Steven Caudill
- PhD (1982) Economics, University of Florida
- MA (1978) Economics, University of Florida
- BA (1976) Mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan University
Research Interests
- Applied Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics
Intellectual Contributions
- Cebula, Richard; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. Prospect Precocity and University Choice: Evidence from One-and-Done Talent in College Basketball (forthcoming), Applied Behavioral Scientist
- Faria, Joao Ricardo; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin; Young, E.. (2024). Expropriation, Money, and Happiness: The Impact of State Theft in Russia, Emperial Economics, 66, 483-501
- Moraes, Ricardo; Wanke, Peter; Tan, Yong; Faria, Joao Ricardo; Caudill, Steven. (2023). Evaluating Inter-Sectorial Efficiency of State-Owned Bank Financing: A Hierarchical Game with a Two-Stage Malmquist Approach, International Journal of Public Policy, 17(1-2), 1-30
- Mixon, Franklin; Caudill, Steven. (2023). Guess for Success? Application of a Mixture Model to Test-Wiseness on Multiple-Choice Exams, Stats, 6(3), 734-739
- Caudill, Steven; Tennekoon, V.. (2022). Estimation of a Selectivity Model with Misclassified Selection, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, 8(1), 1-14
- Faria, Joao Ricardo; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin; Santoyo, J.. (2022). Gender discrimination in the Business School’s C-Suite? Evidence from aggregate decomposition approaches, Frontiers in Education, 7(1), 1-9
- Faria, Joao Ricardo; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Mixon, Franklin. (2022). Negotiation and bargaining power in the determination of administrative wages in academe, Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(7), 2935-2940
- Caudill, Steven; Bogosavljevic, K.; Johnson, Ken; Mixon, F.. (2022). Time on the Market and Probability of Sale using a Generalized Geometric Hazard Model, Journal of Econometric Methods, 11(1), 1-16
- Caudill, Steven; Kroncke, C.; Mixon, F.. (2021). Is There a Firm Size-Wage Gap after Economic Transition? An Examination of For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Firms in Estonia, Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 35(4), 435-449
- Caudill, Steven; Costello, M.; Mixon, F.; Affuso, E.. (2021). Food Deserts and Residential Real Estate Prices, Journal of Housing Research, 30(1), 98-106
- Biagi, B.; Caudill, Steven; Ciucci, L.; Detotto, C.; Mixon, F.. (2021). Relative Bargaining Power of Residential Home Traders and Real Estate Investors, Applied Economics, 53(34), 3962-3971
- Faria, Joao Ricardo; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.; Upadhyaya, K.. (2021). Cooperation and Spillovers in Healthcare R&D; Theory and Evidence, Economic Modelling, 95, 68-75
- Caudill, Steven; Detotto, C.; Prunetti, D.. (2020). Bargaining Power in Apartment Sales in Corsica: A Latent Class Approach, Urban Studies, 57(13), 2754-2772; doi.org/10.1177/0042098019886738
- Caudill, Steven; Crofton, Stephanie; Faria, Joao Ricardo; Manage, Neela; Mixon, Franklin; Simonton, Mary. (2020). Property Confiscation and the Intergenerational Transmission of Education in Post-1948 Eastern Europe, Public Choice, 184(1), 1-41
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2020). Estimating Bargaining Power in Real Estate Pricing Models: Conceptual and Empirical Issues, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(5), 1-8
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Calderon, Diego; Caudill, Steven. (2019). Valuing Recreational Water Clarity and Quality: Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Models of Lakeshore Properties, Applied Economics Letters, 26(3), 237-244
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Affuso, E.; Starnes, K.; Caudill, Steven. (2019). Is Airport Proximity an Amenity or Disamenity? An Empirical Investigation based on House Prices, Land Economics, 95(3), 391-408
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Richards, Megan. (2019). Ownership Structure and Hospital Service Costs and Fees: A Decomposition Approach Journal, Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(1), 37-50
