Yannick Thams
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise: CEO Selection/Board Diversity, Political Ideology, Global Strategy
- PhD (2013) International Business, Florida International University
- Master (2004) International Business, Florida International University
- Bachelor (2002) Business, Winthrop University
Intellectual Contributions
- Zhao, Yue; Sim, Dasol; Thams, Yannick; Parente, Ronaldo. Supplier Involvement and Firm Financial Performance: Bringing Strategic Fit to the Fore (forthcoming), British Journal of Management
- Thams, Yannick. A conversation about us firms’ pledge to create value for all stakeholders (forthcoming)
- Thams, Yannick; Rickley, Marketa. (2024). Are foreign‐born CEOs held to a higher performance standard? The role of national origin in CEO dismissals, Global Strategy Journal, 14(3), 578-603
- Thams, Yannick; Dau, Luis. (2023). Do liberal and conservative-leaning CEOs approach de-internationalization differently? Zooming in on the onset of the 2022 Russia/Ukraine crisis, Journal of World Business, 58(5), Article: 101475
- Harari, Michael; McCombs, Kate; Thams, Yannick. (2023). Perceived employability and employee strain: A meta-analysis, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 109-118
- Kelley, K.J.; Thams, Yannick. (2021). Creating Shared Reputational Value while Managing Informational Asymmetries across Borders: The Platform Business Paradox, AIB Insights, 21(3)
- Thams, Yannick. (2021). Does organizational political ideology matter for firms’ international strategy?, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 16068
- Parente, R.; Kelley, K.; Thams, Yannick; Alvarado-Vargas, M.. (2020). Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Links between Acquiring Firm Capabilities and Resources and Target Country Location, Multinational Business Review, 28(3), 355-379
- Thams, Yannick; Chacar, A.S.; Wiersema, M.. (2020). Global Strategic Context and CEO Appointments: The Importance of a Global Mindset, Global Strategy Journal, 10(4), 676-699
- Douglas-Fernandez, W.; Thams, Yannick. (2019). Board diversity and stakeholder management: the moderating impact of boards’ learning environment, The Learning Organization, 26(2), 160-175
- Kelley, K.; Hemphill, T.; Thams, Yannick. (2019). Corporate social responsibility, country reputation and corporate reputation: A perspective on the creation of shared value in emerging markets, Multinational Business Review, 27(2), 178-197 (selected as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards)
- Kelley, K.J.; Thams, Yannick. (2019). Global reputation management: understanding and managing reputation as shared value across borders, Emerald Publishing Limited, 23-48
- Thams, Yannick; Bendell, B.; Terjesen, Siri. (2018). Explaining women’s presence on corporate boards: the institutionalization of progressive gender-related policies, Journal of Business Research, 86, 130-140
- Thams, Yannick; Kelley, K.; Von Glinow, M.A.. (2018). Foreigners in the boardroom: the impact of firms' local socio-cultural context, Journal of Business Research, 91, 8-18
- Thams, Yannick; Alvarado-Vargas, M.J.; Newburry, W.. (2016). Geographical diversification as a predictor of MNC reputations in their home nations, Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2882-2889
- Thams, Yannick; Liu, Y.; Von Glinow, M.A.. (2013). Asian favors: more than a cookie cutter approach, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(2), 461-486
- Thams, Yannick; Chacar, A.S.. (2012). Globalization pressures and CEO nationality selection, Academy of International Business Southeast Proceedings
- Chacar, A.S.; Celo, S.; Thams, Yannick. (2010). The performance of multinational affiliates versus domestic, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 11(4), 47-59