Leadership Development
We work with leading businesses to identify workforce training and skills deficiencies, build curriculum to address the organizations' particular needs, and deliver customized educational programming to raise organizational productivity and innovation. These programs are intended for on- or off-site, customized group training (generally 10-20 participants).
Create a customized program that addresses your organization's most pressing needs from our suite of Management and Leadership modules.
Half-day (4 hour) Programs - The following are 4 hour programs that can be presented individually, combined into a full-day (8 hour) session, or presented as a series of workshops:
This brand-building thought leadership retreat with Larry Gulko is a one-of-a-kind one-day or half-day strategic branding experience designed to drive brand leadership, customer loyalty, and business growth to the next level of success. This collaborative and enjoyable brand ideation workshop for a company’s leadership team was originally created in tandem with the Disney Institute, Disney’s executive education organization. The Harvard Club of Boston has engaged Larry to deliver this strategic program to business school members.
Leadership Skills
This program explores the difference between management and leadership. It covers leadership styles, leadership characteristics and behaviors. Situational leadership skills are covered in detail.
Effective Communication
This program examines the day-to-day problems that hinder good communication including listening skills, giving clear instructions, problems caused by making assumptions, personal perceptions, barriers to communications, and reading body language.
Time Management
This program is designed to improve the personal productivity of both management and non-management employees and provides practical solutions for day-to-day problems that eat up time. Topics include changing time-wasting habits, effective daily time planning, prioritizing, managing interruptions, handling paperwork and e-mail more efficiently and avoiding procrastination.
Quality Customer Service
This program is designed to improve the service levels provided to the organization's internal and external customers. It shows participants how to improve their sensitivity to the customers' needs and provides practical solutions for problems that confront employees on a regular basis.
Counseling and Effective Discipline
This program stresses the use of positive discipline rather than punitive discipline. Handling reprimands is also covered. Case studies and role-playing are used to give the participants practice in dealing with disciplinary situations. This module will be tailored to the policies and procedures of the client.
Performance Management
This program discusses methods for performance feedback, performance coaching, ongoing performance communication processes, motivation techniques and formulating action plans. The client’s performance appraisal process and forms will be incorporated into the module.
Managing Conflict
This program teaches participants to take a professional rather than a personal approach to conflict resolution. Conflict resolution techniques are identified, discussed and applied. The module covers techniques in dealing with person-to-person conflict, regardless of the level of the person within the organization.
Change Management
This program teaches supervisors and managers about the dynamics of implementing changes, the importance of the communication process and how to deal with resistance to change. Using case studies, the group will discuss and practice designing an implementation process.
Motivation Skills
This program focuses on practical, day-to-day applications of motivational techniques that cost little or no money. Supervisors and managers will be taught how to apply these techniques and build them into their daily routines.
Team Building
This program discusses the differences between a group and a functioning team. It covers techniques that a supervisor or manager can implement to build a team and outlines the benefits of collaboration and empowerment. Case studies and group discussions are used to further illustrate teambuilding methods.
Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making
This program provides participants with a step-by-step approach for problem solving. Numerous techniques for data analysis are described. The course also covers the generation, evaluation, and selection of alternatives, determining the criteria to evaluate the alternatives, how best to make decisions.
Effective Delegation
This program covers delegation techniques, what and how to communicate, how to maintain control and how to avoid typical delegation pitfalls such as reverse delegation. Managing by results and not by process is stressed and managers are shown the importance of defining expected results before the assignment is delegated. Interviewing Skills - This program provides participants with effective techniques for interviewing and selecting the right people for the job. Advance preparation and designing effective interview questions is stressed. The module also covers the laws one must obey and the interviewing questions that must be avoided.
Storytelling for Leaders
This program views storytelling through the lens of neuroscience. What happens to our brains when we use specific elements of storytelling? Stories create movements! Together we uncover the elements of storytelling, how it can enhance our leadership abilities and win people over. We’ll each craft our #1 story every leader must have in order to influence. Your team will increase their ability to engage, inspire and motivate as well as represent the company brand in a strong and powerful way.
