Susan Dennett
Instructor, Madden Center
- PhD (2014) Educational Leadership and Research Methodology, Florida Atlantic University
- MS (2008) Adult and Community Education, Florida State University
- BA (1997) Psychology, Oakland University
Intellectual Contributions
- Harari, Michael; Rubenstein, A.L.; McCombs, Kate; Dennett, Susan. A meta-analysis of perceived job alternatives and employee turnover: Addressing the availability versus quality distinction (forthcoming), Journal of Managerial Psychology
- Dennett, Susan; DeDonno, Michael. (2024). Resilience and Emotional Intelligence: A Dynamic Partnership for Human Resources Professionals in Today’s Workplace (forthcoming), Journal of Human Resource Management
- Dennett, Susan; DeDonno, Michael. (2021). A comparison between Chinese and American male and female college students' critical thinking dispositions, International Journal of Chinese Education, 3(10), 1-14
- Dennett, Susan. (2020). High touch, high feel in the virutal classroom: Lessons learned from a reflective practitioner in the aftermath of Covid-19, eucen Studies E-journal of University Lifelong Learning, 2(4), 17-22
- Dennett, Susan. (2018). Developing leaders to lead today and tomorrow, Journal of Management Science and Business Intelligence, 3(1), 40-46
- Wang, V.C.X; Dennett, Susan. (2014). Addressing work ethic in the new century, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 528-538
- Wang, V.C.X; Dennett, Susan. (2014). Leadership in the third wave, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 506-517
- Wang, V.C.X; Dennett, Susan. (2014). Pedagogy versus andragogy organizations, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 318-330
- Wang, V.C.X; Dennett, Susan. (2014). What is your teaching style?, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 581-592
- Wang, C.V.X; Russo, M; Dennett, Susan. (2013). Electronic Education and Lifelong Learning, International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 4(1), 46-60
- Dennett, Susan. (2012). Teaching with technology: Reaching out in the digital age, International Journal of Adult Vocational Educational Technology, 3(2), 47-53