Michael Ryall
Areas of Expertise: Strategic Management, Data Analytics, Business Ethics
Dr. Michael D. Ryall is known for his research in the field of strategic management,
especially for his pioneering work on the theory of value capture in business strategy.
Throughout his career, he has maintained a strong interest in exploring the nature
of human learning in complex, interactive, and dynamic settings. He presently holds
the position of Professor of Management at Florida Atlantic University and is Director
of Policy at the Madden Center for Value Creation.
Dr. Ryall's research has been published in prestigious scholarly journals, including
the Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, and the Academy of Management
Review, among others. His research is diverse, extending into economics, game theory,
causal inference, AI, and philosophy. He has a demonstrated record of successful funding
acquisition from highly regarded funding bodies, such as the A. P. Sloan Foundation,
the Australian Research Council, and the Humanities Research Council of Canada.
As an educator, Dr. Ryall has taught a wide range of courses, including core business
strategy, advanced strategy, business ethics, data analytics for causal inference,
managerial economics, and game theory. He has taught at various academic levels, including
undergraduate, MBA, Masters, Ph.D., and executive programs. His teaching skills have
earned him recognition and awards from students and peers alike.
Dr. Ryall has also contributed to the scholarly community through various editorial
roles at leading academic journals. Additionally, he co-founded two academic associations
and has organized numerous scholarly conferences and symposia.
- PhD (1997) Economics, University of California, Los Angeles
- MBA (1981) Finance, University of Chicago
- BS (1979) Agricultural Economics, North Carolina State University
- ACUE, Effective Online Teaching Practices certification
Intellectual Contributions
- Ryall, Michael; Moss, Lauren. (2023). Managing the Good Life: A Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics for Business Practitioners, Strategy Science, pp 426
- Ryall, Michael; Bryan, Kevin; Schipper, Burkhard. (2022). Value capture in the face of known and unknown unknowns, Strategy Science, 7(3), 157-189
- Ryall, Michael; Hertwig, R.. (2020). Nudge versus boost: Agency dynamics under libertarian paternalism, The Economic Journal, 130(629), 1384-1415
- MacDonald, Glenn; Ryall, Michael. (2018). Do new competitors, new entrants sustain, destroy or create guaranteed profitability?, Strategic Management Journal, 39(9), 1-20
- Montez, J.; Ruiz-Aliseda, F.; Ryall, Michael. (2018). Competitive intensity and its two-sided effect on the boundaries of firm performance, Management Science, 64(6), 2716-2733
- Ryall, Michael. (2017). Missing the real competition
- Gans, J.; Ryall, Michael. (2017). Value capture theory: A Strategic Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, 38, 17-41
- Ryall, Michael; Sampson, R.C.. (2016). Contract structure for joint production: risk and ambiguity under compensatory damages, Management Science, 63(4), 1232-1253
- Ryall, Michael. (2013). The New Dynamics of Competition, Strategic Management Journal(June), 80-87
- Oxley, Joanne; Rivkin, Jan; Ryall, Michael; , The Stategy Research Initiative. (2010). The Strategy Research Initiative: Recognizing and encouraging high-quality research in strategy, Strategic Organization, 8(4), 377-386
- Ryall, Michael. (2009). Causal ambiguity as a source of sustained capability-based advantages, Management Science, 55(3), 389-403
- Ryall, Michael; Sampson, R.. (2009). Formal contracts in the presence of relational enforcement mechanisms: Evidence from technology development contracts, Management Science, 55(6), 906-925
- Polos, L.; Adner, R.; Ryall, Michael; Sorenson, O.. (2009). The case for formal theory, Academy of Management Review, 34(2), 201-208
- Penalva, J.; Ryall, Michael. (2008). Empirical implications of information structure in finite extensive form games, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 8(1), Article 2
- Ryall, Michael; Sorenson, O.. (2007). Brokers and competitive advantage, Management Science, 53(4), 566-583
- Ryall, Michael; Sampson, R.C.. (2006). Do prior alliances influence alliance contract structure?, Houndsmills: Palgrave MacMillan
- Ryall, Michael; MacDonald, G.. (2004). How do value creation and competition determine whether a firm appropriates value?, Management Science, 50(10), 1319-1333
- Ryall, Michael. (2003). Subjective rationality, self-confirming equilibrium and corporate strategy, Management Science, 49(7), 936-949
- Ryall, Michael. (1999). Rev. of Barriers and Bounds to Rationality: Essays on Economic Complexity and Dynamics in Interactive Systems by P.S. Albin and with an introduction by D.K. Foley, Journal of Economic Literature, 37(1), 184-223
- Ryall, Michael; Sampson, R.C.. (1998). Does strategy need computer experimentation?, Greenwich: JAI Press Inc., 15