- Hourican, S.; Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Caudill, Steven. (2018). Does College Football Impact the Size of University Applicant Pools and the Quality of Entering Students?, Applied Economics, 50, 1885-1890
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Caudill, Steven. (2018). Guarding Giants: Resource Commons Quality and Informal Property Rights in Big-Wave Surfing, Empirical Economics, 54(4), 1697-1715
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Carrasco-Gallego, José; Cebula, R.; Caudill, Steven. (2017). Decomposition of Latent Class Regression Model Estimates: An Application to Hunting Land Lease Prices, Studies in Economics and Econometrics, 41, 1-18
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Asarta, Carlos; Caudill, Steven. (2017). Patreonomics: Public Goods Pedagogy for Economics Principles, International Review of Economics Education, 25, 1 - 7
- Silver, Hannah; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2017). Human Capital and Life Satisfaction in Economic Transition, Economics of Transition, 25(2), 165–184
- Smith, Rachel; McKinney, C.; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2016). Consumer ratings and the pricing of experience goods: hedonic regression analysis of beer prices, Agricultural and Food Economics, 4(1), 24
- Qian, Chen; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Jr., Franklin. (2016). Engaged in Teaching, and Scholarship Too: Economics Faculty Productivity at National Liberal Arts Colleges, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 7(4), 360-372
- Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Caudill, Steven. (2016). Estimating Class-Specific Parametric Models using Finite Mixtures: An Application to a Hedonic Model of Wine Prices, Journal of Applied Statistics, 43, 1253-1261
- Biagi, Bianca; Brandano, Maria; Caudill, Steven. (2016). Tourism and house prices in Italy, Tourism Economics, 22(5), 964-978
- Sloan, C.; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Crime: The Case of New Restaurant Location Decisions, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 5, 19-26
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Hartarska, Valentina; Mixon, Jr., Franklin. (2015). Economic Freedom and Microfinance Efficiency in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 168-177
- Caudill, Steven; Crofton, Stephanie; Long, James; Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Simonton, Mary. (2015). The Impact of Property Confiscation Experiences on Individual Patience in Transition Economies: an Exploratory Study, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 124-133
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin; Upadhyaya, Kamal. (2015). Shipping the Good Anecdotes In: Illustrations of the Alchian-Allen Effect from American Culture and History, Perspectives on Economic Education Research (PEER), 9(2), 18-38
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2015). Estimating Class-Specific Parametric Models using Finite Mixtures: An Application to a Hedonic Model of Wine Prices, Journal of Applied Statistics, 43(7), 1253-1261
- Yu, Ya; McKinney, C. Nicholas; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2015). Athletic Contests and Individual Robberies: An Analysis Based on Hourly Crime Data, Applied Economics, 48(8), 723-730
- Hamel, S; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2015). A Good Walk Foiled: Monopoly Power and Barriers to Entry into the PGA Tour, Managerial and Decision Economics, 37, 574-584
- Phillips, Jeremy; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2015). Tournament Seeding Efficiency and Home Court Advantage: College Basketball's National Invitation Tournament, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 4(3), 101-106
- Affuso, Ermanno; Caudill, Steven. (2015). A Linearization of the Maximum Entropy Formalism Using Separable Programming, International Journal of Operational Research, 22(4), 385-404
- Caudill, Steven; Florea, A.. (2014). Happiness, Religion, and Economic Transition, Economics of Transition, 22, 1-12
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.; Mixon, P.. (2014). NFL Draftnikology: Euclidean Metrics and Other Approaches to Scoring Ranking Predictions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 43, 237-248
