Steven Carnovale
Co-Editor-in-Chief at Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Google Scholar
Dr. Carnovale, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at the College of Business
at Florida Atlantic University, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Purchasing
and Supply Management. Prior to joining FAU, Dr. Carnovale was Associate Professor
of Supply Chain Management at the Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute
of Technology from August 2018 to December 2022 and Nike Professor of Supply Chain
Management at Portland State University from Sept. 2014 to June 2018.
Dr Carnovale is a supply chain strategist specializing in interfirm networks, risk
management and global sourcing/production networks with a specific focus on equity-based
partnerships. He is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Supply Chain Management.
His research has appeared in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the Journal of
Business Logistics, the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, the Journal of
International Business Studies, the International Journal of Production Economics,
the European Journal of Operational Research and Annals of Operations Research among
Dr. Carnovale earned his B.S. and PhD degrees at Rutgers University, specializing
in Supply Chain Management and Marketing Sciences. Dr. Carnovale is a frequent speaker
at both academic and professional supply chain meetings on topics related to supply
networks & analytics, with a specific focus on how firms can use these concepts to
generate enhanced visibility and financial performance within their supply chains
and extended enterprises. Prior to his academic work he co-founded a marketing strategy
and consulting firm, worked in sales and operations management roles in the IT sector,
as well as in market research and marketing analytics roles.
- PhD (2014) Supply Chain Management, Rutgers University
- BS (2010) Management & Global Business, Rutgers University
Research Interests
- Supply Chain Risk Management, Supply Chain Risk Propagation, Network Theory, Global Sourcing Strategies, Supply Chain Analytics, Graph Theory, Supplier Selection, Global Production Networks, Panel and Time Series Data Methods, Discrete Choice Modeling, Event Data Analysis
Intellectual Contributions
- Yeniyurt, S.; Carnovale, Steven. (2024). Framing Digitalization in Supply Chain Management
- Guntuka, Laharish; Carnovale, Steven; Falcone, Ellie. (2024). Supply Chain Plasticity: A Responsive Network Capability to Ensure Resilience, Journal of Business Logistics, 45(4), Article: e12398
- Sternberg, Henrik; Mathiassen, Lars; Carnovale, Steven; Richey Jr., Robert; Davis-Sramek, Beth. (2024). Conducting engaged logistics and supply chain research: From real-world problems to journal publication, Journal of Business Logistics, 45(2), Article: e12380
- Di Mauro, Carmela; Peters, Esmee; Carnovale, Steven. (2024). A Seat at the Table: The Future of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 30(1), Article: 100908
- Falcone, E.; Carnovale, Steven; Fugate, B.; Williams, B.. (2023). When The Chickens Come Home to Roost: The Short-term vs. Long-term Performance Implications of Government Contracting and the Moderating Role of Supplier Network Structure, Journal of Business Logistics, 44(3), 480-501
- Guntuka, L.; Falcone, E.; Carnovale, Steven. (2023). Supply Chain Plasticity Post Disruptions: What is it and why does (?) it matter?, Production & Operations Management Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
- Guntuka, L.; Falcone, E.; Carnovale, Steven. (2023). Supply Chain Plasticity Post Disruptions: What is it and why does (?) it matter?, IPSERA Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain
- Carnovale, Steven; Carnovale, Jessica; Straub, D.; Szalwinski, A.; Marek, J.. (2022). Guardians of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: The Global Supply Chain Management Industry, Rutgers Business Review, 7(1), 1-21
- Knight, Louise; Tate, Wendy; Carnovale, Steven; al, et. (2022). Future business and the role of purchasing and supply management: Opportunities for ‘business-not-as-usual’ PSM research, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 28(1), Article: 100753
- Tate, Wendy; Di Mauro, Carmela; Carnovale, Steven; Knight, Louise. (2022). Transitions, opportunities and challenges – change and continuity at JPSM, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 28(1), Article: 100755
- Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.. (2021). Cybersecurity & Supply Chain Management: What's the Big Deal?, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
