Agapova Chosen for Fellowship To Develop Connections With Israeli Professors

By Paul Owers | 12/01/2022

Tags: Bulletins | Finance
Categories: Academics | Accolades | Faculty/Staff | Research


Anna Agapova

Anna Agapova, Ph.D., an associate professor in the finance department, has been selected to participate in a Jewish National Fund-USA fellowship to build collaboration between U.S. and Israeli institutions.

The 2022-23 Winter-Faculty Fellowship Program will take place from Dec. 26 through Jan. 8. Agapova and the other 34 participants will travel throughout Israel, meeting with professors who have the same or similar research interests. They hope to develop research projects, co-author articles and establish exchange programs.

“My goals are to establish long-term connections with Israeli universities,” Agapova said. “I selected at least eight professors I would like to meet in Israel. All of them are highly published researchers in the top Israeli universities.”

The participants also will meet with professionals in government, education and other fields and experience contemporary Israeli society, culture and historical sites.

Besides Agapova, who has taught at FAU since 2007, two other FAU professors will participate: Aditya Nayak, Ph.D., in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and Mara Schiff, Ph.D., in the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice.

Professors from the University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, Auburn University, Arizona State and other schools also will make the trip. It is a fully paid program for full-time U.S. academics from recognized institutions.

Agapova previously was designated as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar, an international educational exchange program backed by the U.S. government. She conducted gender-related research in Finland.

