Ravi Behara
SBA Communications Professor
Areas of Expertise: Operations Management, Service Analytics, Healthcare Operations, Project Management
- PhD (1989) Service Operations Management, Manchester Metropolitan University
- BS (1981) Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
- BS (1978) Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Bangalore University
Research Interests
- Healthcare Services and Service Analytics
Intellectual Contributions
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.; Farahani, M.; Behara, Ravi. Trade-offs Between Equity and Efficiency in Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments: A Case of Stormwater Management Systems (forthcoming), Production and Operations Management
- Neshenko, Nataliia; Bou-Harb, Elias; Furht, Borko; Behara, Ravi. (2024). Machine learning and user interface for cyber risk management of water infrastructure, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 44(4), 833-849
- Baghersad, Milad; Gumus, Gulcin; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2024). Regional Policy Coordination of Pandemic Responses Using an Iterative Mobility-Driven Algorithm, Regional Studies, 58(2), 393-408
- Baghersad, Milad; Emadikhiav, Mohsen; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2023). Modularity Maximization to Design Contiguous Policy Zones for Pandemic Response, European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 99-112
- Huang, Derrick; Baghersad, Milad; Behara, Ravi; Zobel, C.W.. (2022). Optimal Investment in Prevention and Recovery for Mitigating Epidemic Risks, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 42(1), 206-220
- Koufteros, X.; Babbar, Sunil; Behara, Ravi; Baghersad, Milad. (2021). OM Research: Leading Authors and Institutions, Decision Sciences, 52(1), 8-77
- Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2020). Clinical Decision Support System for Managing COPD-Related Readmission Risk, Information Systems Frontiers, 22, 735-747
- Baghersad, Milad; Zobel, C.W.; Behara, Ravi. (2020). Evaluation of Local Government Performance after Disasters, Proceedings of the 17th International ISCRAM Conference
- Babbar, Sunil; Koufteros, X.; Bendoly, E.; Behara, Ravi; Metters, R.; Boyer, K.. (2020). Looking at Ourselves: Lessons about the Operations Management Field Learned From Our Top Journals, Journal of Operations Management, 66(3), 349-364
- Baechle, C.; Huang, Derrick; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2020). Latent Topic Ensemble Learning for Hospital Readmission Cost Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 281(3), 517-531
- Piyush, J.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Baechle, C.. (2019). HPCC based framework for COPD readmission risk analysis, Journal of Big Data, 6(26), doi:10.1186/s40537-019-0189-0
- Babbar, Sunil; Koufteros, X.; Behara, Ravi; Wong, C.W.Y.. (2019). SCM Research Leadership: The Ranked Agents and their Networks, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(6), 821-854
- Jain, P.; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2019). Improving Model Performance in Healthcare Predictive Analytics, Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), New Orleans, LA, USA
- Jain, P.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi. (2019). An Approach to Supervised Classification of Highly Imbalanced and High Dimensionality COPD Readmission Data on HPCC, Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, Orlando, FL, USA
- Babbar, Sunil; Behara, Ravi; Koufteros, Xenophon; Wong, C.W.Y.. (2018). Charting Leadership in SCM Research from Asia to Europe, International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 350-378
- Bagdasarian, Jennifer; Jain, P.; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2018). Community Based Care Coordination: An Elder-Care Learning Community Platform, Proceedings of the 48th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA
- Jain, P.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Baechle, C.. (2018). Developing HPCC based COPD Readmission Risk Analysis Platform, Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computation Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2018). Evaluation of UAV Technology for Search-and-Rescue of Persons with Autism: A Case Study, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Chicago, IL, USA
- Behara, E.; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2018). Understanding Population Health Disparities: An Analysis of Social Determinants of Health, Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Chicago, IL, USA
- Agarwal, Ankur; Baechle, C.; Behara, Ravi; Zhu, X.. (2018). A Natural Language Processing Framework for Assessing Hospital Readmissions for Patients with COPD, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 22(2), 588-596
- Behara, Ravi; Knight, Rainford; DiCicco, Joel. (2017). Community Based Care Coordination: An Elder-Care Learning Community Platform, Proceedings of the 48th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
- Yoo, Chul Woo; Goo, Jahyun; Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2017). Explaining Task Support Satisfaction on Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) in Emergency Medical Services (EMS): An Elaboration Likelihood Model Lens, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea
