Steven Smith
Dr. Steven Smith is a professor, strategist, and geopolitical analyst with extensive
experience spanning industry, academia, and consulting. He currently serves on the
faculty of the College of Business at Florida Atlantic University, where he teaches
courses in strategy, leadership, international business, and geopolitical analysis.
Previously, Dr. Smith has held academic appointments at Rutgers University, Columbia
University, and the University of New Orleans. He has also lectured at international
universities, including the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil.
Dr. Smith remains actively engaged in the business world through training and consulting
projects focused on the impact of geopolitical forces on business operations and strategic
planning. He has worked for and advised leading multinational firms. He frequently
provides commentary and lectures on global industry trends, emerging markets, geopolitical
risks, and corporate strategy.
Dr. Smith's passion for empowering strategic thinking has taken him across every continent
lecturing to audiences from university students to Fortune 500 executives. He holds
a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, MBA, and Ph.D. in Strategy and International Business
from Rutgers University. Through delivering compelling courses and effective training
and leadership development programs, Dr. Smith aims to develop a new generation of
strategic analysts and organizational leaders equipped to navigate the global environment.
- PhD (1997) Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University
- MBA (1994) Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University
- BS (1985) Chemical Engineering , Rutgers University
Research Interests
- Strategy, International Business, Entertainment Industry Dynamics, Demographic Changes in Organizations and Labor Markets, Management of Scientists and Engineers
Intellectual Contributions
- Smith, Steven; Jacenko, M.. (2022). Leadership, Diversity, and Performance: A Top Management View of Self-Managed Teams, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance, Zurich, Switzerland
- Sweeper, D.; Smith, Steven. (2010). Assessing the Impact of Gender and Race on Earnings in the Library Science Labor Market, College and Research Libraries, 71(2), 171-183
- Hunter, E.; Perry, S.; Carlson, D.; Smith, Steven. (2010). Linking Team Resources to Work-Family Enrichment and Satisfaction, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(2), 304-312
- Hunter, E.; Perry, S.; Carlson, D.; Smith, Steven. (2010). Linking Team Resources to Work-Family Enrichment and Satisfaction, Best Paper Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Management Meetings, Montreal, Canada
- Sweeper, D.; Smith, Steven. (2010). Does Gender and Race Have an Impact on Earnings in the Library and Information Science Labor Market in the United States of America?, LIBRES Library and Information Science Research Journal, 20(2), 1-21
- Smith, Steven; Hartman, S.; Crow, S.. (2007). Attrition in Nursing among Black and White Nurses, Journal of Nursing Management, 15, 356-366
- Smith, Steven; Hartman, S.; Crow, S.. (2005). Attrition in Nursing: Perspectives from the National Survey of College Graduates, The Health Care Manager, 24:4
- Smith, Steven; Hartman, S.. (2005). Investigating Labor Market Discrimination: An Analysis of the Science and Engineering Labor Market in the U.S., International Journal of Management and Information Systems
- Smith, Steven; Graham, J.. (2005). Gender Differences in Occupational Choice and Earnings Among Scientists and Engineers in the United States, Economics of Education Review, 24:3
- Smith, Steven; Reilly, R.; Hartman, S.; Crow, S.. (2004). Attrition in Computer-Related Fields: Perspectives from the National Survey of College Graduates, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences
- Smith, Steven; Graham, J.. (2004). Ethnic and Gender Differences in Selection and Earnings in Science and Enginering Occupations, International Journal of Management and Information Systems
- Smith, Steven; Graham, J.. (2004). Looking for the Next George Washington Carver: Explaining Racial Differences in Employment and Earnings in Science and Engineering in the United States, The Review of Black Political Economy, 33:1
- Smith, Steven; DiTomaso, N.. (1999). Inequality in Organizations, Occupations and Work through Selection and Favoritism, American Sociological Association Section on Organization, Occupations and Wrok
- Smith, Steven; Graham, J.; Smith, D.; DiTomaso, N.; Hartman, S.. (1999). Metholology for Investigating Bias at the Level of Labor Market Processes: Measurement Issues and Approaches, Proceedings of the 1999 Southern Management Association Conference
- DiTomaso, N.; Smith, Steven. (1996). Race and Ethnic Minorities and Women in Corporate Management, State University of New York Press