Creativity in Business
“Creativity” and “innovation” are often used interchangeably but are two separate concepts. Creativity in individuals is a precursor to being innovative. This program teaches what it means to be a creative thinker and how doing so can enhance business performance. We build a creativity practice together and uncover ways to foster innovation in our organizations.
Full-day (8 hour) Programs - The following are designed as full-day sessions:
Social Awareness and Relationship Management
This program discusses the differences between a group and a functioning team. It covers techniques that a supervisor or manager can implement to build a team and outlines the benefits of collaboration and empowerment. Case studies and group discussions are used to further illustrate teambuilding methods.
Leading and Coaching Teams
This course will demonstrate each individual's role on a team and the impact of collaboration on the team's effectiveness. It will identify critical leadership skills needed to gain team members' commitment in achieving team mission and prioritizing goals.
You Are Who You Are - Exploring Your Personal Style
Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), this session will help participants identify their own preference for communicating with others, taking in information, making decisions, solving problems, and will explain interpersonal issues and conflicts that can occur with various personality types.
The Impact of Your Message - Write It and Say It
Understand a blueprint to effective communications, both oral and written, and outline the considerations and steps necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Identify the who, what, when, where and how in your communication and learn how to match your message to the appropriate situation, audience and/or culture.
Relating to Others - Critical Interpersonal Skills for Leaders
By completing a self-assessment and obtaining feedback from those they lead, participants will better understand their interpersonal skills and the impact of interpersonal needs and associated behaviors and traits. Additionally, participants will learn to recognize their level of compatibility with others and why some relationships are strained and others are complimentary. They will identify how leaders’ interpersonal style and needs impact the culture of the organization.
Ethics and Professionalism - Above Board or Undercover
This course seeks to develop and understanding of values and professionalism as well as the impact of values and a code of conduct in one's "work life." Participants will identify the importance of the congruence of individual and business core values for personal integrity, decision making, collaborative relationships and conflicts. They will recognize when there is a connection between one’s values, behaviors and the impact on career advancement by “walking the talk” vs. when it’s only “lip service.”
Strategic Communication
This program identifies the strategic forces that drive effective communication and determine all the other elements of written or oral communication (e.g., content, organization, format, visuals, word choice, tone, body language). Participants are encouraged to (1) bring an example of a successful and an unsuccessful written document (one received or written [names redacted], (2) be able to describe a successful presentation and an unsuccessful presentation (someone else’s or their own), and (3) have an upcoming written document or presentation to which they can apply the concepts.
Editing for Clarity and Conciseness
This program provides concrete methods for conveying more meaning by using concrete and specific language, activating sentences, eliminating excess words and elements, and structuring sentences to emphasize meaning.
Resolving Conflict Through Assertive Behavior
This program teaches the ASSERT Process© for dealing with conflict. Participants will engage in a conflict self-analysis exercise, learn when to be and not to be assertive, address negative perceptions of being assertive, and apply the specific ASSERT steps to role plays and their own situations.
Presenting Yourself and Your Ideas
This program focuses on creating compelling, content-rich, and credible presentations. It addresses identifying the key message, capturing the audience from the first sentence, creating an easy-to-follow structure, providing credible and memorable content, ending with impact, building personal credibility, connecting emotionally with the audience, and using visuals that enhance rather than detract.
Listening: The Key to Learning, Problem-Solving and Well-being
This program presents the steps involved in listening and the possible breakdowns, the levels of listening and how to match the level to the listening purpose, the importance of listening with eyes as well as ears, and steps for improving listening to learn, to problem solve, and to build relationships.
Leadership Bootcamp
An intensive, three-day Management and Leadership Development Certificate Program, designed for Supervisors, Managers and Senior Leaders, FAU’s Leadership Boot Camp:The Art and Science of Effective Leadership will benefit anyone with managerial responsibility and who requires strong decision-making skills and the ability to lead and motivate others.