Finance Concentration
A Finance specialization gives students a competitive edge and prepares them for success in financial positions in this high-demand industry. Financial managers are not only responsible for maintaining an organization’s financial health, they also need to possess the skills to provide financial analysis, create and present financial reports, and plan and execute strategies for long-term financial success.
Students who choose the Finance specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Mergers and Acquisitions (MAN 6931)
Introduces and overviews mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other restructuring activities. Topics covered include M&A environment, regulatory environment, corporate takeover market, M&A valuation and modeling, alternative business and restructuring strategies and financing M&A deals.
Advanced Monetary Economics (ECO 6716)
Discusses in-depth the balance of payments, exchange rates and the international monetary system and stabilization policies in open economies. Emphasis on the integrated analysis of modern international finance and open-economy macroeconomics. It also presents a broad overview of exchange rate, markets and policy, monetary policy, economic integration, currency unions, and global financial crises. Emphasis on the connection between Fed and ECB policies and economic growth with a focus on emerging and developing economies.
Financial Markets (FIN 6246)
Provides both a practical and a concept-oriented treatment of the mechanics of financial markets and institutions. Examines decision-making in financial markets and the role of both short-term and long-term financial markets in the process of capital formation and allocation. Gives a thorough understanding of the financial system by examining the role of financial institutions, instruments, interest rates, central banks and government agencies in today’s market. Emphasizes how the participants in financial markets manage interest rate risk and examines factors affecting interest rates and prices in the money, savings, and capital markets.
Analysis of Financial Statements (ACG 6175)
Analyzes accounting data for purposes of auditing, fraud detection, credit and investment decisions, including bankruptcy prediction models and earnings-based equity valuation. Course emphasizes the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of financial accounting data. Curriculum includes using Bloomberg and other databases.
Multinational Finance (FIN 6605)
Discusses financial management for international companies. Sources of funds, capital structure, investment strategies, monetary exchange problems and governmental constraints on firms operating in more than one nation are discussed.
Real Estate Investment Analysis/ Real Estate Seminar (REE 6305)
Discusses real estate investment from an applied perspective. Course covers basic methodologies and procedures employed in real estate investing: real estate valuation and valuation paradigm, present and future value, solving for interest rate and time, annuities, relevant cash flows, perpetuity (present value, convergence, no-growth, and constant growth), real estate contracts, contract law, deriving CAP rates, REITS, roles of brokers (licensing laws, listing agreements, agency duties, contract brokers), mortgage mechanics and refinancing, and loan evaluation, pricing, and borrower underwriting.
*Course only offered during summer semesters.
- Can be taken to earn credit on transcripts (as a non-degree seeking student) or as a certificate
- Offered fully online
- No immunization holds
- Financial aid not usually awarded for non-degree
- https://nondegree.fau.edu/post/application/login/index.xhtml
- Pay the $30.00 application fee online
- Check FAU email. Students will be notified by email once the application has been
- Non-degree seeking students are enrolled for the course by Program Coordinator