Research Resources

Research publications: The FAU COB publish a tracker of all research: To have your work listed, please e-mail: COBcommunications @ You can also just directly forward your journal acceptance to the COB Comms team who will follow up. If you want more publicity for your research such as social media or an article, please also reach out to the amazing COB Comms team.

Entrepreneurship Research Group: FAU COB has an interest group of entrepreneurship researchers who meet periodically. If you would like to join this e-mail list for announcements, please email Christopher Boudreaux

Finance Research Group: FAU COB has an interest group of finance researchers who meet periodically. If you would like to join this e-mail list for announcements, please email Sofia Johan

Research databases: Just a reminder that FAU (and especially the COB) subscribe to a number of research databases. You can see some of these here: and a full list below

Research Databases

Note: WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services) – Faculty and doctoral students may obtain an account to access WRDS by clicking the Register link on WRDS homepage. WRDS also includes a number of free databases.

(Access Method)
Description Coverage
Audit Analytics
Detailed audit information on over 1,200 accounting firms and 15,000 publicly registered companies.

SEC filings of bankruptcy declarations.
2000 - present
Bloomberg Many datasets can be accessed through the terminal in our BU201 open lab. 2014-present
BoardEx (WRDS) The BoardEx database contains biographical information on most board members and senior executives around the world. 1999-present
Compustat – Banking (WRDS) Fundamental information on active and inactive U.S. and Canadian publicly held banks. 1950 - present
Compustat – Segment (WRDS) Segment data for U.S. and Canadian publicly held companies. 1979 - present
Compustat Global (WRDS) Financial and market data, focusing on the non-U.S. and non-Canadian marketplace. 1987 - present
Compustat North America (WRDS) Fundamental and market information on more than 30,000 active and inactive publicly held U.S. and Canadian companies. It provides thousands of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, and supplemental data items for both annual and quarterly periods. 1950 - present
CRSP – Mutual (WRDS) Historical performance of open-ended mutual funds by using survivor-bias-free data. 1961 - present
CRSP – Stocks (WRDS) Comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets on a daily and monthly basis. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta- and cap-based portfolios, and treasury bond and risk-free rates. 1925 - present
CUSIP Master (WRDS) Provide CUSIP numbers, standardized descriptions and additional data attributes for over 5 million corporate, municipal and government securities offered in North America. N/A
Execucomp – S&P (WRDS) Executive compensation data collected directly from each company's annual proxy (DEF14A SEC form). Detailed information on salary, bonus, options and stock awards, non-equity incentive plans, pensions and other compensation items are available. 1992 - present
IBES (WRDS) Summary and individual analyst forecasts of company earnings, cash flows, and other important financial items, as well as buy-sell-hold recommendations. 1969 – present (individual data)
1974 – present (summary data)
IBES – Management Guidance (WRDS) Management forecast data (voluntary disclosure) 1995 - present
ISS (formerly RiskMetrics) (WRDS)

Four datasets identified roughly including the S&P 1500 firms:

  • Governance data (legacy and more recent data)
  • Directors data (legacy and more recent data)
  • Voting Results data
  • Shareholder Proposal data
  • 1990 – present
  • 1996 – present
  • 1997 - present
  • 1997 - present
KLD Stats (WRDS) MSCI (formerly KLD Research & Analytics, Inc.) provides corporate social responsibility information for over 3,000 firms. 1991 - present
Morning Star (Contact Marc Wharton for access information) Mutual Fund data including some hedge fund coverage.  
MSCI MSCI ESG Ratings for Global Equities Historical Data; MSCI ESG Fund Ratings Historical Data Various - present
NAIC (Contact Charles Yang for further information) Various insurance company / industry databases. Various
Nastraq (WRDS) Intraday trades and quotes for all Nasdaq stocks. 1999 – 2007 (no longer updated)
Refinitiv - Datastream (WRDS) International stock price and economic data. 1953 - present
Refinitiv - SDC (WRDS)
  • Comprehensive coverage of global new issues data including IPOs, SEOs, spinoffs, etc.
  • Detailed data on hundreds of thousands of domestic and international mergers and acquisitions
1962 – present
Refinitiv – Institutional (13f) Holdings (WRDS) There is also a WRDS tool to aggregate Thomson-Reuters Institutional Ownership data at the security level. This tool uses Thomson-Reuters S34 data.  
Refinitiv - Insiders (WRDS) The Thomson Reuters Insider Filing Data Files are designed to capture all insider activity as reported on SEC forms 3, 4, 5, and 144  
SeekEdgar - SeekiNF You can access the data by using your FAU email address or by logging in through the university library SeekiNF (Search Engine to Extract Knowledge from Industry Filings) is a cloud-based technology that provides searchable interface within different levels of resolutions in SEC filings. SeekiNF allows users to search for financial and non-financial information based on user specified search strings from the various SEC filings and PCAOB Inspection Reports. SeekiNF provides tremendous opportunities for gathering information related to accounting, finance, marketing, tax, law, etc. to conduct research and develop various risk assessment models including financial risk and fraud risk using financial and non-financial information. 1994-2021 with daily updates. It has around 19 million SEC filings and 35 million documents in its database spread over 28 years.
SeekEdgar - FRAANK You can access the data by using your FAU email address or by logging in through the university library FRAANK allows users to get information for public companies filed with the SEC, including financial statements, non-financial information from 10K and 10Q filings, such as: Audit Report, Summary of Audit Report - auditee, auditor, type of opinion, place and date of audit, SOX 404 Management and Audit Reports, Footnotes, Items, and MD&A, Signature - obtains names of people who signed 10K with their titles. These statements are made available in Excel Spreadsheet format.  

Other Resources:

  • Qualtrics - FAU now maintains a license for Qualtrics to conduct online surveys. All administrators, faculty, staff, and students have access to the software using their FAU Net ID and password. All surveys conducted at FAU should now be conducted using Qualtrics at the site below.

    You may create your Qualtrics account here
    For assistance with log in or account issues please contact the OIT Help Desk at 561-297-3999 or

  • SPSS, SAS, and STATA: For access to and information on statistical software available to COB students, faculty, and staff, please contact





