Andrew Gallan
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise: Patient Experience, Service Design, Health Care Services, Customer Well-being
- PhD (2008) Business Administration (Marketing), Arizona State University
- MBA (2004) Marketing, University of Portland
- BA (1988) Liberal Arts, Colgate University
Intellectual Contributions
- Gallan, Andrew; Niraj, Rakesh. Extracting Insights on Service Experiences from Unstructured Text Data (forthcoming)
- Fisk, Ray; Gallan, Andrew; Joubert, Alison; Beekhuyzen, Jenine; Russell-Bennett, Rebekah; Cheung, Lilliemay. (2023). Healing the Digital Divide with Digital Inclusion: Enabling Human Capabilities, Journal of Service Research, 26(4), 542-559
- Gallan, Andrew; Helkkula, Anu. (2022). Cocreating Transformative Value Propositions to Serve Customers Experiencing Vulnerability during a Humanitarian Crisis, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 12, 85-101
- Gallan, Andrew; Niraj, Rakesh; Singh, Awanindra. (2022). Beyond HCAHPS: Patients’ Comments Provide an Expanded View of Their Hospital Experiences, Patient Experience Journal, 9(1)
- Gallan, Andrew; Kabadayi, Sertan; Ali, Faizan; Helkkula, Anu; Wu, Luorong; Zhang, Ye. (2021). Transformative Service Research: A Conceptual Framework based on Consumer's Perspective, Journal of Business Research, 134, 171-183
- Gallan, Andrew; Perlow, B.; Shah, R.; Gravdal, J.. (2021). Patient Shadowing and Service Design: Insights from an Outpatient Family Medicine Practice, Patient Experience Journal, 8(2)
- Gallan, Andrew; Niraj, Rakesh; Jarvis, Cheryl. (2020). Service Reliability vs. Service Excellence: Which Wins When?, 11th SERVSIG 2020, High Tech and High Touch: The Future of Human Service, Published by QUT, Book of Abstracts, 158-160
- Gallan, Andrew; Vogus, T.; El-Manstrly, D.; Rathert, C.; Strong, A.. (2020). Whose Experience Is It Anyway? Toward a Constructive Engagement of Tensions in Patient-Centered Health Care, Journal of Service Management, 31(5), 979-1013
- Gallan, Andrew; Jefferies, Josephine. (2020). Chapter 2.2: Value Cocreation and Its Meaning for Customers, Routledge
- Gallan, Andrew; McColl-Kennedy, Janet; Barakshina, Tatiana; Figueiredo, Bernardo; Jefferies, Josephine; Gollnhofer, Johanna; Hibbert, Sally; Luca, Nadina; Roy, Sanjit; Winklhofer, Heidi. (2019). Transforming Community Well-Being through Patients’ Lived Experience, Journal of Business Research, 100, 376-391
- Bolton, Ruth; McColl-Kennedy, Janet; Cheung, Lily; Gallan, Andrew; Orsingher, Chiara; Witell, Lars; Zaki, Mohamed. (2018). Customer Experience Challenges: Bringing Together Digital, Physical, and Social Realms, Journal of Service Management, 29(5), 776-808
- Gallan, Andrew; Girju, Maina; Girju, Roxana. (2017). Perfect Ratings with Negative Comments: Learning from Contradictory Patient Survey Responses, Journal of Patient Experience, 4(3), 15-28
- McColl-Kennedy, Janet; Danaher, Tracey; Gallan, Andrew; Orsingher, Chiara; Olsen, Line; Verma, Rohit. (2017). How do you Feel Today? Managing Patient Emotions During Health Care Experiences to Enhance Well-being, Journal of Business Research, 79, 247-259
- Gallan, Andrew; Commet, Mike. (2016). Designing Academic-Professional Partnerships to Improve Patient-Centered Care for Home Health Patients, 2016 Hospitality, Health & Design Symposium, Cornell University
- Gallan, Andrew. (2016). Reconceptualizing Health Care as Service Recovery: Exploring Causal Attributions and Implications for Patients’ Well-Being, 2016 Summer AMA Proceedings, G-14
- Danaher, Tracey; Gallan, Andrew. (2016). Service Research in Health Care: Positively Impacting Lives, Journal of Service Research, 19(4), 433-437 (Editorial for Health Service Research: A Multidisciplinary special section)
- Gallan, Andrew; Shattell, Mona. (2015). Patient Experience Management Ignores Mental Health: Suggestions for Health Care Organizations, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, in "Comments, Critique, and Inspiration, 36(4), 311-314
- Black, Hulda; Gallan, Andrew. (2015). Transformative Service Networks: Cocreated Value as Well-Being, Special Transformative Service Research, Part 2, issue of The Service Industries Journal, 35(15), 826-845
- LaVela, Sherri; Gallan, Andrew. (2014). Evaluation and Measurement of Patient Experience, Journal of Patient Experience, Board Perspectives, 1(1), 28-36
- Hachem, Fadi; Canar, Jeff; Fullam, Francis; Gallan, Andrew; Hohmann, Sam; Johnson, Cathy. (2014). The Relationships between HCAHPS Communication and Discharge Satisfaction and Hospital Readmissions, Journal of Patient Experience, 1(2), 71-77
- Anderson, Laurel; Ostrom, Amy; Corus, Canan; Fisk, Raymond; Gallan, Andrew; Oliveros, Mario; Mende, Martin; Mulder, Mark; Rayburn, Steven; Rosenbaum, Mark; Shirahada, Kunio; Williams, Jerome. (2013). Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future, Journal of Business Research, 66(8), 1203-1210
- Gallan, Andrew; Jarvis, Cheryl; Brown, Steven; Bitner, Mary Jo. (2013). Customer Positivity and Participation in Services: An Emperical Test in a Healthcare Context, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(3), 338-356
- Rosenbaum, Mark; Corus, Canan; Ostrom, Amy; Anderson, Laurel; Fisk, Raymond; Gallan, Andrew; Mende, Martin; Mulder, Mark; Oliveros, Mario; Rayburn, Steven; Shirahada, Kunio; Williams, Jerome. (2011). Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative Service Research, Journal of Research for Consumers, 19
- Jackson, Jr., Donald; Schlacter, John; Bridges, Claudia; Gallan, Andrew. (2010). A Comparison and Expansion of the Bases Utilized for Evaluating Salespeople’s Performance, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(4), 393-404
- Michel, Stefan; Brown, Stephen; Gallan, Andrew. (2008). An Expanded and Strategic View of Discontinuous Innovations: Deploying a Service-Dominant Logic, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(1), 54-66
- Michel, Stefan; Brown, Stephen; Gallan, Andrew. (2008). Service-Logic Innovations: How to Innovate Customers, Not Products, California Management Review, 50(3), 49-65
- Jackson, Jr., Donald; Hollmann, Thomas; Gallan, Andrew. (2006). Examining Career Development Programs for the Sales Force, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21(5), 291-299
- Gallan, Andrew. (2006). Factors That Influence Physicians’ Prescribing of Pharmaceuticals: A Literature Review, Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management, 16(4), 3-46