Dean Gropper's Publications
Some of Dean Gropper's published works include:
- A Reexamination of S&L Ownership structure and expense preference behavior JBF03.pdf
- AFEL EU Banking Productivity Convergence.pdf
- Bank Frontier Estimation with Heteroscedasticity JBES95.pdf
- CEO pay and Best places to work.pdf
- Charter status and S&L resolution costs AEL96.pdf
- Crime in the Classroom JEE92.pdf
- Diffusion of production processes in banking JBFMix.pdf
- Economic Freedom and Happiness.pdf
- Executive MBAs and GMAT.pdf
- Insolvency, moral hazard and expense preference behavior in banking MDE95.pdf
- Mixture estimation of cost functions REStat91.pdf
- Modelling the Consumer's Decision to Replace Durable Goods AE93.pdf
- Political power, economic freedom and Congress: Effects on bank performance
- Product line deregulation and cost structure of S&LsAE 1995.pdf
- Regulation, deregulation and managerial behavior AFE96.pdf
- Scale economies in banking JMCB 1991.pdf
- Test structure, human capital and performance on economics exams JEE91.pdf
- Which microfinance institutions are more cost effective JMCB 2009.pdf