- Behara, Ravi; Knight, Rainford; DiCicco, Joel. (2017). Care Coordination: A Systematic Review and a New Perspective, Proceedings of the IEEE BIBE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Washington, DC, USA
- Baechle, C.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Zhu, X.. (2017). Latent Topic Ensemble Learning for Hospital Readmission Cost Reduction, Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, AK, USA, 4594-4601
- Baechle, C.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Zhu, X.. (2017). A cost sensitive approach to predicting 30-day hosptial readmission in COPD patientsvidence discovery for COPD patients using natural language processing, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), Orlando, FL, USA, 317-320
- Baechle, C.; Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Zhu, X.. (2017). Co-occuring evidence discovery for COPD patients using natural language processing, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), Orlando, FL, USA, 321-324
- Babbar, Sunil; Behara, Ravi; Koufteros, Xenophon; Huo, Baofeng. (2017). Emergence of Asia and Australasia in Operations Management Research and Leadership, International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 80-94
- Agarwal, Ankur; Baechle, C.; Behara, Ravi; Rao, V.. (2016). Multi-Method Approach to Wellness Predictive Modeling, Journal of Big Data, 3(15)
- Behara, Ravi; Knight, Rainford; DiCicco, Joel. (2016). Corporate Sustainability: An Analysis of CSR and CSV, Proceedings of the 47th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur; Rao, Vinaya; Baechle, Christopher. (2016). Predicting Occurrence of Diabetes Using Analytics, Pearson Press, Upper Saddle River, NJ(1st), 183-197
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Huang, P.. (2015). A Social Network Analysis of NFL Coaches, Decision Sciences Institute and Pearson/FT Press, 28-35
- Behara, Ravi; Rao, Vinaya. (2015). Kidney Allocation in Dual-Organ Transplantations, Decision Sciences Institute and Pearson/FT Press, 101-108
- Behara, Ravi; Davis, M.. (2015). Navigating Disruptive Innovation in Undergraduate Business Education, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 13(3), 305-326
- Behara, Ravi; Cerveny, Robert. (2015). A Design Thing Approach to Developing Academically Impactful MIS Research, Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 46th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur; Rao, V.; Baechle, C.. (2015). Predicting Wellness: An Analytic Approach to Preventative Care, Proceedings of the 46th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur; Rao, V.; Baechle, C.. (2015). Predictive Analytics for Chronic Diabetes Care, Proceedings of the 46th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2015). Rethinking Security in the World of Internet of Things, Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Agarwal, Ankur; Behara, Ravi; Mulpura, Sirish; Tyagi, Vivek. (2014). Domain Independent Natural Language Processing -- A Case Study for Hospital Readmission with COPD, 399-404
- Behara, Ravi; Babbar, Sunil; Smart, P.A.. (2014). Leadership in OM Research: A Social Network Analysis of European Researchers, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 34(12), 1537-1563
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur; Fatteh, Faiz; Furht, Borko. (2014). Predicting Hospital Readmission Risk for COPD Using EHR Information, Springer, Handbook of Medical and Healthcare Technologies
- Rao, V.; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur. (2014). Predictive Modeling for Organ Transplantation Outcomes, Seattle, Washington, USA, 405-408
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, Ankur; Pulumati, P.; Jain, R.. (2014). Predictive Modeling for Wellness and Chronic Conditions, 394-398
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Goo, Jahyun. (2014). Optimal Information Security Investment in a Healthcare Information Exchange: An Economic Analysis, Decision Support Systems, 61, 1-11
- Behara, Ravi; Rao, V.. (2014). An Analytic Approach to Kidney Allocation in Patients Undergoing a Liver Transplant, Proceedings of the 45th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, P.; Huang, Derrick. (2014). Analysis of NFL Quarterback Draft Outcome with NCAA Data, Proceedings of the 45th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, A.; Malpura, S.; Tyagi, V.. (2014). Domain Independent Natural Language Processing -- A Case Study for Hospital Readmission with COPD, IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Boca Raton, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, P.; Huang, Derrick. (2014). Exploring Leadership in Services: A Social Network Analysis of NFL Coaches, Proceedings of the 45th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
- Rao, V.; Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, A.. (2014). Predictive Modeling for Organ Transplantation Outcomes, IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Boca Raton, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, A.; Pulumati, P.; Jain, R.; Rao, V.. (2014). Predictive Modeling for Wellness and Chronic Conditions, IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Boca Raton, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2014). The Evolving Regulatory Framework for Health Information Technology in the U.S., Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Savannah, GA, USA
