Ye Zhang
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise: Transformative Tourism/Hospitality Services, Customer/Employee Well-being, Accessible Tourism/Hospitality, Customer Choice Behaviors, Computational Modeling & Big-data Analytics
- PhD (2015) Leisure Behavior, Indiana University
- MS (2010) Tourism Management, Indiana University
- BS (2008) Urban and Rural Planning & Resource Management, Peking University
- ACUE Certificate Earned: Effective Teaching Practice Framework ----- Micro-credentials (Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Online Learning Environment -- and -- Designing Learning-Centered and Equitable Courses --- and --- Inspiring Inquiry and Lifelong Learning in Your Online Course --- and --- Promoting Active Learning Online)
- Certification of Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
- eDesign Certification
- eLearning Faculty Certificate
- Chartered Financial Analyst Candidate
Research Interests
- Psychology intervention to influence tourist tourism/hospitality service choices; Cognitive modeling to forecast tourist hospitality choice behaviors; Strategic service delivery by tourism/hospitality businesses to maximize customer satisfaction; Multi-agent interactive choice of tourism/hospitality services through the internet; Travel empowerment for people with mobility challenges; Forecasting tourism demand with econometric approaches; Positive psychology and travel benefits on life challenge coping; Technology-based waiting management in hospitality business; Tourism/hospitality sustainability evaluation and the role of community involvement in sustainable tourism development
Intellectual Contributions
- Gao, Jie; Zhang, Ye; Xu, Shi (Tracy); Ma, Jintao (Emily). Rethinking work-life integration: empowering talent in emerging hospitality and tourism work paradigms (forthcoming), International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, Jie; Goh, Edmund; Li, Yaoqi. A complex adaptive system analysis of emerging tourism work paradigms (forthcoming), Current Issues in Tourism
- Ramsey, Jase; Zhang, Ye; Lorenz, Melanie. Travel Stress, Leisure Exploration and Trip Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Travel Adjustment (forthcoming), Journal of Travel Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/00472875241260338
- Yu, Jibin; Zhang, Ye; Li, Yan. Dual approaches of tourism’s impact on post-trip well-being (forthcoming), Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 1-14
- Yang, Wan; Zhang, Ye. Mindset Matters to Well-being Boosting with Tourism (forthcoming), Journal of Travel Research
- Gao, Jie; Zhang, Ye; Yao, Lixia; Wang, Yawei. Well-being and Tourism: An Integrative Review of Research from Major Journals (forthcoming), Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-14
- Hua, Chenggang; Cole, Shu; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Weixuan; Zhao, Haoai. (2025). Exploring Needed Support as a Motivational Factor for Travelers with Mobility Impairments: A Sequential Mixed- Methods Exploration, Journal of Travel Research, 64(2), 378-394
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye. (2025). Matching emotion regulation strategies with specific emotions in tourist experiences, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 8(2), 553-571
- Li, Yaoqi; Zhang, Ye; Ma, Shuang Sara. (2024). You are not alone: Heal the P2P accommodation guests with digitally displayed close relationships, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 61(4), 145-155
- Hua, Chenggang; Cole, Shu; Zhang, Ye. (2024). Travel participation as an outlet for social integration of people with spinal cord injury: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 59, 332-342
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter. (2024). Promoting Transformative Tourism Experiences with Human-like AI Chatbots, International Academy of Business Disciplines 35th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Ramsey, Jase; Zhang, Ye; Lorenz, Melanie. (2023). The advent of bleisure in international business travel: How travel strain and leisure exploration influence trip adjustment and satisfaction, The AIB 2023, Warsaw.
