Newsroom Listing - Announcements

Seven Visiting Professors From Italy Spend Week Collaborating With College of Business Faculty
FAU’s College of Business is hosting seven faculty members from Istituto Superior Carlo Dell’ Acqua in Milan, Italy. The professors are part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Job Mobility program, which allows them to shadow other faculty members, attend classes and observe best practices at universities outside their home country.

FAU’s Sport Management MBA Ranked No. 11 Worldwide
Florida Atlantic University’s MBA in Sport Management program again improved its rankings among the world’s top 40 postgraduate sport management degrees. FAU improved to No. 11 worldwide for 2022 from No. 19 last year, according to SportBusiness, a London-based global intelligence service. Among U.S. schools, FAU jumped to No. 10 from 14. SportBusiness said the 11th annual rankings are based on two surveys, one by course officials and the other by alumni who graduated in 2019. In compiling the rankings, the company also worked with a seven-person advisory board.

KUDOS: September 2022
Kudos honors the accomplishments of FAU Business faculty, staff, and students.

KUDOS: August 2022
Kudos honors the accomplishments of FAU Business faculty, staff, and students.

Delray Beach Entrepreneur Becomes First Graduate of FAU’s Executive Ph.D. Program
FAU’s Executive Ph.D. program, a three-year course study designed for working professionals, achieved a milestone in summer 2022 with its first graduate.

FAU Receives State Grant for Cybersecurity, IT Training
FAU was awarded more than $800,000 by the state of Florida as part of a $15.6 million initiative to prepare students and mid-career professionals for jobs in the burgeoning fields of cybersecurity and information technology.