- Behara, Ravi. (2013). Anatomy of Service Failure: A Text-Mining Based Network Approach, Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, 11(2), 21-29
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2013). Economics of Information Security Investment in the Case of Concurrent Heterogeneous Attacks with Budget Constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 141(1), 255-268
- Behara, Ravi; Potenti, Fabio. (2013). Improving Patient Satisfaction: A Service Management Approach, in Service Management in Health and Wellness Services, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, USA, 37-55
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, A.; Fatteh, F.; Furht, B.. (2013). Predicting Hospital Readmission Risk for COPD Using EHR Information, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 297-308
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Goo, Jahyun. (2013). The Emerging Healthcare Service Platform, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, USA, 153-169
- Behara, Ravi; Agarwal, A.; Pulumati, P.; Jain, R.; Rao, V.. (2013). A Prognostic COPD Clinical Support System, 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference, Orlando, FL, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Cerveny, Robert. (2012). An Analysis of Leadership Networks in MIS Research, Proceedings of the 43rd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 9001-9008
- Behara, Ravi; Potenti, Fabio. (2012). Voice of the patient: A Text Analysis approach to Improving Patient Satisfaction, Proceedings of the 43rd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94401-94404
- Cerveny, Robert; Behara, Ravi. (2011). An Analysis of the Invisible College in MIS Research, Proceedings of the 42nd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 4621-4625
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick. (2011). Securing Electronic Health Records in a Health Information Exchange Environment , Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, 4611-4616
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2010). A System Dynamics Model of Information Security Investments, Journal of Information Systems Security, 6(2), 30-44
- Behara, Ravi; Davis, M.M.. (2010). Active Learning Projects in Service Operations Management, INFORMS Transactions on Education, 11(1), 20-28
- Prier, E.; McCue, C.P.; Behara, Ravi. (2010). The Value of Certification in Public Procurement: The Birth of a Profession?, Journal of Public Procurement, 10(4), 512-540
- Shapiro, M.; Kobayashi, L.; Overly, F.; Lindquist, D.; Croskerry, P.; Beach, C.; Behara, Ravi. (2009). CMS transportable simulation-based training curriculum in patient safety, MedEdPORTAL
- Babbar, S.; Behara, Ravi. (2009). An extended framework for fail-safing in services, 40th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2831-2836
- Behara, Ravi. (2009). Academic service-learning in operations management, 40th Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 4311-4316
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2008). An Economic Analysis of the Optimal Information Security Investment in the Case of a Risk-Averse Firm, International Journal of Production Economics, 114(2), 793-804
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2008). DNA of a Successful BPO, Journal of Service Science, 1(1), 111-118
- Behara, Ravi; Thatchenkery , T.; Kenney, C.. (2008). Empathic knowledge management: Reverse simulation experiments in a learning laboratory, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 7(3), 283 - 314
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing. (2008). Managing Risk Propagation in Extended Enterprise Networks, IEEE IT Professional, 10(4), 14-19
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing. (2007). Economics of Information Security Investment, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 53-69
- Huang, C.D.; Behara, Ravi. (2007). Outcome-driven experiential learning with web 2.0, Journal of Information Systems Education, 18(3), 329-336
- Behara, Ravi. (2007). Anatomy of service failure, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- Huang, Derrick; Behara, Ravi. (2007). Outcome-Driven experiential learning MIS courses in web 2.0 environment, Proceedings of the 2007 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2007). A System Dynamics Model of Information Security Investments, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Galon, Switzerland, 1572-1583
- Behara, Ravi. (2006). Economics of information security investment, Handbooks in Information Systems—National Security, Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2006). Economics of Information Security Investment in the Case of Simultaneous Attacks, The Fifth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Cambridge, England, available online at http://weis2006.econinfosec.org/docs/15.pdf
- Behara, Ravi; Dye, Karen C.; Wears, R.; Perry, S.. (2006). Managing Safety in Complex Services: The Case of Hospital Emergency Care Transitions, 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, POM-2006, Boston, MA.
