Tomasz Lenartowicz
Professor Emeritus
- PhD (1996) International Business, University of South Carolina
Intellectual Contributions
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2020). Effect of Generational Status on Immigrants Intentions to Start New Ventures: The Role of Cognitions, Journal of World Business, 55(3)
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2018). Career Decisions of Immigrants: Role of Identity and Social Embeddedness, Human Resource Management Review, 28(2), 144-163
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2018). Multiculturalism and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Understanding the Mediating Role of Cognitions, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(3), 426-466
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2017). Cogntive Flexibility: Impact on Efficacy and Intentions towards Entrepreneurship, Academy of Management Proceedings
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2017). Cultural Intelligence: Impact on Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy, Academy of Management Proceedings
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark. (2015). Mapping India's Regional Sub-Cultures: Implications for International Management, Journal of International Business Studies, 46, 443-467
- Dheer, Ratan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark; Petrescu, Maria. (2014). Cultural Regions of Canada and the United States: Implications for International Management Research, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 14(3), 343-384
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Barreto, Tais. (2013). Exploratory Factor Analysis Use in International Business Research; Miscalculation of Factor Scores, AIB Annual Meeting
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark; Dheer, Ratan. (2012). Mapping Cultural Diversity within India: An Account of Indian Sub-Cultures, 21st Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, South Africa
- Yoo, Boonghee; Naveen, Donthu; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2011). Measuring Hofstede's Five Dimensions of Cultural Values at the Individual Level: Development and Validation of CVSCALE, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, U.S.A., 23(3-4), 193-210
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2011). Textbook Book Review - "International Business", Prentice Hall
- Ralston, David; Egri, Carolyn; Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2011). A 21st Century Assessment of Values across the Global Workforce, Journal of Business Ethics, U.S.A., 104(1), 1-31
- Smith, P.; Peterson, Mark; Thomason, S.; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; (Thomas Lenartowicz as part of The Event Management Research Group), . (2010). National Culture as a Moderator of the Relationship between leaders' use of guidance sources and how well work events are handled, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, U.S.A., 42(6), 1103-1123
- Peterson, Mark; Thomason, Stephanie; Althouse, N.; Curri, G.; Konopaske, R.; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Meckler, M.; Mendenhall, M.; Mogaji, A.; Rowney, J.I.A. (2010). Social Structures and Personal Values That Predict E-Mail Use: An International Comparative Study, Journal of Global Information Management, U.S.A., 18(2), 57-84
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2010). Textbook Book Review - "International Business", Prentice Hall
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark; Petrescu, Maria. (2010). Cultural Differences and Similarities Between Canadian and U.S. Managers, 2010 Academy of International Business Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Peterson, Mark; Kara, Aycan; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Perez-Floriano, Lorena; Toffoli, Roy; Weber, Todd; The Clipper Research Group, . (2010). Manager Collaboration with Subordinates and Colleagues across North America, 2010 Academy of International Business Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Ralston, David; Egri, Carolyn. (2009). Ethical Preferences for Influencing Superiors: A 41-Society Study, Journal of International Business Studies, U.S.A., 40(6), 1022-1045
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Balasubramanian, Sridhar. (2009). Practices and Performance of Small Retail Stores in a Developing Economy, Journal of International Marketing, U.S.A., 17(1), 58-90
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2009). Textbook Book Review - "International Business", Printice Hall
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2009). Textbook Book Review - "Intro to Global Business", Houghton Mifflin Company
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2008). International Business Research Productivity: Examining Causes and Updating University Ranks, 2008 Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2008). Textbook Book Review - "Global Business Today", McGraw-Hill/Irwin
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2007). Global Staffing in Brazil; Blue Skies Today but Storms on the Horizon, 2007 CLADEA Conference, Florida Internatonal University, Miami, FL, U.S.A.
