Online Student Spotlight - Elana Ainsley


Elana Ainsley- Temporary PhotoWhat is your major?

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management-LAMS (Online)

How are online classes making it possible for you to keep working towards your degree?

Taking classes online has allowed me to begin my career earlier than if I had to attend classes on campus. I was able to start my career in property management a few years ago, and I am now managing my own property before I have even graduated!

What did you like the most about online classes?

The ability to make my own schedule so that my time was best utilized.

What is the most important benefit offered by online classes?

Flexibility. The flexibility of the online program allowed me to take a different path than most, and has allowed me to put myself a position I would not have been in until years after graduating.

How do you balance work, family and school?

Time management skills are a must. You also have to have the drive and motivation to be self sufficient in making sure all of your responsibilities are being taken care of.

What advice do you have for future Owls considering FAU?

Take the path that works best for you and your goals. Don't be afraid to stray from the norm if you think a different path or timeline may work better for you.




