Luis Garcia-Feijoo
Dr. García teaches Investments and International Finance at the undergraduate level, and International Finance and Theory of Corporate Finance at the graduate level. Dr. García has published articles in prestigious academic journals, such as Journal of Finance, Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Financial Management, Journal of Financial Research, and Financial Review. He has also published at the two leading investment practitioner journals, Financial Analysts Journal and Journal of Portfolio Management. He has been an Associate Editor at Financial Analysts Journal since 2012. Dr. García actively served on the Board of Directors of the CFA Society of South Florida from 2009-2014 and was an officer in 2011-2014. He has been an active volunteer at the CFA Institute since 2009.
- PhD (2001) Business Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia
- BA (1991) Business Administration, Universidad Complutense (Spain)
- Certificate of Academic Continuity Course Build (AACB) Completion, FIN 4604-International Finance, Center for Online and Continuing Education
- Teaching Online Orientation Certificate, Center for Online and Continuing Education
- Certificate In Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)
- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Intellectual Contributions
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Gropper, Daniel; Hossain, Md Miran; Javakhadze, David. (2024). The Role of Media Connections in Seasoned Equity Offerings, Journal of Financial Research, 47(3), 667-701
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Viale, Ariel. (2024). Estimation and Test of a Simple Model of Robust Capital Asset Pricing: An Info-Metrics Approach, International Review of Finance, 24(2), 213-235
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jensen, Tyler; Koch, Paul. (2024). Operating Leverage and Stock Returns under Different Aggregate Funding Conditions, The Accounting Review, 99(3), 169-199
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Viale, Ariel. (2023). Ambiguity and Risk Factors in Bank Stocks, Journal of Financial Research, 46(4), 993-1019
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jansen, Benjamin. (2023). International evidence on the association of leverage with stock returns and the value premium, Financial Review, 58(2), 315-341
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Viale, Ariel. (2022). A Simple Robust Asset Pricing Model Under Statistical Ambiguity, Quantitative Finance, 22(5), 861-869
- Faulkner, Matthew; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis. (2022). Hot Stove Effects: The Impact of CEO Past Professional Experiences on Dividend Policy, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(5), 1695-1726
- Coy, Jeff; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis. (2022). Growth options, risk dynamics, and cost of capital: Evidence from U.S. corporate control transactions, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 84, 562-576
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Hossain, Md Miran; Javakhadze, David. (2021). Managerial Social Capital and Dividend Smoothing, Journal of Corporate Finance, 66, Article: 101811
- Viale, Ariel; Giannetti, Antoine; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis. (2020). The stock market’s reaction to macroeconomic news under ambiguity, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 34, 65-97
- Premti, Arjan; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff. (2019). Spillover Effects of Analyst Recommendations in the Banking Industry, Journal of Accounting and Finance, 19(6)
- Chira, Inga; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff. (2019). Use of Reference Point Theory to Explain the Price Paid for Private Targets, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 53(2), 465-491
- McNulty, James; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Viale, Ariel. (2019). The Regulation of Mortgage Servicing: Lessons from the Financial Crisis, Contemporary Economic Policy, 37(1), 170-180
- Premti, Arjan; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff. (2018). Bank Envrironment and the Investment Value of Analyst Recommendations, Journal of Banking and Finance, 10(2), 1-34
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jensen, G.; Jensen, T.. (2018). Momentum and Funding Conditions, Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 312-329
- Chira, Inga; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff. (2017). When do managers listen to the market? Impact of learning in acquisitions of private firms, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 49(2), 515-543
- Premti, Arjan; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff. (2017). Information Content of Analyst Recommendations in the Banking Industry, International Review of Financial Analysis, 49, 35-47
- Johnson, Robert; Jensen, Gerald; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis. (2016). The association between federal reserve policy and sector returns, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 70(3), 83-88
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Sullivan, R; Li, X. (2016). The Low-risk anomaly: Market evidence on systematic risk versus mispricing, Financial Analysts Journal, 72(1), 36-47
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Kaprielyan, Margarita; Madura, Jeff; Viale, Ariel. (2015). Target Valuation Complexity and Takeover Premiums, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 6(2), 151-176
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Beyer, S; Jensen, G; Johnson, B. (2015). What to Expect when You're Electing, Managerial Finance, 41(10), 1032-1045
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Kochard, L; Sullivan, R; Wang, P. (2015). Low-volatility cycles: The influence of valuation and momentum on low-volatility portfolios, Financial Analysts Journal, 71(3), 47-60
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Johnson, R; Jensen, G. (2015). Follow the Fed, but be smart about it, AAII - American Association of Individual Investors Journal, 37(4), 19-24
- Johnson, Robert; Jensen, Gerald ; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis. (2015). Invest with the Fed: Maximizing Portfolio Performance by Following Federal Reserve Policy, McGraw-Hill
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jensen, G. (2014). The monetary environment and long-run reversals in stock returns, Journal of Financial Research, 37(1), 3-26
- Viale, Ariel; Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Giannetti, Antoine. (2014). Safety First, Learning Under Ambiguity and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns, The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 4(1), 118-159
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Sullivan, R; Li, X. (2014). The limits to arbitrage revisited: the low risk anomaly, Financial Analysts Journal, 70(1 (January/February 2014)), 52-63
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Beyer, Scott; Jensen, Gerry. (2013). Can You Capitalize on the Turn-of-the-Year Effect?, Applied Financial Economics, 23(18), 1457-1468
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jensen, G; Johnson, B. (2012). The effectiveness of asset classes in hedging risk, Journal of Portfolio Management, 38(3), 40-55
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Madura, Jeff; Ngo, T. (2012). Impact of industry and economic characteristics on the method of payment in mergers, Journal of Economics and Business, 64(4), 261-274
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jorgensen, Randy. (2010). Can operating leverage be the cause of the value premium?, Financial Management, 39(13), 1127-1153
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Beyer, Scott; Johnson, Bob. (2010). Risk changes around calls of convertible bonds, Financial Review, 45(3), 541-556
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Howe, John. (2010). Financial contracting and managerial flexibility, Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, 49(2), 5-26
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Appeadu, Charles. (2008). Utility-adjusted Performance, Journal of Performance Measurement, 13(2), 10-23
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Wingender, John. (2007). Y2K: Myth or reality?, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 46(3)
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Anderson, Chris. (2006). Empirical evidence on capital investment, growth options, and security returns, Journal of Finance, 61(1), 171-194
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Howe, J. (2005). Matching financial and real investment options: Evidence form warrant calls, Journal of Financial Research, 28(4), 609-620
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Howe, John; Su, Tie. (2005). Completely predictable and fully anticipated? Step ups in warrant exercise prices, Applied Economics Letters, 12, 561-565
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Jorgensen, Randy; Palanisamy, Karthik. (2005). Does (Un)Ethical Behavior Affect Corporate Performance?, The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 13(1), 61-76
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Howe, John; Jorgensen, Randy. (2005). Liquity Costs and the Information Content of Calls of Warrants: Intra-Industry Evidence, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2(1), 70-80
- Garcia-Feijoo, Luis; Etling, Cheri; Jorgensen, Randy. (2004). Using the U.S. Treasury Market to Teach Bond Valuation and Financial Engineering, Journal of Finance Education, 30, 46-63