William Luther
Areas of Expertise: Business Cycles, Economic Growth, Monetary Policy, Cryptocurrencies
Twitter: @WilliamJLuther
Dr. William J. Luther is an associate professor of economics at Florida Atlantic University.
He is also the director of the American Institute for Economic Research’s Sound Money
Project and an adjunct scholar with the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial
Alternatives. The Social Science Research Network currently ranks him in the top five
percent of business authors.
Luther has published articles in leading scholarly journals, including Journal of
Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Inquiry, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional
Economics, and Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. His popular works have appeared
in The Economist, Forbes, and U.S. News & World Report. He has been cited by major
media outlets, including NPR, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, Fox Nation, Politico,
and VICE News.
Luther earned his MA and PhD in Economics at George Mason University and his BA in
Economics at Capital University.
- PhD (2012) Economics, George Mason University
- MA (2011) Economics, George Mason University
- BA (2008) Economics, Capital University
Intellectual Contributions
- Luther, William; Sridhar, Nikhil. (2022). On the Origin of Cryptocurrencies, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Luther, William. (2022). The Relevance of Bitcoin to the Regression Theorem: Reply to Pickering, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 25(1)
- Hendrickson, Joshua; Luther, William. (2022). The Value of Bitcoin in the Year 2141 (And Beyond!), The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 4, 51-68
- Cutsinger, Bryan; Luther, William. (2022). Seigniorage Payments and the Federal Reserve's New Operating Regime, Economics Letters, 220(3), Article: 110880
- Henderson, Joshua; Luther, William. (2022). Cash, Crime, and Cryptocurrencies, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 85, 200-227
- Luther, William; Jordan, Jerry. (2022). Central Bank Independence and the Federal Reserve's New Operating Regime, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 84, 510-515
- Luther, William. (2022). Regulatory Ambiguity in the Market for Bitcoin, The Review of Austrian Economics, 35(1), 1-14
- Earle, Peter; Luther, William. (2021). Digital Gold: The Case for Cryptocurrency, The Gold Standard: Restrospect and Prospect, American Institute for Economic Research
- Luther, William; Earle, Peter. (2021). How Does a Well-functioning Gold Standard Function?, The Gold Standard: Restrospect and Prospect, American Institute for Economic Research
- Luther, William. (2021). Two Paths Forward for Austrian Macroeconomics, The Review of Austrian Economics, 3(2), 289-297
- Luther, William. (2021). Behavioral and Policy Responses to COVID-19: Evidence from Google Mobility Data on State-Level Stay-at-Home Orders, The Journal of Private Enterprise, 36(3), 67-89
- Cachanosky, Nicolas; Cutsinger, Bryan; Hogan, Thomas; Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2021). The Federal Reserve's Response to the COVID-19 Contraction: An Initial Appraisal, Southern Economic Journal, 87(4), 1152-1174
- Luther, William. (2020). Book Review of M.R. Strain's The American Dream Is Not Dead (But Populism Could Kill It), 25(2), 152
- Luther, William. (2020). Cross-country Differences in Personal Protection Equipment Use, Journal of Private Enterprise, 35(4), 21-27
- Luther, William. (2020). Four Principles for a Base Money Regime, The Cato Journal, 40(2), 533-545
- Luther, William; Smith, Sean. (2020). Is Bitcoin a Decentralized Payment Mechanism?, Journal of Institutional Economics, 16(4), 433-444
- Luther, William; Hazlett, Peter. (2020). Is Bitcoin Money? And What That Means, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 77, 144-149
- Hogan, Thomas; Luther, William. (2020). Suboptimal Equilibria from Nominal Income Targeting, Journal of Private Enterprise, 35(2), 61-76
- Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2019). Adaptation and Central Banking, Public Choice, 180(3), 243-256
- Luther, William. (2019). Book Review of D. Golumbia's The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism, 32(1), 85-88
- Luther, William; Hogan, Thomas. (2019). Endogenous Matching and Money with Random Consumption Preferences, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 19(2), 1-9