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2006). Process-Centric Risk Management Framework for Information Security, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2006). Risk management framework for securing communication networks, Handbooks in Information Systems-National Security, Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2006). Risk Propagation in Information Supply Chains, Fourth Annual Security Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Hu, Qing; Huang, Derrick. (2006). Decision Support for Information Systems Security Investments: A System Dynamics Model, Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop on Information Security and Assurance, AIS Special Interest Group on Network and Internet Security (SIG-SEC), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
- Behara, Ravi; Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing. (2006). A Process Approach to Information Security: Lessons from Quality Management, Proceedings of the 2006 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, 1269-1276
- Behara, Ravi. (2006). The new C3 for knowledge-intensive services: Centrality, collaboration and communication, POMS Conference, Boston, MA, USA
- Behara, Ravi. (2005). A system dynamics approach to biotech R&D project management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure Development, Bangalore, India
- Behara, Ravi; Wears, Robert; Perry, Shawna. (2005). A conceptual framework for studying the safety of handovers, advances in patient safety: From research to implementation, AHRQ-DoD Publication No. 05-0021-2, 2, 309-321
- Behara, Ravi; Dye, Karen C.; Barreto, Charmaine; Wears, R.; Perry, S.. (2005). Analyzing Human Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Services: A Study in Emergency Care, 2005 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA.
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2005). Critical Elements of a Successful Offshore BPO: A Case Study in Financial Services Outsourcing.
- Banerji, K.; Gundersen, D.; Behara, Ravi. (2005). Quality management practices in Indian service firms, Total Quality Management, 16(3), 321-330
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2005). Investment in Information Security by a Risk-Averse Firm, 1st Software International Conference Proceedings
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, S.. (2005). Critical elements of a successful offshore BPO: A case study in financial services outsourcing, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 18461-18466
- Huang, Derrick; Hu, Qing; Behara, Ravi. (2005). In Search for Optimal Level of Information Security Investment in Risk-Averse Firms, 3rd Annual Security Symposium
- Wears, R.; Perry, S.; Shapiro, M.; Beach, C.; Croskerry, P.; Behara, Ravi; Eisenberg, E.; Murphy, L.. (2004). Conceptual framework for studying shift changes and other transition in care, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
- Wears, R.; Perry, S.; Shapiro, M.; Beach, C.; Croskerry, P.; Behara, Ravi; Eisenberg, E.; Murphy, L.. (2004). Transitions in care: Observational study of shift changes in the emergency department, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
- Bhattacharya, S.; Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.. (2003). Managerial and business risk perspectives on information systems outsourcing, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4, 75-93
- Nath, S.; Behara, Ravi. (2003). Customer churn analysis in the wireless industry: A data mining approach, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C.
