Research and Reports

Appearances on and Contributions to Popular Press

The Center for Services Marketing & Management is happy to share these links to faculty appearances and contributions to popular press. Center faculty endeavor to publish research that is both rigorous and relevant. 

WPTV: "FAU study: Airlines, airports must do more to alleviate stress of travel," October 21, 2020. Ye Zhang and Melanie Lorenz: 

Flyer Talk: "To Bring Back Passengers, Airlines Must Reduce Air Travel Stress," October 19, 2020. Ye Zhang and Melanie Lorenz: 


Published Service Research

 Below is a list of published research by Center faculty. Please sort by Discipline, Topic, Author, or Article Title.  


Discipline Topic Center Author Article Title   Publication
Marketing  Transformative Service Research  Andrew Gallan Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future  Journal of Business Research
Marketing Service Recovery  Cheryl Burke Jarvis Positive Psychological Capacities: The Mystery
Ingredient in Successful Service Recoveries?
Journal of Services Marketing 
Marketing Service Recovery Melanie Lorenz Severe Service Failure Recovery Revisited: Evidence of its Determinants in an Emerging Market Context International Journal of Research in Marketing
Operations Service Quality Ravi Behara Modelling and Evaluating Service Quality Measurement Using Neural Networks International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Operations Customer Satisfaction Ravi Behara Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Analysis Using Six Sigma International Journal of Quality
& Reliability Management 
Operations Service Quality Ravi Behara Analysis of Quality Management Practices in Services International Journal of Quality &
Reliability Management 
Hospitality Technology Anil Bilgihan Hotel Guest Preferences of In-Room Technology Amenities Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism Technology 
Hospitality Customer Loyalty Anil Bilgihan and Peter Ricci Service Attributes as Drivers of Behavioral Loyalty in Casinos: The Mediating Effect of Attitudinal Loyalty Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 
Marketing Service Innovation Cheryl Burke Jarvis Frontline Employee Motivation to Participate in Service
Innovation Implementation
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 
Marketing Cultural Issues Paul Koku Services Marketing Practices in Diverse
Cultures: Canada Compared to Qatar
 Journal of Services Marketing
Marketing Customer Experience Andrew Gallan & Cheryl Burke Jarvis Customer Positivity and Participation in Services:
an Empirical Test in a Health Care Context
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 
Marketing Transformative Service Research Andrew Gallan Transforming Community Well-Being through Patients' Lived Experiences Journal of Business Research 
Marketing Analytics & Metrics Andrew Gallan  Perfect Ratings with Negative Comments: Learning
from Contradictory Patient Survey Responses
Patient Experience Journal 
Tourism  Customer Experience  Ye Zhang Understanding Changes in Tourists’ Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies in a Vacation Context  Journal of Travel Research 
 Marketing Customer Loyalty   Cheryl Burke Jarvis Reaching the Breaking Point: A Dynamic Process Theory of Business-to-Business Customer Defection  Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 
 Marketing Customer Experience  Paul Koku  Marketing Dispossession: A Strategy for Financial Services that Considers Customers’ Mental Health International Journal of Bank
 Marketing  Analytics & Metrics Andrew Gallan  Evaluation and Measurement of Patient Experience Patient Experience Journal 
 Marketing Cultural Issues Melanie Lorenz  Service Excellence in the Light of Cultural Diversity: The Impact of Metacognitive Cultural Intelligence Journal of Service Theory and
Marketing  Customer Experience  Andrew Gallan  How Do You Feel Today? Managing Patient Emotions During Health Care Experiences to Enhance Well-Being  Journal of Business Research
Marketing  Service Innovation  Andrew Gallan  Service-Logic Innovations: How to Innovate Customers, Not Products  California Management Review 
 Marketing  Service Innovation Andrew Gallan   An Expanded and Strategic View of Discontinuous
Innovations: Deploying a Service-Dominant Logic
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 
Marketing  Customer Satisfaction CM Sashi Communication, Interactivity, and Satisfaction in B2B Relationships  Industrial Marketing Management
 Marketing Customer Relationship Management Cheryl Burke Jarvis The Role of Customer Gratitude in Relationship Marketing Journal of Marketing
 Marketing Cultural Issues  Melanie Lorenz Exploring the Impact of Cross-Cultural Management Education on Cultural Intelligence, Student Satisfaction, and Commitment  Academy of Management Learning & Education
Tourism  Transformative Service Research  Ye Zhang  The Changing Importance of Vacations: Proposing a
Theoretical Explanation for the Changing
Contribution of Vacations to People's Quality of Life 
Annals of Tourism Research 
 Hospitality Customer Engagement   CM Sashi & Anil Bilgihan Social Media, Customer Engagement and Advocacy: An Empirical Investigation Using Twitter Data for Quick Service Restaurants International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality
 Operations Customer Experience Ravi Behara  Mine Customer Experiences  Quality Progress 
 Tourism Customer Satisfaction Ye Zhang  Dimensions of Lodging Guest Satisfaction among Guests with Mobility Challenges: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Web-Based Texts   Tourism Management 
Tourism Customer Experience Ye Zhang & Peter Ricci Beyond Accessibility: Empowering
Mobility-Impaired Customers with
Motivation Differentiation
International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality
Tourism Service Innovation Ye Zhang Residents' Preferences for Involvement in Tourism Development and Influences from Individual Profiles Tourism Planning & Development