- Zhang, Ye. (2023). Tourism: A Unique Character-strength Incubator, Tourism Analysis, 28(2), 163-186
- Gao, Jie; Yao, Lixia; Zhang, Ye. (2023). Impact of Leadership on Women's Emotional Labor in Hospitality, 7th World Research Summit for Hospitality and Tourism
- Hua, Chenggang; Cole, Shu; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Weixuan; Zhao, Haoai. (2023). Exploring Psychological Facilitators of Travel Participation among People with Mobility Impairments: A Mixed-Methods Study, International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education
- Jiang, Qiumin; Zhang, Ye; Li, Yaoqi. (2023). The influential mechanism of time perspective on food waste preference, 6th China International Conference on Positive Psychology
- Yang, Wan; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Yao-Chin. (2023). Would Travel Experiences or Possessions Make People Happier?, Journal of Travel Research, 62(2), 412-431
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, Jie; Bilgihan, Anil; Lorenz, Melanie. (2023). A Holistic Assessment of eWOM Management Effectiveness with Agent-based Modeling, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 785-827
- Gao, Jie; Zhang, Ye; Chang, Po-Ju; Xiao, Xiao. (2022). A Mixed-Methods Study of the Ways in Which Vacation Factors Impact Tourists' Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies, Tourism Review International, 26(3), 289-306
- Yang, Yang; Zhang, Ye. (2022). Book Title: Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing; Book Section: Travel Constraints, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, Jie; Cole, Shu; Ricci, Peter. (2021). How the Spread of User-Generated Contents (UGC) Shapes International Tourism Distribution: Using Agent-Based Modeling to Inform Strategic UGC Marketing, Journal of Travel Research, 60(7), 1469-1491; DOI: 10.1177/0047287520951639
- Tlili, Ahmed; Altinay, Fahriye; Altinay, Zehra; Zhang, Ye. (2021). Envisioning the Future of Technology Integration for Accessible Hospitality and Tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(12), 4460-4482; https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-03-2021-0321
- Zhao, HaoAi; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Weixuan; Cole, Shu. (2021). Contribution of Travel Participation to Life Satisfaction after Spinal Cord Injury, Disability and Health Journal, 14(4), DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2021.101167
- Gallan, Andrew; Kabadayi, Sertan; Ali, Faizan; Helkkula, Anu; Wu, Luorong; Zhang, Ye. (2021). Transformative Service Research: A Conceptual Framework based on Consumer's Perspective, Journal of Business Research, 134, 171-183
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2021). Using Agent-based Modeling to Guide eWOM-related Hospitality Business Strategies (forthcoming), International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Virtual
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2021). Generation Z’s character-strength applications in tourism (forthcoming), Travel & Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference, Fort Worth, Texas
- Zhang, Ye; Ramsey, J.R.; Lorenz, Melanie. (2021). A Conservation of Resources Schema for Identifying the Influential Forces of Air Travel Stress, Tourism Management, 83, 1-17; DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104240
- Yang, W.; Zhang, Ye; Kam Fung So, K.. (2021). Tourism Experiences vs. Material Purchases: Effects of Eudaimonic Consumption Motive on Consumers’ Reactions to Invidious Comparisons, Tourism Management, 83, DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104247
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter. (2020). Does Travel Generate Happiness? Implications for Health Tourism, T-Forum Global Conference, Faro, Portugal
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Cole, S.T.; Ricci, Peter. (2019). Beyond accessibility: Empowering mobility-impaired customers with motivation differentiation, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(9), 3503-3525; DOI 10.1108/IJCHM-08-2018-0663
- Cole, S.; Zhang, Ye; Wang, W.; Hu, Cheng-ming. (2019). The Influence of Accessibility and Motivation on Leisure Travel Participation of People with Disabilities, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36(1), 119-130; DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2018.1496218
- Cole, S.; Zhao, H.; Zhang, Ye; Wang, W.. (2019). Impact of travel participation on health, social integration and life satisfaction after acquired disability, Abstract published of APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Kerstetter, D.; Shields, S.. (2019). Understanding Changes in Tourists' use of Emotion Regulation Strategies in a Vacation Context, Journal of Travel Research, 58(7), 1088-1104; DOI: 10.1177/0047287518798511
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2019). Informing the Recruitment and Retention of Millenial/Post-millennial Employees with Character-Strength-based Explorations, International Conference on Hotel, Restraurant, and Institutional Education, New Orleans, LA
- Randle, M.; Zhang, Ye; Donicar, S.. (2019). The Changing Importance of Vacations: Proposing a Theoretical Explanation for the Changing Contribution of Vacations to People’s Quality of Life, Annals of Tourism Research, 77, 154-157
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Zhu, M.; Wang, Y.. (2019). Holiday Syndrome: Explore Tourists' Stress in Pleasure Travel, Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Melbourne, Australia
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter. (2019). The Potential of Tourism for Benefiting Individual Short-term and Long-term Wellbeing: A Character-strength-based Exploration, Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Zhu, M.; Wang, Y.. (2019). Emotion Regulation Changes and Socio-demographics, The 2nd Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality, Taiwan, China
- Gao, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Ye. (2019). Exploring Tourists' Crying Behaviors During Vacation: A Well-being-based Approach, International Academy of Business Disciplines, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Ricci, Peter; Gao, J.. (2019). Context-based Leisure Travel Facilitation among People with Mobility Challenges: A Self-Determination Theory Approach, Journal of Travel Research, 58(1), 42-62; DOI: 10.1177/0047287517741004
- Zhang, Ye; Madanoglu, Melih; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). The Palm Beach Tourism Marketing Effectiveness Evaluation based on Real-time Tracked Exposure Data, Global Conference on Business and Economics
