Mingxiang Li
Areas of Expertise: Diversity, Innovation, Strategic Leadership, International Entrepreneurship, and Research Methods
Office: Desantis Pavilion - Room 207A (Boca Raton)
- PhD (2014) Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- MS (2004) Analysis, Design, & Management of Information Systems, London School of Economics
- BS (2002) Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
Research Interests
- Primarily explore how organizational diversity and strategic leadership affect firm performance, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Also study international entrepreneurship and research methods.
Intellectual Contributions
- Cao, Jian; Chen, Feng; Li, Mingxiang; Luo, Xin. (2025). Accounting backgrounds and technological innovation: Are accountant CEOs inferior innovators?, Research Policy, 54(3), Article: 105175
- Li, Mingxiang; Cao, Z.; Terjesen, Siri. (2024). Venture Governance, CEO Duality, and New Venture Performance, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(2), 358-387
- Blount, I.; Triana, M.D.; Richard, O.; Li, Mingxiang. (2023). How Women CEOs' Financial Knowledge and Firm Homophily Affect Venture Performance, Journal of Business Research, 155(Part A), Article: 113459
- Li, Mingxiang; Boyi, Victor. (2022). Network composition, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA(2nd edition)
- Richard, O.; Del Carmen Triana, M.; Yucel, I.; Li, Mingxiang; Pinkham, B.. (2022). The Impact of Supervisor-Subordinate Incongruence in Power Distance Orientation on Subordinate Job Strain and Subsequent Job Performance, Journal of Business and Psychology, 37(1), 31-45
- Blount, I.; Li, Mingxiang. (2021). How Buyers' Attitudes Toward Supplier Diversity Affect Their Expenditures with Ethnic Minority Businesses, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(3), 3-24
- Li, Mingxiang. (2021). Uses and Abuses of Statistical Control Variables: Ruling out or Creating Alternative Explanations?, Journal of Business Research, 126(3), 472-488
- Li, Mingxiang. (2021). Exploring Novel Technologies through Board Interlocks: Spillover vs. Broad Exploration, Research Policy, 50(9), Article: 104337
- Li, Mingxiang; Triana, M.D.; Byun, S.Y.; Chapa, O.. (2021). Pay for beauty? A contingent perspective of CEO facial attractiveness on CEO compensation, Human Resource Management, 60(6), 843-862
- Richard, O.; Triana, M.D.; Li, Mingxiang. (2021). The Effects of Racial Diversity Congruence between Upper Management and Lower Management on Firm Productivity, Academy of Management Journal, 64(5), 1355-1382
- Li, Mingxiang; Boyi, V.. (2020). Network Composition, Sage Publication
- Dheer, Ratan; Li, Mingxiang; Trevino, Len. (2019). An Intergrative Approach to the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship across Nations, Journal of World Business, 54(6), Article 101004
- Li, Mingxiang. (2019). Diversity of Board Interlocks and Its Impact on Technological Exploration: A Longitudinal Study, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(4), 490-512
- Cao, Jian; Ellis, Kimberly; Li, Mingxiang. (2019). Inside the Board Room: The Influence of Nationality and Cultural Diversity on Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Outcomes, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 53(4), 1031-1068
- Li, Mingxiang; Patel, P.. (2019). Jack of All, Master of All? CEO General Ability and Firm Performance, Leadership Quarterly, 30, 320-334
- Triana, M; Jayasinghe, M.; Pieper, J.; Delgado, D.; Li, Mingxiang. (2019). Perceived Workplace Gender Discrimination and Employee Consequences: A Meta-Analysis Considering the Country Context, Journal of Management, 45(6), 2419-2447
- Patel, P.; Kim, K.Y.; Devaraj, S.; Li, Mingxiang. (2018). Family Ties that B(l)ind: Do family-owned franchisees have lower financial performance than nonfamily-owned franchisees?, Journal of Retailing, 94(2), 231-245
- Patel, P.; Li, Mingxiang; Triana, M.; Park, H.D.. (2018). Pay Dispersion among the Top Management Team and Outside Directors: Its Impact on Firm Risk and Firm Performance, Human Resource Management, 57(1), 177-192
- Li, Mingxiang. (2015). Moving Beyond the Linear Regression Model: Advantages of the Quantile Regression Model, Journal of Management, 41, 71-98
- Kim, P.; Li, Mingxiang. (2014). Injecting Demand through Spillovers: Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Socio-Political Conditions, and Host-Country Entrepreneurial Activity, Journal of Business Venturing, 29(2), 210-231
- Kim, P.; Li, Mingxiang. (2014). Seeking Assurances When Taking Action: Legal Systems, Social Trust, and Starting Businesses in Emerging Economies, Organization Studies, 35(3), 359-391
- Li, Mingxiang. (2013). Social Network and Social Capital in Leadership Research: A Review of Causal Methods, The Leadership Quarterly, 24(5), 638-665
- Li, Mingxiang. (2013). Using Propensity Score to Estimate Causal Effects: A Review and Practice Guidance, Organizational Research Methods, 16(2), 188-226
- Carpernter, M.; Li, Mingxiang; Jiang, H.. (2012). Social Network Research in Organizational Contexts: A Systematic Review of Methodological Issues and Choices, Journal of Management, 38(4), 1328-1361