Hong  Yuan

Hong Yuan

Harry T. Mangurian Professor & Chair

Areas of Expertise: Pricing and Promotion, Retailing, Advertising, Digital Marketing, and Services Marketing

Office: Fleming Hall - Room 201 (Boca Raton)


  • PhD (2005) Marketing, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
  • MA (2001) Applied Economics, University of Michigan, College of LSA
  • BS (1997) Management Information Systems, Fudan University, School of Management

Intellectual Contributions

  • Kulkarni, Atul; Yuan, Hong. Shopper Search in Response to Conditional Promotions: A Function of Basket Sizes and Incentive Types (forthcoming), Psychology & Marketing
  • He, Yuanqiong; Zhou, Qi; Canfield, Jessica; Yuan, Hong. (2024). Not all Friends Are Created Equal: The Effect of Friendship Type on Performance of Shared Native Ads on Social Media, Journal of Business Research, 183, Article: 114824
  • Li, Huajun; Lei, Yueqiu; Zhou, Qi; Yuan, Hong. (2023). Can You Sense Without Being Human? Comparing Virtual and Human Influencers Endorsement Effectiveness, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 75, Article: 103456
  • Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong; Zollo, Lamberto; Rialti, Riccardo. (2023). Cross-National Validation of Novel Measure of Implicit Ethical Consumerism, Global Fashion Management Conference
  • Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong. (2022). Closing the Attitude-Behavior Gap: A Novel Measure to Predict Ethical Consumption, American Marketing Association Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, 37
  • Wang, Cindy; Yuan, Hong; Beck, Josh. (2022). Too Tired for a Good Deal: How Customer Fatigue Shapes the Performance of Pay-What-You-Want Pricing, Journal of Business Research, 144, 987-996
  • Hanson, Sara; Kikar-Kinney, Monika; Yuan, Hong. (2021). Understanding the Impact of Recipient Identification and Discount Structure on Social Coupon Sharing: The Role of Altruism and Market Mavenism, Psychology and Marketing, 38(11), 2102-2121
  • Hanson, Sara; Kikar-Kinney, Monika; Yuan, Hong. (2021). The Control-Effort Trade-Off in Participative Pricing: How Erasing Pricing Decisions Enhances Purchace Outcomes, Journal of Marketing, 85(5), 145-160
  • Minton, Elizabeth; Cornwell, Bettina; Yuan, Hong. (2021). I Know What You Are Thinking: How Theory of Mind and Cognitive Abilities Are Employed in Product Evaluations, Journal of Business Research, 128, 405-422
  • Warren, Nathan; Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2021). Feeling Manipulated: How Tip Request Sequence Impacts Customers and Service Providers, Journal of Service Research, 24(1), 66-83
  • Warren, Nathan; Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2020). Feeling Watched: The Interpersonal Effects of Tip Visibility, American Marketing Association Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, 33
  • Tran, Chi; Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong. (2020). Reclaiming Control: A Multi-method Investigation of Consumer Response to Privacy Violations, Association of Consumer Research Conference Proceedings, 48
  • Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong. (2019). A Shared Understanding: Redefining 'Sharing' from a Consumer Perspective, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 27(4), 430-444
  • Kulkarni, Atul; Wang, Cindy; Yuan, Hong. (2019). Boomerang Effect of Incentive Reminders During Shopping Trips, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36(5), 592-599
  • Warren, Nathan; Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2019). Feeling Manipulated: How Tip Request Sequence Impacts Customers and Service Providers, American Marketing Association Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, 31
  • Wang, Haizhong; Yuan, Hong; Li, Xiaolin; Li, Huaxi. (2019). The Impact of Psychological Identification with Home-name Stocks on Investor Behavior: An Emperical and Experimental Investigation, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(6), 1109-1130
  • Reich, Brandon; Yuan, Hong. (2018). A Shared Understanding: Redefining 'Sharing' from a Consumer Perspective, American Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference Proceedings, 30
  • Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2018). Friends with Benefits: Social Coupon as a Strategy to Enhance Customers' Social Empowerment, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(4), 768-787
  • Li, Shenyu; Huang, Rong; Yuan, Hong; Zhou, Qiong. (2018). Optimizing the effectiveness of container packaging design: How shape influences customer proportion judgments, Applied Marketing Analytics, 4(1), 79-92
  • Wang, Cindy; Beck, Josh; Yuan, Hong. (2018). The Cost of Control: How Participative Pricing Shapes Attitudes and Purchases, American Marketing Association Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, 29
  • Warren, Nathan; Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2018). The Impact of Changes to Tipping Norms at the Organizational Frontline: A Comparison of Pre-Service and Post-Service Tipping, 10th SERVSIG Proceedings, 249-260
  • Kulkarni, Atul; Yuan, Hong. (2017). Construal-Level Mindsets Enhance Behavioral Persistence in Response to Incentive Valence, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30, 1041-1051
  • Hanson, Sara; Kukar-Kinney, Monika; Yuan, Hong. (2017). One for Me, One for You: Exploring Consumers' Motivations to Share Referral Coupons, JACR Consumer Response to the Evolving Retailing Landscape Conference Proceedings
  • Kulkarni, Atul; Yuan, Hong. (2015). Effect of Add-Irrelevant Distance Cues on Persuasiveness of Message Framing, Journal of Advertising, 44(3), 254-263
  • Hanson, Sara; Yuan, Hong. (2015). Share It Forward: The Effect of Social Couponing on Purchase Intentions, American Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference Proceedings, 24
  • Yuan, Hong; Gomez, Miguel; Rao, Vithala. (2013). Trade Promotion Decisions under Demand Uncertainty: A Market Experiment Approach, Management Science, 59(7), 1709-1724
  • White, Tiffany; Yuan, Hong. (2012). Building Trust to Increase Purchase Intentions: The Signaling Impact of Low Pricing Policies, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(3), 384-394
  • Kulkarni, Atul; Yuan, Hong. (2012). Consumers' Search Intentions in Response to Conditional Promotions, Advances in Consumer Research Conference Proceedings, 40
  • Yuan, Hong; Krishna, Aradhna. (2011). Price-Matching Guarantees with Endogenous Search: A Market Experiment Approach, Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 182-193
  • Yuan, Hong; Han, Song. (2011). The Effects of Consumers' Price Expectations on Sellers' Dynamic Pricing Strategies, Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), 48-61
  • Yuan, Hong; Krishna, Aradhna. (2008). Pricing of Mall Services in the Presence of Sales Leakage, Journal of Retailing, 84(1), 95-117
  • Yuan, Hong; Krishna, Ardhna. (2006). Pricing of Mall Services When Transactions Can End outside the Mall, American Marketing Association Winter Educator's Conference Proceedings, 17
  • Krishna, Aradhna; Briesch, Richard; Lehmann, Donald; Yuan, Hong. (2002). A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Price Presentation on Perceived Savings, Journal of Retailing, 78(2), 101-118
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