Mark Mallon
Dr. Mark Mallon is an assistant professor at the FAU College of Business. He has previously held faculty appointments at the University of North Carolina – Greensboro and Elon University. His research primarily encompasses how institutions and other aspects of the country-level environment affect the strategic decisions and performance of multinational enterprises and new ventures. His work has appeared in such outlets as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies, among others. He has twice won a Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, the Academy of Management, and the Academy of International Business. Prior to entering academia, he worked in various new ventures and small businesses, and taught English to German high school students as part of the Fulbright Program.
- PhD (2017) Business Administration, Old Dominion University
Intellectual Contributions
- Mallon, Mark; Fainshmidt, S.. (2024). Breaking New Ground in Family Business Research with Neo-Configurational Theorizing and Analysis, Journal of Family Business Management, 14(2), 266-285
- Mallon, Mark; Lanivich, S.E.. (2024). Strategic Transition, Strategic Change, 33(2), 117-125
- Jung, C.; Mallon, Mark; Wilden, R.. (2024). Strategy by Doing and Product-Market Performance: A Contingency View, Journal of Management, 50(5), 1684-1713
- Mallon, Mark; Fainshmidt, S.. (2023). Ethnic Fractionalization and Informal Entrepreneurship: An Institutional Logics Perspective, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
- Tupper, C.; Mallon, Mark. (2022). A Configurational Approach to the Intended Use of IPO Proceeds and Performance, Management Decision, 60(8), 2366-2387
- Mallon, Mark; Guldiken, O.; Benischke, M.; Dong, F.; Nguyen, T.. (2022). Is There an Advantage of Emergingness? A Politico-Regulatory Perspective, International Business Review, 31(2), Article: 101940
- Mallon, Mark; Fainshmidt, S.. (2022). Who’s Hiding in the Shadows? Organized Crime and Informal Entrepreneurship in 39 Economies, Journal of Management, 48(1), 211-237
- Guldiken, O.; Mallon, Mark; Fainshmidt, S.; Judge, W.Q.. (2019). Beyond Tokenism: How Strategic Leaders Influence More Meaningful Gender Diversity on Boards of Directors, Strategic Management Journal, 40(12), 2024-2046
- Fainshmidt, S.; Wenger, L.; Pezeshkan, A.; Mallon, Mark. (2019). When do Dynamic Capabilities Lead to Competitive Advantage? The Importance of Strategic Fit, Journal of Management Studies, 56(4), 758-787
- Mallon, Mark; Lanivich, S.E.; Klinger, R.L.. (2018). Resource Configurations for New Family Venture Growth, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(2), 521-537
- Mallon, Mark; Fainshmidt, S.. (2017). Assets of Foreignness: A Theoretical Integration and Agenda for Future Research, Journal of International Management, 23(1), 43-55
- Mallon, Mark. (2017). Getting Buy-In: Financial Stakeholders’ Commitment to Strategic Transformation, Management Research, 15(2), 227-243
- Fainshmidt, S.; Nair, A.; Mallon, Mark. (2017). MNE Performance During a Crisis: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Role of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Industry Context, International Business Review, 26(6), 1088-1099
- Mallon, Mark; Lanivich, S.E.; Klinger, R.L.. (2016). The Right Stuff: Resources for New Venture Performance in the Start-up and Growth Stages, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
- Klinger, R.L.; Mallon, Mark. (2015). Personality and Values at Work, Oxford: Elsevier, 17, 821-826