Abhijit Guha
- PhD (2009) Duke University
- MBA (1999) INSEAD
Intellectual Contributions
- Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, D.; Noble, S.; Bentley, K.. Technology and the food value chain (forthcoming), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Atlas, S.. (2024). How generative AI will shape the future of marketing education, Journal of Marketing Education, 46(1), 6-17
- El-Manstrly, Dahlia; Herhausen, Dennis; Guha, Abhijit; Blut, Markus; Grewal, Dhruv. (2024). Should online retailers emphasize efficiency or experience? First insights on the evolution and heterogeneity of website attributes, Journal of Retailing, 100(2), 274-292
- Jha, Subhash; Biswas, Abhijit; Guha, Abhijit; Gauri, Dinesh. (2024). Can rounding up price discounts reduce sales?, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34(2), 343-350
- Umashankar, Nita; Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit; Bohling, Timothy. (2024). Testing Work–Life Theory in Marketing: Evidence from Field Experiments on Social Media, Journal of Marketing Research, 61(2), 307-329
- Grewal, Dhruv; Benoit, Sabine; Noble, Stephanie; Guha, Abhijit; Ahlbom, Carl-Philip; Nordfalt, Jens. (2023). Leveraging in-store technology and AI: Increasing customer and employee efficiency and enhancing their experiences, Journal of Retailing, 99(4), 487-504
- Guha, Abhijit; Bressgott, T.; Grewal, Dhruv; Mahr, D.; Wetzels, M.; Schweiger, E.. (2023). How artificiality and intelligence affect voice assistant evaluations, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51(4), 843-866
- Datta, Sudip; Doan, Trang; Guha, Abhijit; Iskandar-Datta, Mai; Kwon, Min-Jeong. (2023). CFO credentials, stock market signaling, and firm performance, International Journal of Managerial Finance, 19(3), 539-571
- Mende, Martin; Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit; Ailawadi, Kusum; Roggeveen, Anne; Scott, Maura; Rindfleisch, Aric; Pauwels, Koen; Kahn, Barbara. (2023). Exploring Consumer Responses to COVID-19: Meaning Making, Cohort Effects, and Consumer Rebound, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(2), 220-234
- Bhattacharyya, Ayan; Jha, Subhash; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit. (2023). Should firms display the sale price using larger font?, Journal of Retailing, 99(1), 17-25
- Satornino, Cinthia; Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit; Schweiger, Elisa; Goodstein, Ronald. (2023). The perks and perils of artificial intelligence use in lateral exchange markets, Journal of Business Research, 158, Article: 113580
- Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv. (2022). How robots will affect the future of retailing, AMS Review, 12, 245-252
- Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit; Schweiger, Elisa; Ludwig, Stephan; Wetzels, Martin. (2022). How communications by AI-enabled voice assistants impact the customer journey, Journal of Service Management, 33(4-5), 705-720
- Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit; Satornino, Cinthia; Schweiger, Elisa. (2021). Artificial intelligence: The light and the darkness, Journal of Business Research, 136, 229-236
- Sharma, Luv; Olson, John; Guha, Abhijit; McDougal, Lori. (2021). How blockchain will transform the healthcare ecosystem, Business Horizons, 64(5), 673-682
- Davenport, T.; Grewal, Dhruv; Guha, Abhijit. (2021). How to design an AI marketing strategy, Harvard Business Review(July-August), 42-47
- Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Kopalle, Praveen; Haenlein, Michael; Schneider, Matthew; Jung, Hyunseok; Moustafa, Rida; Hegde, Dinesh; Hawkins, Gary. (2021). How artificial intelligence will affect the future of retailing, Journal of Retailing, 97(1), 28-41
- Davenport, Thomas; Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Bressgott, T.. (2020). How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), 24-42
- Verma, Swati; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv. (2019). Are low price and price matching guarantees equivalent? The effects of different price guarantees on consumers’ evaluations, Journal of Retailing, 95(3), 99-108
- Dutta, Sujay; Biswas, Abhijit; Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv. (2019). Can attempts to delight consumers with surprise gains boomerang? A test using low-price guarantees, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 417-437
- Roy, Subhadip; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv. (2019). Celebrity endorsements in emerging markets: Align endorsers with brands or with consumers?, Journal of International Business Studies, 50(3), 295-317
- Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Verma, Swati; Banerjee, Somak; Nordfalt, Jens. (2018). Reframing the discount with a comparison to the sale price: Does it make the discount more attractive?, Journal of Marketing Research, 55(3), 339-351
- Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv; Bhowmick, Sandeep; Nordfalt, Jens. (2018). An empirical analysis of the joint effects of shoppers’ goals and attribute display on shoppers’ evaluations, Journal of Marketing, 82(3), 142-156
- Boulding, W.; Guha, Abhijit; Staelin, R.. (2017). Do we really need to change the decision maker? Counter-intuitive escalation of commitment results in real options contexts, Management Science, 63(10), 3459-3472
- Verma, Swati; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit. (2016). Investigating the pleasures of sin: The contingent role of arousal‐seeking disposition in consumers' evaluations of vice and virtue product offerings, Psychology and Marketing, 33(8), 620-628
- Das, Neel; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit; Krishnan, Balaji. (2016). How product–cause fit and donation quantifier interact in cause-related marketing (CRM) settings: Evidence of the cue congruency effect, Marketing Letters, 27(2), 295-308
- Roy, Subhadip; Guha, Abhijit; Biswas, Abhijit. (2015). Celebrity endorsements and women consumers in India: how generation-cohort affiliation and celebrity-product congruency moderate the benefits of chronological age congruency, Marketing Letters, 26(3), 363-376
- Bhargave, Rajesh; Chakravarti, Amitav; Guha, Abhijit. (2015). Two-stage decisions increase preference for hedonic options, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 130, 123-135
- Biswas, Abhijit; Bhowmick, Sandeep; Guha, Abhijit; Grewal, Dhruv. (2013). Consumer evaluations of sale prices: Role of the subtraction principle, Journal of Marketing, 77(4), 49-66
- Datta, Sudip; Guha, Abhijit; Iskandar-Datta, Mai. (2013). Ending the wage gap, Harvard Business Review, 91(5), 30
- Carlson, Kurt; Guha, Abhijit. (2011). Leader-focused search: The impact of an emerging preference on information search, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115(1), 133-141