- Luther, William. (2019). Getting off the Ground: The Case of Bitcoin, Journal of Institutional Economics, 15(2), 189-205
- Luther, William; McElyea, J.P.. (2018). Austrian Macroeconomics in Search of its Uniqueness, Journal of Private Enterprise, 33(2), 1-20
- Luther, William. (2018). Book Review of K.S. Rogoff's The Curse of Cash, 22(4), 619-622
- Luther, William. (2018). Is Bitcoin Intrinsically Worthless?, Journal of Private Enterprise, 33(1), 31-45
- Luther, William. (2018). K.S. Rogoff's The Curse of Cash, Independent Review, 22(4), 619-622
- Luther, William; Hendrickson, Joshua. (2017). Banning Bitcoin, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 141, 188-195
- Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2017). Bitcoin and the Bailout, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 66, 50-56
- Luther, William. (2016). Bitcoin and the Future of Digital Payments, Independent Review, 20(3), 397-404
- Luther, William. (2016). Cryptocurrencies, Network Effects, and Switching Costs, Contemporary Economic Policy, 34(3), 553-571
- Luther, William. (2016). Mises and the Moderns on the Inessentiality of Money in Equilibrium, Review of Austrian Economics, 29(1), 1-13
- Luther, William; Cohen, Mark. (2016). On the Empirical Relevance of the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Trade Cycle, Advances in Austrian Economics, 20, 79-103
- Luther, William; White, Lawrence. (2016). Positively Valued Fiat Money after the Sovereign Disappears: The Case of Somalia, Review of Behavioral Economics, 3(3-4), 311-334
- Luther, William. (2016). Regulating Bitcoin: On What Grounds?, Reframing Financial Markets Regulation, Mercatus Center, 391-415
- Luther, William; Hogan, Thomas. (2016). The Implicit Costs of Government-Provided Deposit Insurance, Journal of Private Enterprise, 31(2), 1-13
- Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2016). The Optimal Austrian Business Cycle Theory, Advances in Austrian Economics, 20, 45-60
- Luther, William; Hendrickson, Joshua; Hogan, Thomas. (2016). The Political Economy of Bitcoin, Economic Inquiry, 54(2), 925-939
- Luther, William; Olson, Josiah. (2015). Bitcoin is Memory, The Journal of Prices and Markets, 3(3), 22-33
- Luther, William. (2015). The Monetary Mechanism of Stateless Somalia, Public Choice, 165(1), 45-58
- Luther, William. (2015). Using NPRs Planet Money Podcast in Priciples of Macroeconomics, Journal of Private Enterprise, 30(1), 143-154
- Luther, William; Cohen, Mark. (2014). An Empirical Analysis of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory, Atlantic Economic Journal, 42(2), 153-169
- Luther, William; White, Lawrence. (2014). Can Bitcoin Become a Major Currency?, Cayman Financial Review, 36, 78-79
- Luther, William. (2014). Evenly Rotating Economy: A New Modeling Technique for an Old Equilibrium Construct, Review of Austrian Economics, 27(4), 403-417
- Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2014). Synthesizing State and Spontaneous Order Theories of Money, Advances in Austrian Economics, 18, 161-178
- Luther, William; Hogan, Thomas. (2014). The Explicit Costs of Government-Provided Deposit Insurance, Cato Journal, 34(1), 145-170
- Luther, William. (2013). Friedman Versus Hayek on Private Outside Monies: New Evidence for the Debate, Economic Affairs, 33(1), 127-135
- Luther, William; Koppl, Roger. (2013). Hayek, Keynes, and Modern Macroeconomics, Review of Austrian Economics, 25(3), 223-241
- Luther, William; Salter, Alexander. (2012). Monetary Equilibrium and Price Stikiness Reconsidered: A Reply to Bagus and Howden, Review of Austrian Economics, 25(3), 263-269
- Luther, William; Horwitz, Steven. (2011). The Great Recession and its Aftermath from a Monetary Equilibrium Theory Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 75-92
- Luther, William; Hall, Joshua. (2010). Ireland, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, USA, 418-421
- Luther, William; Boettke, Peter. (2010). The Ordinary Economics of an Extraordinary Crisis, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 14-25
- Luther, William. (2009). The Economics Underlying the Ethics of Fiscal Stimuli, Journal of Lutheran Ethics, 9(3)
- Luther, William; Lawson, Robert; Hall, Joshua. (2008). A Comment on Legum (2007) and Stanford (2007), Real World Economics Review, 47(October), 261-262