- Caudill, Steven; Yewell, K.; Mixon, F.. (2014). Referee Bias and Stoppage Time in Major League Soccer: A Partially Adaptive Approach, Econometrics, 2, 1-19
- Caudill, Steven; Lee, J.; Mixon, F.. (2014). Shine Bright Like a Diamond: An Hedonic Model of Grading and Pricing an Experience Good, Applied Economics, 46, 1829-1838
- Wineke, Samantha; Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2014). Simultaneous Invention and Rent Seeking in the Development of Telephony, Journal of Politics and Law, 7, 1-7
- Caudill, Steven; Wang, Y.; Hilsman, W.; Mixon, F.. (2014). Television Coverage and Outcome Uncertainty in Sports: Empirical Evidence from the NBA and WNBA, Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte (International Review of Sport Sciences), special issue on the Sport Management and Marketing, 10, 34-45
- Faria, Joao Ricardo; Mixon, Jr., Franklin; Caudill, Steven; Wineke, Samantha. (2014). Two-Dimensional Effort in Patent-Race Games and Rent-Seeking Contests: The Case of Telephony, Games, 5, 116-126
- Caudill, Steven; Clapper, Julia. (2014). Water Quality and Cottage Prices in Ontario, Applied Economics, 46, 1122-1126
- Caudill, Steven; Affuso, Ermanno; Yang, Ming. (2014). Registered Sex Offenders and House Prices: An Hedonic Analysis, Urban Studies, 52, 2425-2440
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin; Wallace, Scott. (2014). Life on the Red Carpet: Star Players and Referee Bias in the National Basketball Association, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 22(2), 245-253
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2013). Campus Competition and Co-ed Allure: An Institution-level Analysis of Collegiate Dating Markets, Economics Bulletin, 33, 442-453
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2013). Celebrity Wardrobe Malfunctions: Economic Efficiency, Property Rights Assignment, and Liability in Popular Culture, Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2, 37-48
- Caudill, Steven; Siegel, C.; Mixon, F.. (2013). Clear Skies, Dark Waters: The Gulf Oil Spill and the Price of Coastal Condominiums in Alabama, Economics and Business Letters, 2, 42-53
- Caudill, Steven; Evans, R.; Yewell, K.; Mixon, F.. (2013). Competitive Balance, Outcome Uncertainty, and NBA Officiating, The Empirical Economics Letters, 12, 239-245
- Caudill, Steven; Garcia, J.. (2013). Does Midseason Change of Coach Improve Team Performance? Evidence from the NBA, Journal of Sport Management, 20, 108-113
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.; Upadhyaya, K.. (2013). Econometric Computing Issues with Logit Regression Models: The Case of Observation-Specific and Group Dummy Variables, Journal of Computations and Modelling, 3, 75-86
- Caudill, Steven; Wallace, S.; Mixon, F.. (2013). Homo Certus in Professional Basketball? Empirical Evidence from the 2011 NBA Playoffs, Applied Economics Letters, 20, 642-648
- Caudill, Steven; Affuso, E.; Mixon, F.. (2013). Omitted Variables Bias in Regime-Switching Models with Slope-Constrained Estimators: Evidence from Monte Carlo Experiments, Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods, 2, 49-55
- Caudill, Steven; Kent, R.; Mixon, F.. (2013). Rules Changes and Competitive Balance in European Professional Soccer: Empirical Evidence from an Event Study Approach, Applied Economics Letters, 20, 1109-1112
- Caudill, Steven. (2012). A Partially Adaptive Estimator for the Censored Regression Model Based on a Mixture of Normal Distributions, Statistical Methods and Applications, 21, 121-137
- Mixon, Franklin; Wu, Tong; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Hartarska, Valentina. (2012). Does Input Substitutability in Banking Differ across Accession and Non-Accession Countries in Central and Eastern Europe?, Journal of Economic Integration, 27, 195-205
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.; Mixon, F.. (2012). Female Athletic Participation and Income: Evidence from a Latent Class Model, Journal of Applied Statistics, 39, 477-488
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, Franklin. (2012). Human Capital Investment and the Internment of Japanese Americans during WWII: A Public Choice Approach, International Journal of Applied Economics, 9, 1-14
