Todd  McClure

Todd McClure



  • PhD (2016) Business Administration, Marketing, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
  • MBA (2005) New Mexico State University
  • BS (2003) Business Administration, Marketing, New Mexico State University


  • ACUE - Promoting Active Learning Online
  • ACUE - Inspiring Inquiry and Lifelong Learning in your Online Course

Intellectual Contributions

  • Killian, Ginger; McClure, Todd; Smith, Scott. (2024). Course Projects as Value Co-Creation Tools: Developing University Collaboration Opportunities, Marketing Education Review, 34(1), 44-59
  • McClure, Todd; Smith, Scott; Brandhorst, Jackie; Hirlinger, Tyler; Bradbury, Amanda. (2023). Emphasizing the Service in Service-Learning: Adding Additional Volunteerism Opportunities in Student- Run Business Service-Learning Experiences, Society of Marketing Advances, 440-442
  • Killian, Ginger; McClure, Todd; Pearson, John. (2020). Observer Retaliation: Apology Components Effect on Observing Customers' Reactions, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 32, 1-15
  • Killian, Ginger; McClure, Todd. (2019). Marketing Communications in Social Network Games: Promotional Design Considerations in the Online Era, Journal of Brand Strategy, 8(3), 282-294
  • Schwepker, C.H.; Dimitriou, C.K.; McClure, Todd. (2019). Reducing service sabotage and improving employee commitment to service quality, The Journal of Services Marketing, 33(5), 615-625
  • Killian, Ginger; McClure, Todd; Hollenbeck, C.R.; Hulland, J.; Haytko, D.L.. (2019). The Self in Online Consumption Communities: Protecting and Promoting the Ego, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 23, 1-26
  • Killian, Ginger; McClure, Todd. (2018). Experiential Learning: Utilizing the University as a Learning Opportunity, Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s Conference
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