Milad Baghersad
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise: Supply Chain Management, Disaster Resilience, Business Analytics, Machine Learning
- PhD (2018) Business Administration, Virginia Tech University
- MS (2013) Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran
- BS (2011) Industrial Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology
- (20 hours) -- ACUE -- 4 Microcredentials --- 1. Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Online Learning Environment, 2. Designer Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses, 3. Inspiring Inquiry and Lifelong Learning in Your Online Course, 4. Promoting Active Learning Online.
Research Interests
- Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Disruptions, Disaster Resilience, Machine Learning, Data Analytics
Intellectual Contributions
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.; Farahani, M.; Behara, Ravi. Trade-offs Between Equity and Efficiency in Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments: A Case of Stormwater Management Systems (forthcoming), Production and Operations Management
- Baghersad, Milad; Gumus, Gulcin; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2024). Regional Policy Coordination of Pandemic Responses Using an Iterative Mobility-Driven Algorithm, Regional Studies, 58(2), 393-408
- Ahmed, N.; Menachof, David; Baghersad, Milad; Yoo, Chul Woo. (2023). Evaluation Of Charging Station Locations: Infrastructure for Fully Electric Semi-Trucks in the U.S.A., Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport, Cambridge, UK
- Baghersad, Milad; Emadikhiav, Mohsen; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2023). Modularity Maximization to Design Contiguous Policy Zones for Pandemic Response, European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 99-112
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.; Lowry, P.B.; Chatterjee, Sutirtha. (2022). The Roles of Prior Experience and the Location on the Severity of Supply Chain Distruptions, International Journal of Production Research, 60(16), 5051-5070
- Kazemian, I.; Torabi, S.; Zobel, C.; Li, Y.; Baghersad, Milad. (2022). A multi-attribute supply chain network resilience assessment framework based on SNA-inspired indicators, Operational Research, 22(3), 1853-1883
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.. (2022). Organizational Resilience to Disruption Risks: Developing Metrics and Testing Effectiveness of Operational Strategies, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 42(3), 561-579
- Huang, Derrick; Baghersad, Milad; Behara, Ravi; Zobel, C.W.. (2022). Optimal Investment in Prevention and Recovery for Mitigating Epidemic Risks, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 42(1), 206-220
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.. (2021). Assessing the Extended Impacts of Supply Chain Distruptions on Firms: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Production Economics, 231, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107862; Article 107862
- Zobel, C.; MacKenzie, C.A.; Baghersad, Milad; Li, Y.. (2021). Establishing a Frame of Reference for Measuring Disaster Resilience, Decision Support Systems, 140, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2020.113406; Article 113406
- Koufteros, X.; Babbar, Sunil; Behara, Ravi; Baghersad, Milad. (2021). OM Research: Leading Authors and Institutions, Decision Sciences, 52(1), 8-77
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.; Behara, Ravi. (2020). Evaluation of Local Government Performance after Disasters, Proceedings of the 17th International ISCRAM Conference
- Sithipolvanichgul, J.; Abrahams, A.S.; Goldberg, D.M.; Zaman, N.; Baghersad, Milad; Nasri, L.; Ractham, P.. (2020). Safeguarding Korean Export Trade through Social Media-Driven Risk Identification and Characterization, Journal of Korea Trade, 24(8), 39-62
- Mena, C.; Melnyk, S.A.; Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.. (2020). Sourcing Decisions Under Conditions of Risk and Resilience: a Behavioral Study, Decision Sciences, 51, 985-1014
- Zobel, C.W.; Baghersad, Milad. (2020). Analytically comparing disaster resilience across multiple dimensions: Leveraging 311 data, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 69, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.005; Article 100678
- Zobel, C.W.; Baghersad, Milad; Zhang, Y.. (2018). An Approach for quantifying the multidimensional nature of disaster resilience in the context of municipal service provision, The Urban Book Series, Springer
- Nasri, L.; Baghersad, Milad; Gruss, R.; Marucchi, N.; Abrahams, A.S.; Ehsani, J.P.. (2018). An investigation into online videos as a source of safety hazard reports, Journal of Safety Research, 69, 89-99
- Zobel, C.W.; Baghersad, Milad; Zhang, Y.. (2017). Calling 311: evaluating the performance of municipal services after disasters, Proceedings of the 14th International ISCRAM Conference
- Torabi, S.A.; Aghajani, M.; Baghersad, Milad. (2016). A novel procurement model for humanitarian relief supply chains, Proceedings of POMS 27th Annual Conference
- Torabi, S.A.; Baghersad, Milad. (2016). Multi-attribute decision making techniques: an applied approach, University of Tehran Press
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.. (2015). Economic impact of production bottlenecks cause by disasters impacting interdependent industry sectors, International Journal of Production Economics, 168, 71-80
- Torabi, S.A.; Baghersad, Milad; Mansouri, S.A.. (2015). Resilient supplier selection and order allocation under operational and disruption risks, Transportation Research Part E, 79, 22-48
- Baghersad, Milad; Azadeh, A.; Farahani, M.H.; Zarrin, M.. (2015). Semi-online patient scheduling in pathology laboratories, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 64(3), 217-226
- Azadeh, A.; Hosseinabadi Farahani, M.; Torabzadeh, S.; Baghersad, Milad. (2014). Scheduling prioritized patients in emergency department laboratories, Transportation Research Part E, 117(2), 61-70
- Torabi, S.A.; Baghersad, Milad. (2013). A multi-objective inventory routing problem with back-order and lateral trans-shipments, Proceedings of the 9th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Iran
- Rabbani, M.; Baghersad, Milad; Jafari, R.. (2013). A new hybrid GA-PSO method for solving multi-period inventory routing problem with considering financial decisions, Journla of Industrial Engineering and Management, 6(4), 909-929
- Torabi, S.A.; Meisami, A.; Baghersad, Milad. (2013). Emergency relief routing and temporary depots location problem with considering roads restoration, Proceedings of POMS 24th Annual Conference