- Zhao, Y.; Parente, R.; Fainshmidt, S.; Carnovale, Steven. (2021). MNE Host Country Alliance Network Position and Post-Entry Establishment Mode Choice, Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 1350-1364
- Carnovale, Steven; Garvey, M.. (2021). Playing to Win: Applying Game Theory to Purchasing and Supply Management
- Carnovale, Steven; DuHadway, S.. (2021). Continuity in the Face of Disruptions: Purchasing and Supply Management Research's Persistence Amidst COVID-19, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27(4), Article: 100720
- Johnson, A.E.; Carnovale, Steven; Yao, Z.; Song, M.J.. (2021). Drivers of Fulfillment Performance in Mission Critical Logistics Systems: An Emperical Analysis, International Journal of Production Economics, 237
- Garvey, M.D.; Carnovale, Steven. (2020). An Exploratory Investigation into Canonical Supply Network Structure, Production & Operations Management Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
- Rogers, S.; Rogers, D.; Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.; Lembke, R.. (2020). Insights from 3.5 Years of the LMI, Production & Operations Management Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
- Falcone, E.; Fugate, B.; Carnovale, Steven. (2020). When Less is More: The Role of Network Centrality on Performance in Government Procurement, IPSERA Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN
- Garvey, M.D.; Carnovale, Steven. (2020). The Rippled Newsvendor: A New Inventory Framework for Modelling Supply Chain Risk Severity in the Presence of Risk Propagation, International Journal of Production Economics, 228
- Falcone, E.; Carnovale, Steven; Fugate, B.. (2020). Government Procurement and Firm Performance: The Role of Network Centrality, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Carnovale, Steven; Rogers, D.S.; Yeniyurt, S.. (2019). Broadening the Perspective of Supply Chain Finance: The Performance Impacts of Network Power and Cohesion, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25(2), 134-145
- DuHadway, S.; Carnovale, Steven. (2019). Malicious Supply Chain Risk: A Literature Review and Future Directions
- DuHadway, S.; Carnovale, Steven; Hazen, B.. (2019). Understanding Risk Management for Intentional Supply Chain Disruptions: Risk Detection, Risk Mitigation, and Risk Recovery, Annals of Operations Research, 283, 179-198
- Carnovale, Steven; Henke, J.W.; DuHadway, S.; Yeniyurt, S.. (2019). Unintended Consequences: How Suppliers Compensate for Price Concessions and the Role of Buyer-Supplier Relations, Journal of Business Logistics, 40(3), 187-203
- DuHadway, S.; Carnovale, Steven; Kannan, V.. (2018). Organizational Communication and Individual Behavior: Implications for Supply Chain Risk Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 54(4), 3-19
- Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.; Rogers, D.S.. (2017). Network Connectedness in Vertical and Horizontal Manufacturing Joint Venture Formations: A Power Perspective, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(2), 67-81
- Yeniyurt, S.; Carnovale, Steven. (2017). Global Supply Network Embeddedness and Power: An Analysis of International Joint Venture Formations, International Business Review, 26(2), 203-213
- Carnovale, Steven; Rogers, D.S.; Yeniyurt, S.. (2016). Bridging Structural Holes in Global Manufacturing Equity Based Partnerships: A Network Analysis of Domestic vs. International Joint Venture Formations, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(1), 7-17
- Carnovale, Steven; Allen, C.; Pullman, M.; Wong, D.. (2016). Using Continuous Improvement in Online Program Design: DMAIC as a Tool for Assurance of Learning Assessments, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 14(2), 128-153
- Garvey, M.D.; Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.. (2015). An Analytical Framework for Supply Network Risk Propagation: A Bayesian Network Approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 243(2), 618-627
- Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.. (2015). The Impact of Supply Network Structure on the Financial Performance of the Firm, Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, 16(3), 18-28
- Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.. (2015). The Role of Ego Networks in Facilitating Supply Network Innovations, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51(2), 22-46
- Carnovale, Steven; Yeniyurt, S.. (2014). The Role of Ego Networks in Manufacturing Joint Venture Formations, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(2), 1-17