Career Outlook - Digital Marketing

Overview of Career Outlook
Important Skills for Careers in Digital Marketing
- Analytics
- Mobile
- Content Marketing
- Social Media
- Email Marketing
- Marketing Automation
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Digital Advertising
Important Qualities for Landing Jobs in Digital Marketing
- Hands-on digital work experience
- Socail media experience
- Commercial awareness
- Interest in the future of the digital industry
- General marketing experience
Digital Jobs in High Demand
- Digital marketing manager
- Social media manager
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) manager
- Digital Strategy manager
- Analytics manager
- Mobile marketing manager
- CRM and email marketing manager
- Ecommerce manager
- Pay-per-click search manager
Job Prospects for Digital Marketing Minor and Certificate Holders
Our Graduates
- Our graduates are among the most versatile and mobile professionals, transferrable
among industries and locations.
- Graduates of our programs have been placed in some of the top firms in the country
including Microsoft, Citrix, and Office Depot
- To see the recent job placement of our graduates, visit our "Where are they now?" page
- To learn more about our graduates and hear their success stories, visit our Graduates page
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