Elizabeth Goodrick
- PhD (1992) Business Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- BA (1980) Politial Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests
- Health care professionals and organizations from an institutional perspective
Intellectual Contributions
- Jing, Emma; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Reay, Trish; Huq, Jo-Louise. (2024). Issue Fields and Echo Chambers: Increasing field contestation fueled by moral emotions, Organization Studies, 45(12), 1713-1740
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Bagdasarian, Jennifer; Jarvis, Lee. (2022). Not on Skid Row: Stigma reduction in addiction treatment organizations, Journal of Management Studies, 59(8), 2067-2100 (Special Issues: Organizational Stigma: Antecedents, Processes, and Consequences)
- Reay, Trish; Goodrick, Elizabeth; D'Aunno, Thomas. (2021). Health Care Research and Organization Theory (Elements in Organization Theory), Cambridge University Press
- Reay, Trish; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Lu, Chang. (2021). Institutional settlements and organizational hybridity: The rise and fall of supervised consumption sites, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 69, 271-289
- Feyereisen, Scott; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2021). Examining Variable Nurse Practitioner Independence Across Jurisdictions: A Case Study of the United States, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118(20), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103633
- Delmestri, Giuseppe; Wezel, Filippo; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Washington, Marvin. (2020). The hidden paths of category research: Climbing new heights and slippery slopes, Organization Studies, 41, 909-920
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Jarvis, Lee; Reay, Trish. (2020). Preserving a professional institution: Emotion in discursive institutional work, Journal of Management Studies, 57(4), 735-774
- Feyereisen, Scott; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2019). Who is in Charge? Jurisdictional Contests and Organizational Outcomes, Journal of Professions and Organization, 6(2), 233-245, https://doi.org/10.1093/jpo/joz008
- Jarvis, Lee; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Hudson, Bryant. (2019). Where the heart functions best: Reactive-affective conflict and the disruptive work of animal rights organizations, Academy of Management Journal, 62(5), 1358-1387
- Feyereisen, Scott; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2018). An Examination of Variable NP Autonomy Among States, Academy of Management Proceedings, Healthcare Management Division, Chicago, IL
- Feyereisen, Scott; Broschak, J.; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2018). Understanding professional jurisdiction changes in the field of anesthesiology, Medical Care Research and Review, 74, 612-632
- Reay, T.; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Waldorff, S.; Casebeer, A. (2017). Getting Leopards to Change their Spots: Co-Creating a New Professional Role Identity, Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 1043-1070
- Feyereisen, Scott; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2016). Jurisdictional Battles in Higher Education: How Powerful Professions Shape Healthcare Training, Southern Management Association Proceedings
- Delmestri, G.; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2016). Looking Away: Denial and Emotions in Institutional Stability and Change, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 48A, 233-271
- Feyereisen, Scott; Broschak, J.; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2016). Maybe it Does, Maybe it Doesn't: When Professional Power Really Matters, Academy of Management Proceedings
- Reay, T.; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Hinnings, C.. (2016). Institutionalization and Professionalization, Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management, 25-44
- Reay, T.; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2016). An Institutional Perspective on Accountable Care Organizations, Medical Care Research and Review, 73(6), 685-693
- Nicolini, Davide; Delmestri, Giuseppe; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Reay, Trish; Lindberg, Kajsa; Adolfsson, Petra. (2016). Look What's Back! Institutional Complexity, Reversibility and the Knotting of Logics, British Journal of Management, 27(2), 228-248
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Jarvis, Lee; Reay, T.. (2015). The Dream of Pharmaceutical Care: The Role of Emotion in Galvanizing the Rank and File, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
- Waldorff, S. Boch; Reay, T.; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2013). A tale of two countries: How different constellations of logics impact action, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39A, 99-129
- Reay, T.; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Casebeer, A.; Hinings, C.R.. (2013). Legitimizing New Practices in Primary Health Care, Health Care Management Review, 38, 9-19
- Reay, T.; Chreim, S.; Golden-Biddle, K.; Goodrick, Elizabeth; Casebeer, A.; Williams, B.; Pablo, A.; Hinings, C.R.. (2013). Transforming new ideas into practice: An activity based perspective on the Institutionalization of practices, Journal of Management Studies, 50, 963-990
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Reay, Trish. (2011). Constellations of Logics: Changes in the Professional Work of Pharmacists, Work and Occupations, 38, 372-416
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Reay, Trish. (2010). Florence Nightingale Endures: Legitimizing a New Professional Role Identity, Journal of Management Studies, 47, 55-84
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Lemak, Christy; Johnson, Christopher. (2004). Collaborations to improve services for the uninsured: Exploring the concept of health navigators as interorganizational integrators, Health Care Management Review(29), 196-206
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Lemak, Christy. (2003). Strategy as Simple Rules: Understanding Success in a Rural Clinic, Health Care Management Review, 179-188
- Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2002). From management as a vocation to management as a scientific activity: An institutional account of a paradigm shift, Journal of Management, 28, 649-668
- Brindle, Margaret; Goodrick, Elizabeth. (2001). Revisiting maverick medical sects: The role of identity in homeopathic and chiropractic survival, Journal of Social History, 34(3), 569-589
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Flood, Ann; Bott, David. (2000). The promise and pitfalls of explicitly rewarding physicians based on patient insurance, Journal of Ambulatory Care Management(23), 55-70
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Flood, Ann; Fremont, Alan. (1998). Models of culture in physician group practices, Current Research on Occupations and Professions(10), 135-156
- Goodrick, Elizabeth. (1997). Business as usual: The adoption of managerial ideology by U.S. hopitals, Research in the Sociology of Health Care(14), 27-50
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Salancik, Gerald. (1996). Organizational discretion in responding to institutional practices: Hospitals and cesarean births, Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(1), 1-28
- Goodrick, Elizabeth; Flood, Ann; Fremont, Alan; Ki-Nam, Jin; White, Carolyn. (1991). Sociological approaches to examining resource use in managed care, Primary Care Research: Theory and Methods, 127-137