- Zhang, Ye; Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). The Palm Beach Tourism Marketing Effectiveness Evaluation based on Real-time Tracked Exposure Data, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA
- Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). Time to Arrival to a Destination and Online Search Activity: An S-shape Model, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Zhu, Mingfang; Wang, Yawei. (2018). Using the Process Model to Uncover Tourists' Emotion Regulation Strategies, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Palm Springs, CA
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Zhu, Mingfang; Wang, Yawai. (2018). Happier After Vacation? Exploring the Role of Emotion Regulation in Tourists' Well-being, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Miami/Coral Gables, FL
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2018). Inner- versus Social-driven Travel Motivations among People with Mobility Challenges: Extending the Travel Motivation Interpretation with a New Horizon, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Miami/Coral Gables, FL, USA
- Madanoglu, Gulsevim; Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter. (2018). Online Search Activity and Time to Arrival to a Destination, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Guangzhou, China
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter; Chen, Ya-Ling. (2018). The Interactive Effects of Social Media Channels on International Arrivals: An Exploration with Agent-based Simulation, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Guangzhou, China
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Hirt, E.; Bilgihan, Anil. (2017). Self-determined travel facilitation with mental construal priming, Tourism Management, 61, 472-483
- Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Ricci, Peter. (2017). How Effective are the Pro-sustainability Initiatives in Hospitality Industry?, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Baltimore, Maryland
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Kerstetter, D.; Wang, Y.. (2017). Tourists' Travel Attributes and Their Positive Emotional Experiences, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Li, X.. (2017). Understanding and Predicting Airbnb Visitors' Bookings with Artificial Neural Network and Agent-based Modeling, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Ricci, Peter; Zhang, Ye; Gao, J.; Shen, Y.. (2017). Would Self-determination Facilitate Leisure Travel Pursuit at Different Challenge Levels? -- The Exploration among People with Mobility Impairments, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Quebec City, Canada
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Y.; Hodge, C.. (2017). An integrative review of well-being in tourism, Proceedings of 2017 National Environment and Recreation Research (NERR) Symposium, Annapolis, MD, USA
- Gao, J.; Zhang, Ye; Kerstetter, D.; Wang, Y.. (2017). Understanding the role of travel mementoes on emotional experiences, Proceedings of 2017 National Environment and Recreation Research (NERR) Symposium, Annapolis, MD, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Bilgihan, Anil; Ricci, Peter; Chen, Y.. (2016). Memory and Hospitality Service Decision Making, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Dallas, TX *** Won Best Paper Award ***, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Ricci, Peter; Bilgihan, Anil. (2016). The Agent-based Modeling of Destination-tourist Interactions, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International Conference, Vail, Colorado, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2016). Dimensions of Lodging Guest Satisfaction among Guests with Mobility Challanges: A Mixed-method Analysis of Web-based Texts, Tourism Management, 53, 13-27, doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.09.001
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2016). The employment of web travel reviews in identifying factor structre of hospitality satisfaction among tourists with mobility challenges, Tourism Management, 53, 13-27; doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.09.001
- Park, Y.W.; Cole, S.; Zhang, Ye. (2015). Accessibility of Travel and Tourism Services as Perceived by Travelers with Mobility Impairments, Tourism Review International, 19(1), 31-42
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Chancellor, H.C.. (2015). Facilitation of the SUS-TAS Application with Parsimony, Predictive Validity, and Global Interpretation Examination, Journal of Travel Research, 54(6), 744-757
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2015). Mental Construal Priming as a Facilitator of Leisure Travel among People with Mobility Challenges, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Cole, S.; Zhang, Ye; Wang, W.. (2014). Impact of environmental factors on participation of people with mobility impairments in travel: A self-determination perspective, Proceedings of the American Public Health Association's 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Cole, S.; Charlifue, S.; Whiteneck, G.; Zhang, Ye. (2014). Role of travel in the lives of people after spinal cord injury, Proceedings of the American Public Health Association's 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2014). The abstract construal priming as an effective approach of persuading people with disabilities to pursue travel behaviors, Proceedings of International Conference on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, San Diego, CA, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Chancellor, H.C.. (2013). Residents' preferences for involvement in tourism development and influences from individual profiles, Tourism Planning & Development, 10(3), 267-284, doi:10.1080/21568316.2012.747984
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2013). The factor structure of hospitality satisfaction among travelers with mobility impairments: An integration of content analysis and the three-factor theory of customer satisfaction, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference, Kansas City, MO, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2012). Factors influential to tourism experience of people with mobility impairments, Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.. (2012). Modeling international demand for Hong Kong tourism with panel data analysis, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Auburn, AL, USA
- Zhang, Ye; Cole, S.; Chancellor, C.. (2011). Residents’ individual characteristics that influence their preferences for involvement in tourism development, Proceedings of the Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference, London, Ontario, Canada