- Caudill, Steven; Anthony, A.; Mixon, F.. (2012). The Political Economy of Women's Professional Basketball in the US: A Structure-Conduct-Performance Approach, Theoretical and Applied Economics, 11, 107-126
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Hartarska, Valentina. (2012). Microfinance Institution Costs: Effects of Gender Subsidies, and Technology, Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 4(4), 292-304
- Caudill, Steven; Acharya, R.; Kinnucan, H.. (2011). Asymmetric Farm-Retail Price Transmission and Market Power: A New Test, Applied Economics, 43, 4759-4768
- Liang, Ping; Gropper, Daniel; Caudill, Steven. (2011). What Determines the Foreign Ownership Share of a Country's Banking Assets?, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 14(3), 535-561
- Caudill, Steven; Groothuis, P.; Whitehead, J.. (2011). The Development and Estimation of a Latent Choice Multinominal Logit Model with Application to Contingent Valuation, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93, 983-992
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.. (2010). Do Former Athletes Make Better Managers? Evidence from a Partially Adaptive Grouped-Data Regression Model, Empirical Economics, 39, 275-290
- Caudill, Steven; Chang, T.; Ho, Y.. (2010). Is Per Capita GDP Stationary in China? More Powerful Nonlinear (Logistic) Unit Root Tests, Applied Economics Letters, 17, 1347-1349
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2010). Legends of the Fall: A Historical Ranking System Using a Logistic Transformation of Pairwise Comparisons, International Journal of Applied Economics, 7, 21-27
- Caudill, Steven; Acharya, R.; Hite, D.. (2009). A Note on Combining On-site Samples and Supplemental Samples in a Logit Model of Recreation Demand, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 16, 1319-1322
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2009). More on Testing the Normality Assumption in the Tobit Model, Journal of Applied Statistics, 36, 1345-1352
- Caudill, Steven. (2009). OSU and LSU Easy to Spell but Did They Belong? Using the Method of Paired Comparisons to Evaluate the BCS Rankings and the NCAA Football Championship Game 2007-08, Applied Economics, 41, 3225-3230
- Caudill, Steven; Duquette, C.; Mixon, F.. (2009). The Impact of Campaign Spending on Winning Open-seat Elections to the U.S. House of Representatives, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 27, 171-182
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Hartarska, Valentina. (2009). Which Microfinance Institutions are Becoming More Cost-effective with Time? Evidence from a Mixture Model, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(4), 651-672
- Caudill, Steven; Beard, R.. (2009). Who's Number One? Ranking College Football Teams for the 2003 Season, Applied Economics, 41, 307-310
- Kondeas, Alexander; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Raymond, Jennie. (2008). Deregulation and Productivity Changes in Banking: Evidence from European Unification, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 4, 193-197
- Caudill, Steven; Duquette, C.; Mixon, F.. (2008). The Impact of Money on Elections: Evidence from Open Seat Races in the United States House of Representatives, 1990-2004, Economics Bulletin, 4, 1-12
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2007). Stadium Size, Ticket Allotments, and Home Field Advantage in College Football, Social Science Journal, 44, 751-759
- Caudill, Steven. (2006). A Logit Model with Missing Information Illustrated by Testing for Hidden Unemployment in Transition Economies, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 68, 665-677
- Caudill, Steven; Chang, T.. (2006). A Note on the Long-run Benefits from International Equity Diversification for a Taiwan Investor Diversifying in the US Equity Market, International Review of Financial Analysis, 15, 57-67
- Caudill, Steven; Hudson, C.; Marshall, B.; Roumantzi, A.. (2006). An Empirical Model of One-Time Corporate Cash Disbursement Methods US Equity Market, Studies in Economics and Finance, 23, 27-50
- Caudill, Steven. (2006). Estimating the Circle Closest to a Set of Points by Maximum Likelihood using the BHHH Algorithm, European Journal of Operational Research, 172, 120-126
