto, Portugal
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