The Stone Initiative on Law, Economics and Business

Central Research Theme for Stone Research Initiative:

The Stone Initiative seeks to identify and investigate the impact of misaligned economic incentives in the U.S. legal system which negatively impact business. These misaligned economic incentives include, but are not limited to:

(a) the infrastructure/operational rules of the U.S. legal system

(b) unintended consequences of legislation

(c) alternative legal arrangements that produce more efficient/equitable outcomes, among other possible areas of research interest.

The goal is to produce a better understanding of how the current legal environment (wittingly or unwittingly) influences business outcomes.

Meet the Stone Fellows:

2015-08-27 updated Faculty Profile Picture - Dr. Anita Pennathur

Anita Pennathur, Ph.D.

Chair, Professor & Stone Fellow

Finance Department

Stone Initiative Research

Curriculum Vitae

Joao Ricardo Faria

Joao Ricardo Faria, Ph.D.

Professor & Stone Fellow

Economics Department

Stone Initiative Research

Curriculum Vitae