- Caudill, Steven; Amos, D.; Beard, T.. (2005). A Statistical Analysis of the Handling Characteristics of Certain Sporting Arms: Frontier Regression, the Moment of Inertia, and the Radius of Gyration, Journal of Applied Statistics, 32, 3-16
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2005). Analyzing Misleading Discrete Responses: A Logit Model Based on Mis-classified Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 67, 105-113
- Caudill, Steven; Chang, T.. (2005). Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Taiwan, Applied Economics, 37, 1329-1335
- Caudill, Steven; Ayuso, M.; Guillen, M.. (2005). Fraud Detection using a Multinomial Logit Model with Missing Information, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 72, 539-550
- Caudill, Steven; Groothuis, P.. (2005). Modeling Hidden Alternatives in Random Utility Models: An Application to Don't Know Responses in Contingent Valuation, Land Economics, 81, 445-454
- Caudill, Steven; Chang, T.; Liu, W.. (2004). A Re-examination of Wagner's Law for Ten Countries based on Cointegration and Error Correction Modeling Techniques, Applied Financial Economics, 14, 577-589
- Caudill, Steven; Marshall, B.; Garner, J.. (2004). Improved Classification Rules: Estimates using a Logit Model Based on Misclassified Data, Atlantic Economic Journal, 32, 256
- Caudill, Steven. (2003). Estimating a Mixture of Stochastic Frontier Regression Models Via the EM Algorithm: A Multiproduct Cost Function Application, Empirical Economics, 28, 581-598
- Caudill, Steven. (2003). Predicting Discrete Outcomes with the Maximum Score Estimator: The Case of the Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament, International Journal of Forecasting, 19, 313-317
- Caudill, Steven; Zohrabian, A.; Traxler, G.; Smale, M.. (2003). Valuing Pre-commercial Genetic Resources: A Maximum Entropy Approach, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85, 429-436
- Caudill, Steven; Godwin, N.. (2002). Heterogeneous Skewness in Binary Choice Models: Predicting Outcomes in the Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament, Journal of Applied Statistics, 29, 991-1001
- Caudill, Steven. (2002). SFA, TFA, and a New Thick Frontier Based on Mixtures: Graphical and Analytical Comparisons, Applied Financial Economics, 12, 309-317
- Caudill, Steven; Bojanic, A.; Ford, J.. (2002). Small-Sample Properties of ML, COLS, and DEA Estimators of Frontier Models in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity: A Reply to Banker Chang and Cooper, European Journal of Operational Research, 136, 468-469
- Caudill, Steven; Chang, T.; Liu, W.. (2002). Tax-and-Spend, Spend-and-Tax, or Fiscal Synchronization: New Evidence for Ten Countries, Applied Economics, 34, 1553-1561
- Caudill, Janice; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel. (2001). Charter Status, Ownership Type, and Efficiency in the Thrift Industry, Applied Financial Economics, 11(2), 147-155
- Caudill, Steven; Colquitt, L.; Godwin, N.. (2001). Testing Efficiency Across Markets: Evidence from the NCAA Betting Market, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 28, 231-248
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (2000). AFDC Payments and Illegitimacy Ratios: A Reappraisal, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 59, 451-463
- Caudill, Steven; Zanella, F.; Mixon, F.. (2000). Is Economic Freedom One Dimensional? A Factor Analysis of Some Common Measures of Economic Freedom, Journal of Economic Development, 75, 27-40
- Caudill, Steven. (2000). Pooling Choices or Categories in Multinomial Logit Models, Statistical Papers, 41, 353-358
- Gropper, Daniel; Caudill, Steven; Beard, T.R.. (1999). Estimating Multiproduct Cost Functions Over Time Using a Mixture of Normals, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 11(3), 201-218
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1999). How Robust is the Rationality Assumption in Economics? A Statistical Test Based on Student Grade Distributions, Social Science Journal, 36, 665-673
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1999). Specification Search and Levels of Significance in Econometric Models, Eastern Economic Journal, 25, 289-300
- Caudill, Steven; Acharya, R.. (1998). A SAS Program for Estimating a Mixture of Two Normal Regressions, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 5, 846-852
