Online Student Spotlight - Marinela Monte


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What is your major?

Online Bachelors of Business Administration in Management with a Concentration in Leadership and Applied Managerial Skills

How are online classes making it possible for you to keep working towards your degree?

Choosing online classes over regular classrooms opened up a different world to me. Online classes made it possible for me to continue studying towards my degree which I had given up due to my work and family responsibilities.

What did you like the most about online classes?

I love the freedom to choose your own schedule.


What is the most important benefit offered by online classes?

Online classes allowed you to become a professional while balancing your time.

How do you balance work, family and school?

By creating a schedule and organizing my time I am able to take care of my family, go to work and finish my degree.

What advice do you have for future Owls considering FAU?

Online classes give you the flexibility you need to balance family, work and other projects in your life while simultaneously preparing yourself to get a Degree or simply continue studying towards your career. Online Classes make it possible for you to be a professional!

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