- Wears, Robert; Perry, Shawna; Shapiro, Marc; Beach, Christopher; Croskerry, Pat; Behara, Ravi. (2003). A comparison of manual and electronic status boards in the emergency department: What's gained and what's lost?, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 1415-1419
- Wears, Robert; Perry, Shawna; Shapiro, Marc; Beach, Christopher; Croskerry, Pat; Behara, Ravi. (2003). Shift changes among emergency physicians: Best of time, worst of times, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 1420-1423
- Bhattacharya, Som; Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.. (2003). Managerial and Business Risk Perspectives on Information Systems Outsourcing, The International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 4(1), 75-93
- Behara, Ravi; Fontenot, G.; Gresham, A.. (2002). Customer process approach to building loyalty, Total Quality Management Journal, 13(5), 603-611
- Babbar, S.; Behara, Ravi; White, E.M.. (2002). Mapping product usability, International Journal of Operations and Producation Management, 22(10), 1071-1089
- Behara, Ravi; Fisher, W.W.; Lemmink, J.. (2002). Modeling and evaluating service quality measurement using neural networks, International Journal of Operations and Producation Management, 22(10), 1162-1185
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2002). Service E-Valuation: A Reality Check for Priceline.com, The E-Business Review, 2, 14-17
- Bhattacharya, S.; Behara, Ravi. (2002). Accounting flight simulators: A systems dynamics approach, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, CA
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, S.. (2002). Analyzing e-service earnings: A system dynamics simulation approach, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, CA
- Bhattacharya, Som; Behara, Ravi. (2002). Accounting Flight Simulators: A Systems Dynamic Approach, San Diego, CA
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2002). Analyzing E-Service Earnings: A System Dynamics Simulation Approach, San Diego, CA
- White, E.M.; Behara, Ravi; Babbar, S.. (2002). Mine customer experiences: an affinity diagram allows you to organize a vast amount of quantitative data to identify patterns or groupings, Quality Progress, 35(7), 63-67
- Valentine, John; Behara, Ravi. (2001). A socio-technical approach to patient safety: Quality improvement in hospital laboratories, Hospital Topics, 79(2), 21-26
- Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.. (2001). Analysis of quality management practices in services, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 18(6), 584-603
- Anderson-Fletcher, E.A.; Behara, Ravi; Valentine, J.. (2001). A review of the medical errors research agenda, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 43-45
- Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.; Capozzoli, E.A.. (2001). A risk management approach to IS outsourcing in e-business, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 100-102
- Behara, Ravi; Valentine, J.. (2001). A systems approach to medical errors management, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 103-105
- Koufteros, X.; Babber, S.; Behara, Ravi; Kaighobadi, M.. (2001). An empirical study of the strategic impact of supplier selection and development practices, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 544-546
- Bhattacharya, Som; Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.. (2001). Managing Risk in Business Process Outsourcing Services
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, S.. (2001). Service e-valuation: Moving beyond hyper-valuation, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, 1245
- Behara, Ravi; Bhattacharya, Som. (2001). Service E-Valuation: Moving Beyond Hyper-Valuation, Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA
- Valentine, John; Behara, Ravi. (2001). Medical Errors and Productivity Improvement: A Socio-Technical Approach, Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 2001
- Babber, S.; White, E.M.; Behara, Ravi. (2000). Mapping product functionality through usability attributes, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
- Behara, Ravi. (1999). Process innovation in knowledge-intensive services, Sage Publishers
- Behara, Ravi; Lemmink, J.. (1997). Benchmarking field services using a zero defects approach, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 14(5), 512-526
- Behara, Ravi. (1997). Managing creativity in services, JAI Press/FICSM Arizona State University, 6, 225-250
- Behara, Ravi; Fontenot, G.; Gresham, A.. (1995). Customer satisfaction measurement and analysis using six sigma, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 12(3), 9-18
- Behara, Ravi. (1995). Systems theoretic perspectives in services management, JAI Press/FICSM, 4, 289-312
- Behara, Ravi; Gundersen, D.; Capozzoli, E.. (1995). Trends in Information Systems Outsourcing, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 31(2), 45-51
- Fontenot, G.; Behara, Ravi; Gresham, A.. (1994). Six sigma in customer satisfaction, Quality Progress, 27(12), 73-76
- Behara, Ravi; Chase, Richard. (1993). Service quality deployment: Quality service by design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, USA, 87-99
- Behara, Ravi; Lemmink, J.. (1992). Q-Matriz: A multi-dimensional approach to using service quality measurements, Van Gorcum & Company, Asses/Maastricht, The Netherlands, 79-87