Eric  Van Tassel

Eric Van Tassel

Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise: Asymmetric Information, Partial Equilibrium Models, Principal-Agent Frameworks

Office: Office Depot Center - Room 201J (Boca Raton)


  • PhD (1998) Economics, University of California, Riverside
  • MA (1994) Economics, University of California, Riverside
  • BA (1991) Mathematics, Humboldt State University

Research Interests

  • Microeconomics &Development Economics

Intellectual Contributions

  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2023). Crowdfunding investors, intermediaries and risky entrepreneurs, Small Business Economics, 60(3), 1033-1050
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2022). Relationship lending and liquidation under imperfect information, Journal of Financial Services Research, 61, 151-165
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2018). Multiple borrowing and adverse selection in credit markets, Oxford Economics Papers, 70(1), 286-299
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2017). Structuring subsidies in a long-term credit relationship, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 17(4), 1-12
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2016). Subsidies and capital markets: implications for microfinance loan portfolios, Oxford Economic Papers, 68(2), 398-418
  • Ghosh, Suman; Van Tassel, Eric. (2013). Funding Microfinance Under Asymmetric Information, Journal of Development Economics, 101, 8-15
  • Ghosh, Suman; Van Tassel, Eric. (2011). Microfinance and Competition for External Funding, Economics Letters, 112(2), 168-170
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2011). Information disclosure in credit markets when banks' costs are endogenous, Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(2), 490-497
  • Ghosh, Suman; Van Tassel, Eric. (2008). Recent Trends in Microfinance Institutions: Some Theoretical Implications, New and Enduring Themes in Development Economics, World Scientific Publications, 467
  • Van Tassel, Eric; Vishwasrao, Sharmila. (2007). Asymmetric Information and the Mode of Entry in Foreign Credit Markets, Journal of Banking & Finance, 31(12), 3742-3760
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2006). Relationship Lending under Asymmetric Information: A case of blocked entry, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(5), 915-929
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2004). Credit Access and Transferable Land Rights , Oxford Economic Papers , 56(1), 151-166
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2004). Household Bargaining and Microfinance, Journal of Development Economics , 74(2), 449-468
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2002). Signal Jamming in New Credit Markets , Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking , 34(2), 469-490
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (2000). A Study of Group Lending Incenctives in Bolivia , International Journal of Social Economics , 27(7/8, 9/10), 927-943
  • Van Tassel, Eric. (1999). Group Lending Under Asymmetric Information , Journal of Development Economics, 60(1), 3-25
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