Students Explore Economic Freedom, Entrepreneurship, and Reagan's Ranch

By Andrew Garrison | 09/28/2024

Tags: Economics | Features | Phil-Smith
Categories: Students


Reagan Ranch

A few College of Business Owls flew out west to attend the ‘Road to Freedom’ event in Santa Barbara, California. Hosted by Young America’s Foundation, the event allowed students to gain insight into economic policy that has historically facilitated and supported economic growth in the United States.

Notable speakers at the event included Nobel Prize-winning economist Dr. Arthur Laffer and North Korean human rights activist Yeonmi Park. Sessions covered a myriad of economic policies ranging from worker choice to regulation of digital currency. No matter the topic, all event speakers shared the common interest of raising awareness of policy actions that support American entrepreneurship and free enterprise.

Students also had the unique opportunity to take a tour of President Ronald Reagan’s Ranch. Nestled in the rolling hills of Southern California, President Reagan’s property exuded his penchant for hard work and dedication to the advancement of American interests.

Attending students are current members of the Economics Reading Group, sponsored by the Phil Smith Center for Free Enterprise. Many of the conference topics overlapped with what students read during reading group meetings.

“Visiting the Reagan Ranch really put everything we have been talking about during our reading group into perspective,” said College of Business student Gavin Gordon. “Hearing from people who lived in less free countries reminded me of the privileges we have in the US with our free market system.”

The Young America’s Foundation and President Reagan’s policy align with the Phil Smith Center’s objectives. By utilizing natural talents, employing a robust work ethic, and being free of unnecessary government regulation, one can achieve great things.