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1998). Do Network News Agencies Play Their Dominant Strategies? Empirical Evidence from Lead News Stories, Applied Economics Letters, 5, 623-629
- Caudill, Steven; Acharya, R.. (1998). Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Mixture of Normal Regressions: Starting Values and Singularities, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 27, 667-674
- Caudill, Steven; Snipes, R.; Oswald, S.. (1998). Sex-role Stereotyping, Gender Biases and Job Selection: The Use of Ordinal Logit in Analyzing Likert Scale Data, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 11, 81-97
- Caudill, Steven; Bojanic, A.; Ford, J.. (1998). Small-Sample Properties of ML, COLS, and DEA Estimators of Frontier Models in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity, European Journal of Operational Research, 108, 140-148
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1998). Television Revenue and the Structure of Athletic Contests: The Case of the National Basketball Association, Eastern Economic Journal, 24, 43-50
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.; Ford, J.; Peng, T.. (1998). The Rise (or Fall) of Lottery Adoption Within the Logic of Collective Action: Some Empirical Evidence, Journal of Economics and Finance, 21, 43-49
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel. (1997). A Quality-Adjusted Price Index for Mainframe Computers, Applied Economics, 29, 1605-1610
- Beard, T.R.; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel. (1997). The Diffusion of Production Processes in the U.S. Banking Industry: A finite mixture approach, Journal of Banking and Finance, 21, 721-740
- Caudill, Steven; Nepal, S.; Somers, G.. (1996). A Stochastic Frontier Model for Fitting Tree Crown Shape in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 10, 336-353
- Caudill, Steven. (1996). Maximum Likelihood Estimation in a Model with Interval Data: A Comment and Extension, Journal of Applied Statistics, 23, 97-104
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Stephens, T.. (1996). The Effect of Charter Status on Savings and Loan Resolution Costs, Applied Economics Letters, 3, 293-297
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1996). Winning and Ticket Allotments in College Football, Social Science Journal, 33, 451-457
- Caudill, Steven; Ford, J.; Mixon, F.; Peng, T.. (1995). A Discrete-Time Hazard Model of Lottery Adoption, Applied Economics, 27, 555-561
- Caudill, Steven; Ford, J.; Kaserman, D.. (1995). Certificate-of-Need Regulation and the Diffusion of New Innovations: A Random Coefficient Model, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10, 73-78
- Caudill, Steven; Johnson, S.; Mixon, F.. (1995). Economies of Scale in State Lotteries: An Update and Statistical Test, Applied Economics Letters, 2, 115-117
- Caudill, Steven; Ford, Jon; Gropper, Daniel. (1995). Frontier Estimation and Firm Specific Technical Inefficiency Measures in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13(1), 105-111
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1995). Modeling Household Fertility Decisions: Estimation and Testing of Censored Regression Models for Count Data, Empirical Economics, 20, 183-196
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel; Peng, Ter-Chao. (1995). Predicting Net Revenues from State Supported Lotteries, Journal of Business Forecasting, 14, 11-15
- Caudill, Steven; Hill, M.. (1995). Special Interests and the Internment of Japanese-Americans During WWII, The Freeman, 14, 444-447
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1994). Cartels and the Incentive to Cheat: Evidence from the Classroom, Journal of Economic Education, 25, 267-269
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1993). A Note on the Effects of AFDC Payments on Birthrates, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 40, 379-384
- Caudill, Steven; Oswald, S.. (1993). A Sequential Selectivity Model of the Decision of Arbitrators, Managerial and Decision Economics, 14, 261-267
- Caudill, Steven; Ford, J.. (1993). Biases in Frontier Estimation Due to Heteroscedasticity, Economics Letters, 41, 17-20
