Eric Shaw
Professor Emeritus
- PhD (1985) Temple University
- MBA (1973) Florida Atlantic University
- BBA (1972) Florida Atlantic University
Research Interests
- General Systems Research,Marketing Strategy,History of Marketing Thought,Development of Marketing Theory
Intellectual Contributions
- Shaw, Eric. (2020). Constructing a Partially Formalized General Theory of the Marketing System: Insights from the History of Marketing Thought, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 12(2), 263-283
- Jones, D.G.; Shaw, Eric. (2018). Avoiding Academic Irrelevance in the Marketing Discipline: The Promise of the History of Marketing Thought, Journal of Marketing Management, 34(1-2), 52-62
- El-Ansary, Adel; Shaw, Eric; Lazar, William. (2018). Marketing's Identity Crisis: Insights from the History of Marketing Thought, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 8(1), 5-17
- Shaw, Eric; Hall, Justin. (2017). An Empirical Test of a Theoretical Model of Problem Solving, Journal of Customer Behavior, 16(4), 371-393
- Shaw, Eric. (2016). Ancient and Medieval Marketing, Routledge, London, UK(1st edition), 23-40
- Shaw, Eric. (2015). Educational Lessons from the Past: Marketing Textbooks during the Age of Englightenment (16th to 18th centuries), Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 7(3), 389-406
- Branchik, Blaine; Shaw, Eric. (2015). Net Transaction Value: A Model of High Involvement Decision Making in Buyer Choice Behavior, Atlantic Marketing Journal, 4(2), 1-19
- Shaw, Eric. (2015). Teaching the Ph.D. History of Marketing Thought Course: An Approach, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 7(2), 256-271
- Shaw, Eric. (2015). On the Origin of Marketing Systems, Proceedings of the 17th Conference for Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, Long Beach, CA, USA
- Shaw, Eric. (2014). Historical Analysis in Marketing, Wiley, New York, NY, USA(3rd Edition)
- Shaw, Eric. (2014). The Marketing Institution: An Analysis, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 6(3), 449-454
- Shaw, Eric. (2014). The Quest for a General Theory of the Marketing System, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 6(4), 523-537
- Shaw, Eric; Branchik, Blaine. (2013). Net Transaction Value: A Model of High Involvement Decision Making in Buyer Choice Behavior, Proceedings of the Conference on Pricing and Retailing, Wellesley, Massachusetts, Babson College
- Shaw, Eric. (2013). The Quest for a General Theory of the Marketing System, Proceedings of the 16th Conference for Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, Copenhagen, Denmark, Association for Historical Research in Marekting
- Shaw, Eric. (2012). Marketing Strategy: From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual framework, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4(1), 30-55
- Shaw, Eric. (2011). A comment on the relationship between the history of marketing thought and the development of marketing theory, Marketing Theory, 11(4), 491-495
- Shaw, Eric; Wilkinson, Ian. (2011). Special issue honoring Donald F. Dixon’s contributions to marketing thought, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 3(1)
- Shaw, Eric. (2011). Marketing myths and marketing realities: A commentary on the consumer as voter, judge and jury, Journal of Macromarketing, 31(1), 100-104
- Shaw, Eric. (2011). Reflections on the Dixon’s seminar: The development of marketing thought and theory, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 3(1), 131-143
- Shaw, Eric. (2010). Revisiting and revising Alderson’s formula to measure the productivity of the aggregate marketing system, Marketing Theory, 10(4), 347-367
- Shaw, Eric; Jones, D.G. Brian; McClean, Paula. (2010). The early schools of marketing thought, Handbook of Marketing Theory, 27-41
- Jones, D.G. Brian; Shaw, Eric; McClean, Paula. (2010). The modern schools of marketing thought, Handbook of Marketing Theory, 42-49
- Shaw, Eric. (2009). "Reflections on the history of marketing thought", Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 1(2), 330-345
- Jones, Brian; Shaw, Eric; Goldring, Deborah. (2009). "Stanley C. Hollander and the Conferences on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing", Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 1(1), 55-73
- Shaw, Eric. (2009). "A general theory of systems performance criteria", International Journal of General Systems, 38(8), 851-869
- Shaw, Eric; Lazer, William; Pirog, Stephen . (2007). "Wroe Alderson: Father of modern marketing", European Business Review, 19(6), 440-451 (Lead article)
- Shaw, Eric. (2007). "A twenty-first century guide to aldersonian marketing thought: A review", Journal of Macromarketing, 27(2), 193-197
- Jones, D.G. Brian; Shaw, Eric. (2006). "Historical research in the journal of macromarketing", Journal of Macromarketing, 26(2), 178-192
- Shaw, Eric. (2006). “A history of schools of marketing thought”, Marketing Theory, 5(3), 239-282
- Shaw, Eric; Goodrich, Kendall. (2005). Marketing strategy: From the history of the concept to a conceptual framework, Proceedings of the 12th Conference for Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, Long Beach, CA, USA, 265-274
- Shaw, Eric. (2003). A. Eicoff & company: A history, Fitzroy-Dearborn Publishers, NY, USA, 1, 520-522
- Shaw, Eric; Alan, Stuart. (2003). The history of cigarette advertising, Firzroy-Dearborn Publishers, NY, USA, 1, 110-118
- Shaw, Eric; Jones, D.G. Brian. (2003). The history of schools of marketing throught, Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 38-51
- Jones, D.G. Brian; Shaw, Eric. (2002). A history of marketing thought, Sage Press, London, UK, 39-65
