Online Student Spotlight - Maria Neira
What is your major?
Business Administration
How are online classes making it possible for you to keep working towards your degree?
I achieved much due to the flexibility from taking online classes. I am on track to
finish my four year degree while maintaining a health social life, family time, working
and being president of FAU’s Entrepreneurship club - Owls Incorporated.
What did you like the most about online classes?
I like the flexibility of taking an online class along with the responsibility it
has taught me.
What is the most important benefit offered by online classes?
The most important benefit of taking an online class is that you are able to work
from anywhere at your own speed.
How do you balance work, family and school?
I am able to balance work, family, and school by working my priorities on a day by
day basis.
What advice do you have for future Owls considering FAU?
I would advise future Owls to have the courage to take an online class, so they can
experience the responsibility it takes along with giving them free time to focus on