- Caudill, Steven; Mixon, F.. (1993). Estimating the Costs of Partial-Coverage Rent Controls: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 75, 727-731
- Caudill, Steven. (1993). Group Effects in Regression Models, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 40, 671-682
- Caudill, Steven; Jackson, J.. (1993). Heteroscedasticity and Grouped Data Regression, Southern Economic Journal, 60, 128-135
- Caudill, Steven; Im, B.; Kaserman, D.. (1993). Modeling Regulatory Behavior: The Economic Theory of Regulation Versus Alternative Theories and Simple Rules of Thumb, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 5, 251-262
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.. (1993). Tax Rates and Professional Tax Return Preparation: New Evidence, National Tax Journal, 46, 511-517
- Caudill, Steven; Oswald, S.. (1992). An Alternative to Bemmels' Method of Investigating Biases in Arbitration, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45, 800-804
- Bunn, Douglas; Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel. (1992). Crime in the Classroom: An Economic Analysis of Undergraduate Cheating Behavior, Journal of Economic Education, 23(3), 197-207
- Caudill, Steven. (1992). More on Grouping Coarseness in Linear Normal Regression Models, The Journal of Econometrics, 52, 407-417
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.. (1992). Racial Differences in Homeownership and Housing Wealth, 1970-1986, Economic Inquiry, 30, 83-100
- Caudill, Steven; Bojanic, A.. (1992). The Demand for Bolivian Tin, Atlantic Economic Journal, 20, 88
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.. (1992). The Impact of Participation in Intercollegiate Athletics on Individual Income and Graduation, The Review of Economies and Statistics, 73, 525-531
- Caudill, Steven; Oswald, S.. (1991). Experimental Evidence of Gender Effects in Arbitration Decisions, The Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4, 271-281
- Caudill, Steven; Beard, T.R.; Gropper, Daniel. (1991). Finite Mixture Estimation of Multiproduct Cost Functions, Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(4), 654-664
- Caudill, Steven; Gropper, Daniel. (1991). Test Structure, Human Capital and Student Performance on Economics Exams, Journal of Economic Education, 22(4), 303-306
- Caudill, Steven. (1990). Econometrics in Theory and Practice, Eastern Economic Journal, 16, 249-256
- Caudill, Steven; Ault, R.; Saba, R.. (1989). Efficient Estimation of the Costs of Rent Controls, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 71, 154-159
- Caudill, Steven; Barnett, A.; Jackson, J.. (1989). Job Search Duration and Marginal Tax Rates: An Empirical Inquiry, Southern Economic Journal, 56, 476-489
- Caudill, Steven; Jackson, J.. (1989). Measuring Marginal Effects in Limited Dependent Variable Models, The Statistician, 38, 203-206
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1989). Taxation and the Redistribution of Income, Atlantic Economic Journal, 17, 39-42
- Caudill, Steven. (1988). An Advantage of the Linear Probability Model Over Probit or Logit, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 50, 425-427
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1988). Conditions for Coefficient Stability in Input-Output Models, The Review of Business and Economic Research, 23, 29-37
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1988). Household Production and Labor Supply, International Journal of Manpower, 9, 7-9
- Caudill, Steven. (1988). The Necessity of Mining Data, Atlantic Economic Journal, 16, 11-18
- Caudill, Steven. (1988). Type I Errors After Preliminary Test for Heteroscedasticity, The Statistician, 37, 65-68
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1987). Coefficient Bias Due to Specification Search in Econometric Models, Atlantic Economic Journal, 15, 30-34
- Caudill, Steven. (1987). Dichotomous Choice Models and Dummy Variables, The Statistician, 36, 381-383
- Caudill, Steven; Long, J.. (1987). The Usage and Benefits of Paid Tax Return Preparation, National Tax Journal, 40, 35-46
- Caudill, Steven. (1985). Modelling the Demand for Optional Classes of Local Telephone Service, Economic Modelling, 2, 39-51
- Caudill, Steven; Holcombe, R.. (1985). Tax Shares and Government Spending in a Median Voter Model, Public Choice, 46, 197-205