- Samli, A. Coskun; Shaw, Eric. (2002). Achieving managerial synergism: Balancing strategic business units and profit centers, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 5(1), 59-73
- Shaw, Eric; Tamilia, Robert. (2001). Robert Bartels and the history of marketing thought, Journal of Macromarketing, 21(2), 132-138
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (2000). Global marketing management: At the dawn of the new millennium, Journal of International Marketing, 8(1), 65-77
- Shaw, Eric. (1999). Smart thinking for crazy times: A review, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 6(1), 89-93
- Shaw, Eric; Pirog, Stephen. (1997). A systems model of household behavior, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 5(3), 17-30
- Shaw, Eric. (1997). New dimensions in marketing/quality-of-life research: A review, Journal of Macromarketing, 17(1), 132-136
- Samli, A. Coskun; Shaw, Eric. (1997). Strategic business units v. profit centers: A critical distinction, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference
- Shaw, Eric. (1996). , International Thompson Press
- Shaw, Eric. (1995). Lessons from the past: Early marketing textbooks from the 16th to 18th century, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Historical Research in Marketing
- Shaw, Eric. (1995). Counter-turbulence marketing: A proactive strategy for volatile economic times: A review, Journal of Macromarketing, 15(1)
- Shaw, Eric. (1995). The first dialogue on macromarketing, Journal of Macromarketing, 15(1), 7-20
- Shaw, Eric. (1994). The utility of the four utilities concept, JAI Press, Greenwich, CO, USA, 47-66
- Shaw, Eric. (1993). A review of empirical studies of aggregate marketing costs and productivity in the United States, Edward Elgar Publishing Co., Brookfield, VT, USA, II
- Shaw, Eric. (1991). An historical analysis of the four utilities concept and its relevance for modern marketing thought, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Historical Research in Marketing
- Shaw, Eric. (1990). A review of empirical studies of aggregate marketing costs and productivity in the United States, Journal of the Academy of Marketing, 18(4), 285-292
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1990). Income, assets and consumption: The relative well being of mature consumers, Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Quality of Life/Marketing Interface
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1989). A comparison of selected household purchasing expenditures in Japan and the United States, Proceedings of the World Marketing Congress, International Conference Series Volume IV
- Shaw, Eric. (1988). Marketing channels: Relationships and performance, a review, Journal of Retailing, 64(2)
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1988). An historical analysis of form utility: Is it created by manufacturing operations or marketing management?, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1988). Collegiate business and marketing education: Historical perspectives and current issues, Proceedings of American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference
- Shaw, Eric; Lazer, William. (1988). Trends in macro consumption patterns and their impact on the quality of life, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1987). The surprising facts: Older consumers are big spenders, National Monitor
- Shaw, Eric; Lazer, William; Smith, Allen. (1987). Macro Consumption Patterns of Black American Households, Minority Marketing: Issues and Prospects, Academy of Marketing Science Special Conference Series, Charleston: South Carolina, 3((November 12-14), 3-7)
- Shaw, Eric. (1987). Marketing efficiency and performance: An historical analysis, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Historical Research in Marketing
- Ross, Joel; Shaw, Eric. (1987). Improving the productivity of service organizations, Industrial Management, 29(5), 21-25
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1987). How older Americans spend their money, American Demographics, 9(3), 36-41
- Lazer, William; Shaw, Eric. (1986). Product life cycle, McGraw-Hill(2nd), 151-611
- Stanton, John; Lowenhar, Jeffrey; Shaw, Eric. (1984). Replication of a choice model, Decision Sciences, 9(1)
- Shaw, Eric. (1983). Plato and the socio-economic foundations of marketing: A historical analysis in the development of macro-marketing thought, Proceedings of the First North American Workshop on Historical Research in Marketing
- Shaw, Eric. (1980). Endorser effectiveness in an advertising context: A discussant's comments, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association
- Dixon, Donald; Shaw, Eric. (1980). Environmental alternatives: What do consumers want, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association
- Shaw, Eric; Dixon, Donald. (1980). Exchange: A conceptualization, Theoretical Developments in Marketing, 2
- Shaw, Eric; Dugan, John; Clark, Brad. (1978). An evaluation and empirical test of Vroom's theory of motivation, Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management
- Stanton, John; Lowenhar, Jeffrey; Shaw, Eric. (1977). The prediction of brand preference: A composition vs. decomposition approach, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences National Conference, 7
- Zimmerer, Thomas; Shaw, Eric. (1977). Organizational behavior: A macro-micro systems approach, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences Southeast Regional Conference
- Shaw, Eric; Thomas, Gloria; Clark, Brad. (1976). The application of a multi-attribute distance model of the prediction of satisfaction, Proceedings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences Northeast Regional Conference