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2007). Textbook Book Review - "Global Business Today", McGraw-Hill/Irwin
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2007). Staffing Managerial Positions in Emerging Markets: A Cultural Perspective, International Journal of Emerging Markets, U.S.A., 2(3), 207-214
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, J.; Konopaske, R.. (2006). Cultural Learning and Knowledge Flows, 2006 Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James; Apud, Salvador. (2006). Cross-cultural competence in international business: Toward a definition and a model, Journal of International Business Studies, U.S.A., 37, 525-543
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark. (2006). Subculture variability in managers' cultural value and the use of rules, roles and norms within the United States and Canada, 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James; Konopaske, Robert. (2005). Cultural Knowledge and Cross-Cultural Training: A Knowledge Spiral Perspective, Proceedings of the 2005 Academy of International Business Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Ralston, David. (2005). How Do You Climb The Corporate Ladder? A Multi-Regional Analysis of The Ethical Preferences for Influencing Superiors, The Proceedings of the 2005 Academy of Management Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Peterson, Mark; Thomason, Stephanie; Althouse, Norm; Curri, Gudrum; Rowney, Julie; Athanasiou, Nicholas; Meckler, Mark; Mogaji, Andrew. (2005). Nation, Gender, event Type, Sources Used, and Values Predicting E-Mail Use, The Proceedings of teh 2005 Academy of Management Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Cassado, Tania; Ralston, David; Egri, Carolyn. (2005). Valores Ancestrais, Practicos Professionais e Carreiras - Um Estudo Sobre Aspectos Convergentes Entre Valores na Carreira e a Colonizacao Iberica, The Proceedings of the 2005 Ibero American Academy of Management
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Roth, Kendall. (2004). Culture Assessment Revisited: The Selection of Key Informants in IB Cross-Cultural Studies, Management International Review, 44(1), 23-51
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Apud, Salvador; Johnson, James. (2004). Cross-Cultural Competence: Towards a Definition and A Model, Proceedings of teh 2004 Academy of International Business Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James; White, Carolyn. (2003). The Neglect of Intra-Country Cultural Variation in International Management Research: An Iberoamerican Perspective, Journal of Business Research, 56(12), 999-1008
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2003). Textbook Book Review - "Global Business Today", McGraw-Hill/Irwin
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Apud, Salvador; Johnson, James. (2003). Intercultural Competence: What Do Practitioners Really Know?, Proceedings of teh 2003 Academy of International Business Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2003). A Cross-National Assessment of the Values of Latin America Managers: Contrasting Hues or Shades of Gray?, Journal of International Business Studies, 34(3), 266-281
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2002). Comparing Managerial Values Twelve Latin American Countries: An Exploratory Study, Management International Review, 42(3), 279-307
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Ralston, David. (2002). Cultural Values in Flux? The Interactive Effects of Generation and Country on Value Differences, Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of Management Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Balasubramanian, Sridhar. (2002). Practices and Performance or Retail Stores in a Developing Economy: Contrasting Two Worlds, Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of International Business Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Roth, Kendall. (2001). Does subculture Within a Country Matter? A Cross-Cultural Study of Motivational Domains and Business Performance in Brazil, Journal of International Business Studies, 32(2), 305-326
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (2001). A Cross-National Assessment of Values in Latin America, Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Roth, Kendall. (2001). Culture Assessment Revisited: The Selection of Key Informants in IB Cross-Cultural Studies, Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (2001). The Influence of Cultural Variation on Retailing Performance in Brazil, Proceedings of The Business Association of Latin America Studies 2001 Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (1999). Managerial Values in Latin America: A Twelve-Nation Comparative Study, Proceedings of the 7th Cross Cultural Research Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James; White, Carolyn. (1999). The Neglect of Intra-Country Cultural Variation in International Management Research: An Iberoamerican Perspective, Proceedings of the 1999 First Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Roth, Kendall . (1999). A Framework for Culture Assessment, Journal of International Business Studies, 30(4), 781-798
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1999). The Classics and Commercial Life
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (1998). Culture, Freedom and Economic Growth: Do Cultural Values Explain Economic Growth?, Journal of World Business, 33(4), 332-356
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Kamakura, Wagner; Ratchford, Brian. (1996). Productivity Assessment in Multiple Retail Outlets, Journal of Retailing, 72(4), 333-356
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1996). Assessment of Culture in International Business, Proceedings of teh 1996 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1995). Book Review - No Title
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Kale, Sudir. (1994). Barriers to European Unification: A Cultural Perspective, CIBER Working Paper Series
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Kamakura, Wagner; Ratchford, Brian. (1994). Productivity Assessment in Retail Outlets, Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science Conference
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1993). Man-Made Forests in Brazil, The Corporate Environmental Interface: Cases from Around the World
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Johnson, James. (1993). Waste Not, Want Not, CIBER Working Paper Series
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1986). Closer to the Consumer: Using Computers to Measure Market Characteristics, Exame Informatica
- Lenartowicz, Tomasz. (1982). Applications of Computers in Marketing Management, Gazeta Mercantil Dados e Ideas