Toastmasters at FAU

Undergraduate and graduate students interested in additional business communications assistance outside the classroom have many resources to choose from:


Professional English Language Support Program (PELS) offers half-semester courses, workshops and support materials to assist domestic and international multilingual and multidialectal students improve their writing and speaking skills. For more information:


The Speaking Center offers resources so students can become more confident and effective speakers. Consultants assist in presentation preparation, public speaking and speech anxiety. For more information:


The Toastmasters Club at FAU is a student-run organization designed to help students improve public speaking skills, leadership abilities, and overall self-confidence. The club meets weekly both on-campus and virtually. For more information:


University Center for Excellence in Writing helps students with written assignments from the brainstorming process to drafting and revising. Consultants are available to meet either in-person or online. For more information or to schedule an appointment:


