Online Student Spotlight - Leqi He
What is your major?
Master of Accounting
How are online classes making it possible for you to keep working towards your degree?
Online classes enabled me to continue working full-time while earning my master's degree. They have more flexibility as it allows me to work on my classes when it fits my schedule. I can be more productive and multitask efficiently as programs such as Lecture Capture-Video Stream (LCVS) allows me to watch the lectures live or at a later time to my convenience.
What did you like the most about online classes?
Being able to attend class without having to drive to campus and fight for a parking spot. I can take breaks when needed throughout the lectures.
What is the most important benefit offered by online classes?
Online classes gives me the flexibility to work at my own pace. I can attend classes from the comfort of my own house without having to be present on campus.
How do you balance work, family and school?
I graduated magna cum laude by balancing work, family and school by scheduling my time wisely and efficiently. I work full time, maintain a high GPA in a Master's program, all the while making time to spend with my family and friends.
What advice do you have for future Owls considering FAU?
Time management is key. An online class is an interesting experience and I would recommend it to all future Owls.