Newsroom Listing

Bargains Disappear in Overvalued South Florida Housing Market
The average home in Southeast Florida is overvalued by more than 11 percent, the result of continued low mortgage rates and a steady supply of new residents moving to the tri-county region, according to a report from Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University.

FAU Study Shows Where Money is Best Spent to Fight a Pandemic
In deciding on how to combat pandemics like COVID-19, the total amount a government is willing to invest is critical.

Professor/Local Executive Earns Top Healthcare Management Credential
Rudy Molinet, RN, MPH, FACHE, Adjunct Professor for Executive Education at the College of Business, and Chief Executive Officer of Artemis Synergies Consulting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, recently became a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, the nation’s leading professional society for healthcare leaders.

Podcast: Floridians, the Economy, and the Vaccine
FAU's Monica Escaleras and Paul Owers discuss how Floridians are feeling about the nation's economic recovery, the COVID-19 vaccine, and more.

FAU Study: Entrepreneurs Getting Big Boost from Online Lending
Online marketplace loans are leading to a sharp rise in new businesses, evidence that the lending platforms are helping to redefine the U.S. banking industry, according to a research team that includes professors at Florida Atlantic University.

Reconsider Renting: Housing Index Shows Buying Costs Decline
Renting a home and reinvesting the money that would have been spent on owning has been the better way to build wealth, on average, for several years.