Guidelines: In the Media

  • Included in the database – Placements with established1 national, regional, and local media outlets; entries in trade publications; op-eds2 with papers of record.

  • Not included – Conference and webinar content; blog entries with unestablished outlets.

  • The Doppelganger Rule – Press releases are often aggregated across dozens of media outlets. To deal with this scenario, COB Communications has established The Doppelganger Rule. The rule allows for the inclusion of an original placement plus one additional media mention, of the original piece, in a second recognized media outlet. Contributing faculty need only contact COB Communications and send the link for the doppelganger placement.

1Established outlets to be reviewed/confirmed by COB Comms.
2Op-eds may be subject to further scrutiny by COB Comms. and they will be visually marked as "opinion" in the database.

If you have any questions about the guidelines, please email

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